Went afk and came back with an extra bulb XP.



I was in SI with my sorc (and pet) lvling.
I went off to dinner for about 30 mins.

When I came back my Pet was killing mobs and I had gained 1 bulb in XP for doing nothing.

As it turns out I stopped in a spawn spot for Blue con mobs.
So my pet was just killing them and I was standing there like a lemon.

I was completely OK, as my pet was doing fine.

Anyway, I thought this was kinda funny and mentioned it in guild chat.

Someone there told me it was in breach of the CoC or something.
Apparently it was considered an offence at the same level of macroing.

Is this true?

Either way it happened by accident and I didn't do it again, just wondering if it is against the CoC .


Heh, nice :D

I have a hard time seeing how this would constitute a breach of the CoC.
Unattened play via the use of macros is one thing.
Here you where just "using" a feature of your class.


Well, it is a bit dodgy, I mean I could just sign in in the morning and goto the same spot and then goto work and come back and probably have gained a couple of levels.

He said this type of thing was mentioned somewhere on the DAOc homepage ages ago.


leveled my mincer to 50 doing nothing :p (pre sorc)


That aint against the CoC. Why would it make any difference if you are watching the screen or doing the exact same thing.
Like saying that exping on blue cons are against the CoC


Originally posted by old.windforce
leveled my mincer to 50 doing nothing :p (pre sorc)

Tell me about it..
Whenever I'm in a group with a mincer in it, the mincer is always suspiciously stuck to me.
I'm sure they're just off watching TV or something while the rest of us are hard at work XP the mincer...


Theres a spot near Aegir the same, found it nice for my bonedancer just to sit there and kill constatly. Its a named mob too, but only random useless drops for around levels 23ish.

Was good because i did a lil tailoring there while my pets played :)


OK, well it sounds like it's ok, to do that...
The idea of crafting is good too...


No don't worry mate, you just got lucky. I doubt whether you could consistently find similar spawns to hlpe you all the way to 50 anyway but good luck and let us know if you do!!


Well since all forms of unattended play are forbidben by the CoC, but dont think anyone will be banning you for that.
On the other hand on the US servers i heard you might get the CSR on you for that


crazy slash robot!!!


client (customer) services representative


it IS against the CoC - it counts as unattended macroing ...

people have gotten into trouble with cabalists for leaving their pet amongst the grove nymphs in salisbury plains...

I imagine if you did it by accident you'd probably just get a 'tsk tsk don't do it again' but if you were doing it repeatedly you'd most likely get a warning/suspension etc.

So don't get too attached to it :)


So can you set your pet on the spawn, dance around like a loony whilst your pet kills the mobs, and thus not breaking the CoC since you are your PC, or is the issue here the pet doing all the work?


Originally posted by old.TeaSpoon
So can you set your pet on the spawn, dance around like a loony whilst your pet kills the mobs, and thus not breaking the CoC since you are your PC, or is the issue here the pet doing all the work?

Seems to be, you have to be AT your PC.
I guess in theory, you could be reading book by the PC...:D


Well, no1 culd see if he where at present or not. I spent ages with my BD where i did nothing.. just stood there and let the pets run around slapping greens, ofc i had to help out the silly healer a few times.

And its not against the COC. The COC states u cannot use macro or anything, here he just went afk, mythic implented mobs being aggro, not hes fault that they then attacked him. And after a certain time he goes LD(or it crashes or summit, im sure we all tried to go afk and when we came back daoc were closed) if he stands still anyway.

Id say its a part of the game. (you always have the risk of ur pet dies)


as long as yer there it's ok :)

it's if you just login, put pet amongst spawn -sod off for 12 hours that it's a problem..


I read about a cabalist that set his pet up at the entrance to Catacombs, and then went to work. He came back and his account had been suspended for a few days because his pet would leech all the mobs even if other players had pulled and thus griefing. If this spot is in an out of the way area then i cant see any harm in it, but if its a popular spot then your pet could grief other players if you are not careful.


Weeeeh 1 bub is like 4-5 Yellows at 30. Weeeeh I'm exploiting lol :p


Actually the other guy is right , it is against the CoC to leave your computer unattended and letting your pet kill . Go read it :) , like he said , constitutes unattended macroing .


It isnt a breach of the CoC, a pet is part of the class, if the pet kills then theres no breach, anyone who tries to get at you about it is talking out of the arse really because if its a pet class then basically your supposed to do things with a pet.


Originally posted by sharma
It isnt a breach of the CoC, a pet is part of the class, if the pet kills then theres no breach, anyone who tries to get at you about it is talking out of the arse really because if its a pet class then basically your supposed to do things with a pet.
but you are suposed to be at your computer when the pet does it.

ppl on US servers have been bitch slaped for doing this

I couldnt care less aslong as it happens in low population spots


whats really nice is sending your pet into an agro area with a nice Heal over time buff + minstrel powersong and ablative chant when you have the focus shield on..

leave pet to go go afk for a bit ;)



Goin back to original debate - how would anybody know if there was no grief going on.

As a couple of people have said - a person could be sat at the PC, reading a book, doing the crossword, ironing, whatever in front of the PC - or a person could be afk - toilet, work, cooking dinner etc.

No-one would know unless someone came along and messaged with /send /s etc etc.

What if, u go to the loo, leaving ur pet fighting, cme back, ure still alive and someone has messaged you. Someone who is stood in front of you and can see you are AFK for whatever reason. Would you get a ban / suspension simply because you weren't there for 2 minutes ?

Its one of those things where proof would be needed i think. (not proof of going to the loo) but u know what i mean.

Actively chatting in GU etc or CG would probably prove you were not AFK. But a couple / several hours where u don't say a word in game - would show as most definately being AFK and exploiting the use of the above mentioned antics.

I dunno. I havent read up on the COC about this lately, so can't remember what it says on the subject. But my personal view is , if it can be proved that ur not AFK , OR that u are afk for only a few moments, then carry on. If you can't prove your not AFK, hang the buggers ;)


Re: But...

Originally posted by tripitaka
Actively chatting in GU etc or CG would probably prove you were not AFK. But a couple / several hours where u don't say a word in game - would show as most definately being AFK and exploiting the use of the above mentioned antics.

2 hour idle server kick > afk for hours ;)

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