Well some1 need to speak with the arms TL...



to play an armsman it requiresmore skill then ppl think tbh, what ever spec u use u gotta learn it well, all specs have there advantages and disadvantages, im hybrd spec, defenders rage is the big hitter for pole imo, higher than any other style, but its hard to get off, cuz zerkers do insane damage without styling if they see a pole, and shadowblade even now learn not to style, when u can get it off ive taken a hero down to 20% with rage/revenge combo in the past (slash spec) and he been stunned to no ip etc =p, but it happens rarely....

however i have also, with cripplingblow, hit a luri enchanter for 100 damage, which tbh seems insanely low.

i like having to spec base damage to use pole, i think its cool, BUT atm it doesnt work....what i would liek to see changed :

1)more spec points so we can get higher 1h, shield and pole all round(or uber parry for the pure polers)
2)styles fixed (poleaxe is jsut stupid) so that the heavy hitters trigger off soemthign easier, or maybe make poleaxe hit heavy from side or something
3)more endurance, we are armsman, we wear a full set of plate and carry 3 heavy weapons,so we should be able to do more than 3 slams, or 4 or so hits with a pole, its crazy.(this prolly applys to warriors and heros to, dunno tbh but if think if we all suffer from a lack of end then, let us have more, giving paladin end chant was NOT the answer)


The solution is to just make a friar. Simple.



Originally posted by froler-mid
Arms rocks.

compare em too warriors.....warrios got_nothing_special_for thier class. Arms got pole, heros spears. warriors got...2h(?) which is gimped as a warrior(shield is only way too go as warrior imo)

yeah, poster needs to NOT compare armsman to zerk for instance

and wewy nice to only point out the downsides with the class


Re: Re: Re: Re: Well some1 need to speak with the arms TL...

Originally posted by Kagato.
The pole styles are much more attractive then the two-handed styles but it depends wether you run with the zerg or like to duel it out.

As for damage type and strength, let me make this quite clear as its frightening how many people don't know it.

ALL polearms are strength based, 100% strength, nothing else, regardless of wether they are slash,crush or thrust. So go for a highlander, get good strength and pick whichever damage type you fancy the most as its all strength regardless.

Its only two-handed thrust thats 75% strength and 25% dex and all that funny business.

Personally I like thrust polearms, but pick whichever you fancy.

i planing going on Fg vs Fg with my guild
neither zerging like mindless alb nor go like stealther searching 1vs1 cause when a fg see you will not think...he is alone let him...


Originally posted by Treniel-
all that needs sorting with armsman is the spec line tbh...we are a pretty average tank like gunnerr says we perform decentish all the time rather than being crap like zerkers are when they not in beserker mode thingy, moose are a pretty good tank but w/o moose they are easy. Wouldn't mind sum debuffs though ala champion and warrior need same thing

Come fight a non-ratmode zerker in chain with 1600hp instead of 2600+cheap IP

You have no idea how fast they kill non-tanks >_<

My opinion is that armsman strength lies in being very easily about to go hybrid sword'N'board/polearm and not losing much in the process.


who said armsmen were supposed to kill anything anyway?


Of course, I forgot how defence their class-defining polearms can be!

Arnor attacks you with his axe!
Ialkarn blocks you from the attack with that really small thingy on the end of his polearm, you know? the flat bit of a poleaxe or bardich


Originally posted by Falcore
to play an armsman it requiresmore skill then ppl think tbh, what ever spec u use u gotta learn it well, all specs have there advantages and disadvantages, im hybrd spec, defenders rage is the big hitter for pole imo, higher than any other style, but its hard to get off, cuz zerkers do insane damage without styling if they see a pole, and shadowblade even now learn not to style, when u can get it off ive taken a hero down to 20% with rage/revenge combo in the past (slash spec) and he been stunned to no ip etc =p, but it happens rarely....

however i have also, with cripplingblow, hit a luri enchanter for 100 damage, which tbh seems insanely low.

i like having to spec base damage to use pole, i think its cool, BUT atm it doesnt work....what i would liek to see changed :

1)more spec points so we can get higher 1h, shield and pole all round(or uber parry for the pure polers)
2)styles fixed (poleaxe is jsut stupid) so that the heavy hitters trigger off soemthign easier, or maybe make poleaxe hit heavy from side or something
3)more endurance, we are armsman, we wear a full set of plate and carry 3 heavy weapons,so we should be able to do more than 3 slams, or 4 or so hits with a pole, its crazy.(this prolly applys to warriors and heros to, dunno tbh but if think if we all suffer from a lack of end then, let us have more, giving paladin end chant was NOT the answer)

I'd be happy if they just changed Poleaxe to a medium or low endurance cost style with a medium to high bonus to hit, it would make it far more simpler to use as a back-up style when trying to pull of the Defenders combo which I pretty much rely on as a pure-poler.

