Well some1 need to speak with the arms TL...



well were i can find where the arms TL posts or reads?
well i think he is not doing his job very good =P
arms still are the weakest tank-dmg dealer from all 3 realm tank..
lets see hibs got heroes...which they have uber life
and mids got zerkers which they have uber dmg
arms got...hm? shit?

well being in rvr i realise that arms are really gimp....
the super decrease for IP and Purge was great indeed...but look also heroes and zerks take those decreases.....
arms needs a boost or sthing......
dunno maybe a self reg endu will even help them a bit...
dunno really
a pole arms sure deals a lot of dmg but heck you run on 5,5 or 5,0 sec pole....why zerkers took the same amount of dmg with lets say 2sec? nah
i need to speak to this TL really......=p

ps. and on 1,60 NOTHING and on 1,61 seams the same shits arms will take the dick
ps1. well recently i brought my sc plate with cap resist/hits/stats and with my mp sabre/small shield i still feel weak when i see a zerker or a spearo ..
ps2. the prevent flight is awesome RA but HECK 14 points? are you mad mythic? i have spent a lot of realm skill to determ4 (go for 5) aom2 and purge ip...it is not very easy to go rr10 you know......

and yes i will change him to pole...at least with a mp pole i can deal some serious dmg and hiting like girl with a shoe....i will pay 2p for that and i am gonna love his dmg not like now =\
any help appreciated =]=]



do not laugh we got a serious prob here :):)


Hmm, going to a pole while most hib groups have 3 sec pbt might leave you very frustrated....
Better to do little damage, but interupt that caster.
But yes, at the moment Armsman are feeling a bit left out.
Regards, Glottis


Originally posted by Glottis_Xanadu
Hmm, going to a pole while most hib groups have 3 sec pbt might leave you very frustrated....
Better to do little damage, but interupt that caster.
But yes, at the moment Armsman are feeling a bit left out.
Regards, Glottis

this is what i still thinking and do not go to pole....
better to do gimp damage than no damage =p=p


Or don't go S/S OR pole...do a gunz and be uber 2-handed!! Then you can break BT and still do good damage :p



Originally posted by old.shotgunstow
Or don't go S/S OR pole...do a gunz and be uber 2-handed!! Then you can break BT and still do good damage :p

how much dmg can a 2h sword deals and at what speed run? lower from 5 sec i suppose [ well to be able to go through pbt you need sthing about hmmm 4,5secs?]


Arms rocks.

compare em too warriors.....warrios got_nothing_special_for thier class. Arms got pole, heros spears. warriors got...2h(?) which is gimped as a warrior(shield is only way too go as warrior imo)


Hmm, judging from your BW alias, you seem to at least think you are good? :p


Originally posted by Belomar
Hmm, judging from your BW alias, you seem to at least think you are good? :p

did i say that? ............. :p


Originally posted by gunZ-
how can u complain about shit dmg when you're defence spec Oo

well leave the dmg issue.......don't you think that arms miss sthing ? comparing them with zerkers and heroes ....
well we are not all rr8 i think =]


zerkers have uber dmg but shit defence and when they rat they have even worse defence

hero's are v.v.lucky in the way that they don't need to spec a dmg type along with heavy weaps

if there's 1 thing that should be fixed is that armsmen have to spec 2 lines to be able to do damage, either that or go hybrid and gimp yourself imo


Armsman spec'd in pole do the most base damage in a single hit then any other class in the game, period. Hell its only recently that warriors have had there damage increased to compete, so how can you complain about it?

Simple fact is that a hero can be powerful once every half an hour, a zerker can be a threat once every 7 minutes, warriors, well, there never really a threat at any time :flame: but the point is an Armsman is running at peak efficency every single minute, we do not need to rely on any silly timered abilities to win. Hell even mercs and blademasters can win once every half an hour if they have there class power up, but if your spec'd right you know you can deal with most enemy tanks at any time.

If your having problems spec to pole, im not the boasting sort but I have no problems soloing enemy tanks of any class in odins that I happen across, timered abilities on or not.


gunner is _the_ hardest hitting arsman in albion.

(and he's not specced in pole or any of that crap)


wtf? hib grps with 3sec pbt? :eek:


Originally posted by powahhdagod
don't you think that arms miss sthing?

yes i do, they're missing the extra points they need to spend in base dmg to reduce varience. none of the hib or mid heavy tank/hybrids need to do this, giving them the ability to spec 50-2hand 39-parry 42-shield 6-base(for taunt)

this needs correcting and i really dont know why the Arms TL isnt pushing for it.

heh i used to laugh at warriors too and even feel sorry for them, must suck to get 50lvls to find your average at everything. but since the "love patch" & +20% melee bonus im not laughing quite so loud.


