Wedge has gone where no Albion has gone before...



Wedge has gone where no Albion has gone before... (screenies fixed)

Ok, first of all, yes I used a bug, and I will take responsibility for my actions (if any)... And NO, I won’t show anyone how I did it...

Now lets get the story going ;)

I was walking from a certain place in the Midgard frontier to another certain place in the Midgard frontier… Following the end of map, like any good Albion would do, to (try and) avoid patrols… Till all of a sudden, I walk through the end of map, till I see the REAL end of map (the map actually stops, nothing further)… So I think, ok, its easier to avoid patrols, so what the heck…

Now I walk quite some time at this end of map, till, out of the void, I see land approaching… So thought, hey, that’s new ;)

My hart was pounding when I saw the message “You have entered Vale of Mularn” …

Now lets make things clear, I only killed 1 gray (my bad :p ) and I think 2 yellows… After that time I was killed… The only real reason I was there, was curiosity… Not RP’s (or I would have gone one a killing spree and stayed hidden, instead of following the road)

There’s not much more to say, except to give you guys some screenies… Took 32 of my stay there… Their quite large, 150~200kb per picture… No innocent (as far as they exist) middies were hurt during my trip…

1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

Withnail <>


After bumping into Wedge near Ft Veldon, I can confirm that he wasn't hunting. We had a bit of a wave and a bit of a dance and he went off on his merry way/

Withnail / Hoho <Blooded Fist>

Herbal Remedy

msg came to you today from the fix the bloody screen shots group


Wedge has logged of for the night.. he prolly wont be on to fix them till tomorow...

ill see if i can catch him before


Re: Wedge has gone where no Albion has gone before

Hold on, have a glass of water, have the red pill, or wuteva, and read.

You're not the first ! JimJum was the first ever... got screenies to prove it. He didnt abuse the gap in the zone wall, he didnt elude guards, he just entered through yggdra's gates, opened them meself for him.
Still, it was a bug abuse. It happens when you get killed before the game fully loads, and you see yourself standing, you can walk, but the others see you dead. I was in yggdra at teh time, and I see this Saracen's corpse moving on the ground after me, so I stick to him, and he leads me to the gates. I open them, and he walks in... so I took him to audliten, then all the way up to vasud and jordheim. Some midies got scared and even ran :)


:) I hate to correct you..but I think Shade was the first char who ever entered an enemy realm (in beta - by stealthing through the pk).

And I release..I was the first (well, the first Hibernian). I "misused" the same bug, that Icy did. (screenies at "").

But anyway....great job on that Icy :)


That bug is known for ages i know a guy that have done it alot of times even if i tryed to exploit it several times without any success...

After several trys we found that might be a little client side problem...

What pc u have?

Processor Ram and Graphic card

If they're bad we might be right :)


Nice one Wedge ;)

Shade was the first as stated earlier in this thread, but he did it ALIVE! :m00: :m00: :m00:


A note to people that think it might be a good idea to go gank a couple of greys in Midgard: people have gotten their accounts suspended for abusing this bug. Any repeated offenses and you probably find yourself at the store buying a new copy of DAoC :p


Ok, damn should have checked the pix b4 going to bed, fixed now ;)

Enjoy... And flame away, already had a good laugh from the middie forum as they did exactly what I expected... Probably forgotten the little Shade incident...

And didnt shade kill numerous level 30's around barrows?

Arg, who carez, I did it for the fun, (almost) no middies where harmed during the taking of these screenies...

(Ok, so I wasnt the first one to enter another realm, and I wasnt the first Alb, its the idea that counts ;) and Shade, didnt he do it in the release? )
(btw, I never saw the mid gate... ooh and for all whiners, I filled in a rightnow myself, seeing a lot of mids probably did the same)


Originally posted by Killtoons

After several trys we found that might be a little client side problem...

What pc u have?

Processor Ram and Graphic card

If they're bad we might be right :)

I hate to ruin your theory on that. I don't have a highend-machine (anymore) but it's far away from crappy.

Got a
AMD TB 1000Mhz
Geforce 3 (Elsa Gladiac 920)
384 MB SDRAM (PC-133)


who care's if he reported it the zone walls will be fixed in the new patch

its something i would like to do i think we all would just to go vist a new realm with a high level and just to scare some gray's half to death :)

well done wedge nice one


I'm almost 100% sure a few mids pissed their pants ;)

One gray even tried to attack me, he never even missed, all blows where parried & blocked... after a while, he gave up, I bowed and walked on... He followed, had to save him a few times.. (seeing I ran into gray agro mobs, that kinda attacked him, so killed the mobs for him)

Then also met a skald that tried to attack me, he kinda didnt gave up... Gave him 1 smack (no style with 1H) for 150 damage, he got the hint and also started following me... :clap:

Oohwell, that was just b4 I was ganked at the bridge...


