Wedge has gone where no Albion has gone before...


Bleri McThrust


Well if they ban you Wedge for what you did we are going to find an awful lot of people not being able to play because of bans.

As I read it, you stumbled upon a situation whilst doing your usuall nightly walk. As most fair and reasonable people would do you decided to explore the new land you had found.

After you had finished exploring you decided to share your experience, without declaring the location of the bugged wall. You were, as you have always seemed in game, open and honest about what happened.

There is the unfortunate incident of 4 people dying, 1 grey 2 yellows and yourself. But I just wonder how many players on here, in the same situation, would have come back with so few deaths. Or how many would have tried to keep it quiet and do it again maybe sharing it with friends. That in my opinion would have been exploitation.

So thanks Wedge for sharing it, wish it had happened to me :)

And to all those that flamed him you should be thankfull it wasnt someone else.


Originally posted by yaruar

So if I wandered along the walls in the alb or hib frontier till I found a gap and kept walking till I made it through to the homelands you would be ok. As long as I was doing it out of curiosity.

What about if I accidently wandered into a lowbie xping area out of curiosity, And of course they would probably attack me. What if I killed them because I was curious about how many I could one shot.....
What about if I killed all the solo yellow and blues that spotted me, because I hadn't seen all I wanted to see?
It's only a tiny step on, I suspect if wedge had met a solo yellow or blue on the bridge he would have killed it because his curiosity wanted to see more and then kept going. Just happens he was taken out by a few people.

Maybe I will wait to see if wedge is banned or suspended then spend the following week accidently walking the walls and out of curiosity wandering round lowbie areas of alb accidently hitting people who try to stop my exploring.....

stupid points ?
Wedge didn't kill them cuz he saw them - he didn't kill grays cause they attacked him... IF you read he actually letted a grey one hit him as much as he wanted to - cuz he got parried and blocked all the time - until he got bored of attacking him and tagged along... he only killed the yellow one cuz the yellow one charged him first.. and since he wanted to keep exploring (which is the best part of the game imo) he of course killed it so he could continue his exploring.....!! he didn't actually charge any for him self - but he defended him self, which isn't bug abusing imo... if they charge - they should count on dying... so next time plz DO read it all a bit better ;) since that comment is redigioulus imho! :D and you middies or hibs should be welcome in alb land - if you UNLIKE shade doesn't kill any ;)
btw since ur realm was the first bug-abusers - you shouldn't complain ;)

old.Im pac man!!

Hey WEDGE lets open a travel agency in CAMELOT. Our guild could make a killing selling holidays in MIDGARD. You fell like assuming the tour guide position???

I can see it now. Wedge: " .... and to your left you have the pictoresque village of gotar. Please dont feed the animals and dont touch that nasty thane. "

:D :D :D :D :D

BTW i dont mind you guys coming over to albion for sightseeing.
Killing all you find, now that a problem.


Heh, nice. Shame you're not a stalther, could just /wave at people till they got confused :[


Would make a nice change to go site seeing in mid land :)


hehe nice.. its bug abuse and its not nice to actually kill any1 when u enter, I wanted to go pay albs and/or hibs a friendly non-killing visit myself but couldnt find the red pill.. some1 told me it only works to enter midgard :(

I havent played for some 10 days, but the last 14 days before I stopped, albs (I think it was albs, might have been some hibs also) entered midgard realm and killed ALOT of lowbies around myrkwood (lowbie+highlvl zone, exp for the lowbies, teaming up for the high-lvl exp parties for epic zone + highlvl cave)
One time it got kinda serious, more than 50 guys got killed I think.. alot of us were on their tail but just as we ALMOST found them (around 10 sec run away from last /loc kill) some Gm who was informed earlier had moved them out from the realm

the pathetic part was that the next day they were back for the same action.. GG GOA ?! :puke:


"Where no Albion has gone before..."?

There have been so many albs and hibbies going through those holes in the zone wall that Mythic should redo the map boundaries and put a revolving door there.


IMHO, some of you guys really take this game too serious... :p

(cant I just lock this thread myself :rolleyes: )


Yeah, what's the big deal about cheating anyways? Everybody does it. :rolleyes:


Probably been mentioned before but this bug is a known one , and also several people have been forced to take a brief holiday from daoc after suspended accounts for abusing it, you also need to be careful of it as i know people have accidentally fallen into it on one of our hunting trips and could not get back through, till GM's relocated them.


To Light

Just a FYI, when someone stealthed through the gates in the US Mythic stated it was -not- bug abusing but they still fixed it since they thought it would ruin the game play. So Shade did technically not abuse a bug even though it would get fixed in a later patch. This topic has discussed so many times already that I'm not gonna start it again, just wanted to point it out.


rofl nice one Wedge AND Shade for posting the screenies - gave me a good laugh :clap:

Nice to see something a little different :)


Originally posted by old.Ransom

just chill out its a game
no game is perfect at least it doesnt have the cheats Counter Strike has or other FPS games

Ahem - wallbugging, speedhack, daoc unleashed, other general bug-abusers........
I beg to differ

Bug-abusers are imo the same as cheaters


hmm this hole in the walls, is it in albs and hibs fronmtires aswell, also where in the mid frontier is it, if uhtink im gonna go rps farming ur wrong, i just wanna see, emainl me at if u dont want everyone knowing u told!


Originally posted by hellopp
hmm this hole in the walls, is it in albs and hibs fronmtires aswell, also where in the mid frontier is it, if uhtink im gonna go rps farming ur wrong, i just wanna see, emainl me at if u dont want everyone knowing u told!

This is at least the third forum you have posted in asking to be shown this bug. Grow up, kid, stop being such an immature brat, and stop trying to cheat.:twak: :twak: :twak: :twak: :twak:


i saw the pictures of Shade in albion, i couldn't stop laughing it was so funny :) :) :) :)

also loved the part where he was at the entrance to barrows and there was a crowd of a about 20 albs that couldn't see him :clap:

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