Originally posted by old.Tzeentch
gunner is _the_ hardest hitting arsman in albion.

i've dueled a few and i have to say wildpt hits alot harder


lol love people who say arms got something special over warriors.
Polearm is purely another 2 handed weapon, just like warriors have. We have to spec our baseline damage for it (which in a way itself proves polearm is nothing special).


all that needs sorting with armsman is the spec line tbh...we are a pretty average tank like gunnerr says we perform decentish all the time rather than being crap like zerkers are when they not in beserker mode thingy, moose are a pretty good tank but w/o moose they are easy. Wouldn't mind sum debuffs though ala champion and warrior need same thing


Ialkarn hits fooking hard, works nicely if you have a pala running along side him, chuffy does pretty nasteh damage aswell=>


Originally posted by powahhdagod
well were i can find where the arms TL posts or reads?
well i think he is not doing his job very good =P
arms still are the weakest tank-dmg dealer from all 3 realm tank..
lets see hibs got heroes...which they have uber life
and mids got zerkers which they have uber dmg
arms got...hm? shit?

well being in rvr i realise that arms are really gimp....
the super decrease for IP and Purge was great indeed...but look also heroes and zerks take those decreases.....
arms needs a boost or sthing......
dunno maybe a self reg endu will even help them a bit...
dunno really
a pole arms sure deals a lot of dmg but heck you run on 5,5 or 5,0 sec pole....why zerkers took the same amount of dmg with lets say 2sec? nah
i need to speak to this TL really......=p

ps. and on 1,60 NOTHING and on 1,61 seams the same shits arms will take the dick
ps1. well recently i brought my sc plate with cap resist/hits/stats and with my mp sabre/small shield i still feel weak when i see a zerker or a spearo ..
ps2. the prevent flight is awesome RA but HECK 14 points? are you mad mythic? i have spent a lot of realm skill to determ4 (go for 5) aom2 and purge ip...it is not very easy to go rr10 you know......

and yes i will change him to pole...at least with a mp pole i can deal some serious dmg and hiting like girl with a shoe....i will pay 2p for that and i am gonna love his dmg not like now =\
any help appreciated =]=]

mabe becase your swor d and shield

............. PALDAIDN WANAN BE etc irl... go /respec to polearm mkthxn


There are rumours they've not checked damage very well... Seems slash and crush poles hardly get high figures and that thrust poles do insane amount of damage... (like a thruster doing 600 on a non thrust weak armor and a slash/crush on a slash/crush weak armor only 400)
Still a rumour but it needs investigation. Furthermore what was in previous TL report (1.57) our snare styles (and also from other realms big weapons) don't work (this is still from day 1 daoc went live).


Re: Re: Well some1 need to speak with the arms TL...

Originally posted by Sol-
mabe becase your swor d and shield

............. PALDAIDN WANAN BE etc irl... go /respec to polearm mkthxn

well this thing i keep thinking from 1,57..since they give the endu regen on a pala HEck .. they can't do anythin good..! gimp dmg gimp everything...but they feck got endu regen = slam like
well before 1,57 there was no endu regen so pala wasss so gimp they didn't be able to do anything good [ok maybe give you the body shard and give you some body resist when the mezz war start and then twist to energy or heat chants for nuke resist]
and from 1,57 they took endu regen and they start to do sthin good..slam like hell

that's why i start thinking after i spent all those money to make a sc suite and mp sword...wtf? he do shit slam from arms? and what those pala gonna do ? hit like pussies? =]

well now i take the decision to change him to dmg dealer
but what should i choose? pole or 2h .. pole does massive dmg 2h deals a really good amount of dmg and have a average speed which can go through pbt and other nice tricks that mids/hibs got
and mids/hibs do not play on 10sec pbt as we do cause of the very weak spec on earth from our theus they ran all the time in 6s pbt and some times in even lower [2 wardens are really nasty...]
so what do you advice me? with the current things [arms gets a shit on 1,60]
pole or 2h ? =]

and if pole does arms get a + to dmg to slash dmg type cause of mega str that he got or it is better to go to thrust dmg?


Re: Re: Re: Well some1 need to speak with the arms TL...

Originally posted by powahhdagod
well this thing i keep thinking from 1,57..since they give the endu regen on a pala HEck .. they can't do anythin good..! gimp dmg gimp everything...but they feck got endu regen = slam like
well before 1,57 there was no endu regen so pala wasss so gimp they didn't be able to do anything good [ok maybe give you the body shard and give you some body resist when the mezz war start and then twist to energy or heat chants for nuke resist]
and from 1,57 they took endu regen and they start to do sthin good..slam like hell

that's why i start thinking after i spent all those money to make a sc suite and mp sword...wtf? he do shit slam from arms? and what those pala gonna do ? hit like pussies? =]

well now i take the decision to change him to dmg dealer
but what should i choose? pole or 2h .. pole does massive dmg 2h deals a really good amount of dmg and have a average speed which can go through pbt and other nice tricks that mids/hibs got
and mids/hibs do not play on 10sec pbt as we do cause of the very weak spec on earth from our theus they ran all the time in 6s pbt and some times in even lower [2 wardens are really nasty...]
so what do you advice me? with the current things [arms gets a shit on 1,60]
pole or 2h ? =]

and if pole does arms get a + to dmg to slash dmg type cause of mega str that he got or it is better to go to thrust dmg?

The pole styles are much more attractive then the two-handed styles but it depends wether you run with the zerg or like to duel it out.

As for damage type and strength, let me make this quite clear as its frightening how many people don't know it.

ALL polearms are strength based, 100% strength, nothing else, regardless of wether they are slash,crush or thrust. So go for a highlander, get good strength and pick whichever damage type you fancy the most as its all strength regardless.

Its only two-handed thrust thats 75% strength and 25% dex and all that funny business.

Personally I like thrust polearms, but pick whichever you fancy.


well, I'm hybrid.......and I still do pretty good damage with my pole BUT I can block allot to, so I can go to PvE with no loss........kinda a gain there no ?

anywase, pole damage IS to low for the speed it has, I saw zerkers hitting me with same dam but like every 2secs 0_O now that scares me

as for respeccing......powahh wait a sec till next TL report and if mythic might change something about armsman ya dont want to fuck it up from the beginning eh :)

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