Also the level 50 Defenders Aegis style is very nice, good damage and the long duration movement reduction, but the opening being phalanx is silly, fair enough its designed for dealing with people running away but by the time your ready to use your second swing they'll be gone. The should of just made this style back-positional itself in the first place.


when where pala's ever gimps? just need to know how to play them...like all class's


Mythic's justification of armsmen being the worst of the 3 main tanks is they get plate.





Hmm, i once was thrust pole, but imo every tank should have slam... Only way to go then is either s/s or hybrid, but i don't like being hybrid, way too much work switching weapons ;)

Don't know about rvr yet tho... all I know is slam owns :p


btw, I wonder why a arms with plate gets hit for more dam then a zerker with no plate ? 0_o


cos zerkers have best melee damage output in the game? :x

and that armsmen have the choice to be both defensive or semi offensive going 2h/pole - while the zerker cant choose this.. due to no shield specc and crap armour..


I think the problem is that this guy doesnt feel Uber tank.

Well i dont like uber chars (i play a gimp pally) so congratulations man, you must be a skilled player to get rps :).

Btw in pvp i had a RR5 Hero, full Spear and the hardest guys 1vs1 were champions,some friar and Armsmans of course. Well played armsman is almost the best pure tank game (34% absorb and nice pole styles).

Hit ^_^

gunz is lvl52+ he easely break low lvl hib pbt whit hes 2hander.


is it me being thick or does pbt not stop on a stunned/mezzed char? hence hybrid just pops pbt, slams, switches to pole/2h then hits its best combo, and has killed any caster b4 they come outta stun or get healed? don't seem all that hard when every hero/warrior/thane does it fine, is it just albs that ain't learned this yet?


Originally posted by ab_fluid
is it me being thick or does pbt not stop on a stunned/mezzed char? hence hybrid just pops pbt, slams, switches to pole/2h then hits its best combo, and has killed any caster b4 they come outta stun or get healed? don't seem all that hard when every hero/warrior/thane does it fine, is it just albs that ain't learned this yet?

Ehm do it loads of times... maybe never met you in rvr I guess... point is that most of the times there is a warden also in group if warden not mezzed or stunned pbt is on, this slam not hitting, mezz runs out, own pbt is on and so you miss 2nd as well...


u could also harrass the elf/bard to run otu of pbt range ^^


bard is like a primary target, if he gots his pbt on tanks are almost useless against hibs


Ialkarn was the first one that was rly dangerous for my troll back in the good old days. (grond).


Just wanted to ask :p There's an arms (Khaledor nickname i think) at Broceliande french server rr10 or smthing. How can he be so high if arms is gimped?:p Does he cheat?^^

I say use endu potions and protect casters:p



Arms S/S speccing...u aint making biggest hits.

Armsman 2H, most people here talking about pole styles...2H style line has 3 stuns.

2 move, starting with _anytime_ style, 5 sec stun.

2 move, starting with side style, 9 sec stun.

1 move, back style, 2 sec stun.

- Are u gonna stun any caster/support class with pole styles...think not.

- 2H styles are all _low_ & _medium_ end cost but 2 moves which u dont have to use.

Damage speaking 2H style onslaught cap damage is currently 625 with 4.8 spd/16.5dps/99 qua weapon having 87 qui/49+15 2H.

Many cursing bt with slow weapons...ever tryed to use very fast weapon to broke bt then switching to slow one...rince and repeat?...Nope? thought so too.

I have been wondering why armsmen dont get soldiers barricade RA? Personally I dont know anyone who has it.
It brings large 300 AF bonus to _group_ for 30 sec every 30 min. Its about 33% melee damage reducer making clerics work way easier and prolly saves whole group sometimes. All clerics get BOF but arms just get past their own similar RA...pah.

Zerker and arms are both fun to play with their own strengths and weaknesses. As fun factor, I enjoy both very much.

Offen grass is greener syndrome going when ppl moaning.


Always wondered just how much AF the barricade RA gave, never seen the actual figure quoted anywhere before.

Problem with poles is there only uber when you can pull of the Defenders 2 hit combo, which of cause simply isn't going to happen against casters or anyone not directly fighting you. so most of the time its down to the crappy Crippling Blow / Disabler or Mangle combination. And these days alot of the enemies have wizened up to using styles on polearmers. Wouldn't swap my character for anything else though I still love it.


Like fluid said .... Hit w/o style = you break BT, Slam, Pole+Pole...(stun effect goes) and at the third pole style Caster Down.

CEltic spear or pole + slam = bye bye casters.


Hybrid is easily best spec imo....makes u a lot more useful than someone specced fully in larger weapons or SnS having had both specs in rvr and a decent length of time to try them out...can defend casters or go offensive and bash some bards/casters all you miss out on is some parry...

There is not a huge difference in dmg output. You're not going to be able to beat pole armsman 1v1 with pole only obviously but what does that matter exactly ? :)

either that or go hybrid and gimp yourself imo

Lot of baws imo :)

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