Re: Wedge has gone where no Albion has gone before... (screenies fixed)

Originally posted by Icy

Now lets make things clear, I only killed 1 gray (my bad :p ) and I think 2 yellows… After that time I was killed… The only real reason I was there, was curiosity… Not RP’s (or I would have gone one a killing spree and stayed hidden, instead of following the road)

My question is..

Having gone through out of curiosity and knowing it was a bug, why did you kill anyone?

You might not have been after RP, but why then did you kill people?

Sounds more like you killed a grey, got bored and went after yellows till you died.

Like it or not you committed bug abuse.

I could understand if you went for a wander and didn't draw your weapon, but you killed, therefore you commited a serious breach of the TOS.

Whether or not you are suspended or banned is up to goa. You say "my bad" about ganking a grey but you knew you would kill him in one shot and you knew it was bug abuse so you should be responsible for your actions and take whatever is coming.

TBH I'm getting bored of albs and hibs abusing these bugs.

I think there have been about 3 or 4 people in the last couple of weeks exploiting the wall bug and killing (notably two hibs in goltar the other week ganking greys)

FFS, if yo ufind yourself in another realm, and you aren't there to kill remove your weapons and don't draw them and get killed by the first thing that comes along.

I haev no sympathy, and this sounds like a post grovelling to try to stop any punishment by goa.
You abused a bug, you deliberately killed people knowing of the consequences, deal with it.


LMAO dude, I just wanted to get into another zone... If I was there just to hunt, why the heck was I walking on the road in plain sight?

I bowed, waved, danced with the first yellow I saw (he was with the gray btw)... I then continued walking (I didnt attack first)... He stunned me, mezzed me several times, then started bashing in on me... What should I do, I wasnt done watching, so I killed him... Forgot where I was and also ganked the gray.... (and no, wasnt a 1 hit kill)

If I was out for RP's, I would have stayed more stealthy (as far as thats possible with an armsman)... And ganked each and every middie...

I saw several middies after that, waved, danced, saluted, and walked on... Entered svea smmt, saw the city... Thought, this is a nice place to die... Walked over the bridge and got ganked...

I spend more then 1 hour there, and got, hold your horses, 200 rps... Now :clap:

That was worth my trip, ooh w8, THATS LOUSY rp's... Some of you guys really take this game too serious... Man, even fellow middies say I wasnt out there to hunt...

As I said, this was funny... 3 mids died, if they want something in return, let them PM me, and I'll let them kill me (except the gray, cause he couldnt hit me :rolleyes: ) ... I'm worth a nice 300~450 rp's (or so I've been told)...

(and as for getting bored of killing grays, LMAO, I was in Yggdra omw to Uppland, what to kill yellow / higher con? HELL NO! ;) )


Originally posted by Icy
Ok,Enjoy... And flame away, already had a good laugh from the middie forum as they did exactly what I expected... Probably forgotten the little Shade incident...

And didnt shade kill numerous level 30's around barrows?

As usual people (ie non middies) forget that shade didnt abuse any bug.. but used HIGH stealth to walk thru the Frontier keep ... waiting for ppl to open the keep doors so he could sneak thru ..
see for yourself

if any alb/hib did that .. i wouldnt have a problem with it.. since they --legally-- walked thru and didnt used a bug. Now for those who do get thru on a bug, why didnt you sit down and got killed.. but NO you walked around and killed ppl .. after all you made it to audliten...

I dont wanna be an ass about it.. but i do hope you get suspended for it...


LMAO, Shade did abuse a bug, because it has been 'fixed' in the current version... (Guards have gotten see-all ability)...

But hey, you cant take a joke, I dont mind... :sleeping:


right I have been quiet reading this and I cannot understand the logic of Midgard people its like u live in a bubble of reality or summin

Shade intentionally went into Albion land and killed people, which was against the rules no matter how much you dress it up!! He intentionally broke the rules END OF STORY

Wedge on the other hand stumbled on an ERROR in the gaming code and because unlike some people he is human he wanted to go look into Midgard land, you must be crazy or plain silly to think that any person on any of the servers would just go oh no I won't go in there, of course he is gonna go in and have a look its what makes us human, and I for one am happy he did because of many reasons.

A) It increases the profile of the games bugs that need to be addressed ASAP

B) Shows how malicious and plain ignorant people can be

Just chill for the love of god, he didn't cause mayhem and he didn't go out of his way to make low lvls lives a nightmare he just was a normal human being, being curious about somewhere he has probably never been due to so few english servers

Give it a rest, can't we all just get along?


Originally posted by Light

Just chill for the love of god, he didn't cause mayhem and he didn't go out of his way to make low lvls lives a nightmare he just was a normal human being, being curious about somewhere he has probably never been due to so few english servers

Give it a rest, can't we all just get along?

So if I wandered along the walls in the alb or hib frontier till I found a gap and kept walking till I made it through to the homelands you would be ok. As long as I was doing it out of curiosity.

What about if I accidently wandered into a lowbie xping area out of curiosity, And of course they would probably attack me. What if I killed them because I was curious about how many I could one shot.....
What about if I killed all the solo yellow and blues that spotted me, because I hadn't seen all I wanted to see?
It's only a tiny step on, I suspect if wedge had met a solo yellow or blue on the bridge he would have killed it because his curiosity wanted to see more and then kept going. Just happens he was taken out by a few people.

Maybe I will wait to see if wedge is banned or suspended then spend the following week accidently walking the walls and out of curiosity wandering round lowbie areas of alb accidently hitting people who try to stop my exploring.....


HAHAHA if i went there i would have killed anything that was alone and lower than red to me!! and please quit whining about bug abuse and crap, did he use it for his own advantage??? noooooo, did he make life harder there nooo (ok except for the grey he killed, WAY TO GO ;) ) so i doubt this is abuse. it like.... A BREACH IN THE ENEMIES DEFENCE!! kILL EM ALL :p



And for the record I believe Shade should have been banned because he used a known exploit and abused it.

He knew he could stealth through in the patch that was on and deliberatly and knowingly abused it.

I don't care what realm someone is from, but abuse is abuse plain and simple.


hey lets ready a humongous army and search for that bug to enter midgard and kill em all, no way they can ban whole albion :p :p :p



considering Kark FU is still playing the game then i doubt very much that Wedge is going to get nuked


Wait, I killed 1 gray... OMG, Let the sky fall down! :clap:

Several grays tried to kill me, I only killed 1 (because I kinda forgot where I was, he was with a yellow, heat of battle, etc, bla, bla, bla)...

For the record, I have seen over 20 mids (most gray, some green) in the time I was there, I killed 3 mids... :sleeping:

Be glad it was me, instead of a 15 year old level 50 who would have murdered everyone there... :rolleyes:

Ah, I'm done 'defending' myself... It was a joke guys, dont find it funny, not my problem... As said, I send a rightnow to GOA myself, if they suspend me for a few days... I'll get over that...


in my eye's you aint done nothing wrong

i just wish people would play the game and stop flaming other's there no need for it and look at the rate people are leaving piss some more people off they leave then somemore bam we willl be down to 1 english server soon at this rate

just chill out its a game
no game is perfect at least it doesnt have the cheats Counter Strike has or other FPS games


Re: Re: Wedge has gone where no Albion has gone before... (screenies fixed)

Originally posted by yaruar

My question is..

Having gone through out of curiosity and knowing it was a bug, why did you kill anyone?

You might not have been after RP, but why then did you kill people?

Sounds more like you killed a grey, got bored and went after yellows till you died.

Like it or not you committed bug abuse.

I could understand if you went for a wander and didn't draw your weapon, but you killed, therefore you commited a serious breach of the TOS.

Whether or not you are suspended or banned is up to goa. You say "my bad" about ganking a grey but you knew you would kill him in one shot and you knew it was bug abuse so you should be responsible for your actions and take whatever is coming.

TBH I'm getting bored of albs and hibs abusing these bugs.

I think there have been about 3 or 4 people in the last couple of weeks exploiting the wall bug and killing (notably two hibs in goltar the other week ganking greys)

FFS, if yo ufind yourself in another realm, and you aren't there to kill remove your weapons and don't draw them and get killed by the first thing that comes along.

I haev no sympathy, and this sounds like a post grovelling to try to stop any punishment by goa.
You abused a bug, you deliberately killed people knowing of the consequences, deal with it.

i like ure "albs and hibs" comment there.. The first person to do it was a middie you fuknut.


Originally posted by yaruar

So if I wandered along the walls in the alb or hib frontier till I found a gap and kept walking till I made it through to the homelands you would be ok. As long as I was doing it out of curiosity.

What about if I accidently wandered into a lowbie xping area out of curiosity, And of course they would probably attack me. What if I killed them because I was curious about how many I could one shot.....
What about if I killed all the solo yellow and blues that spotted me, because I hadn't seen all I wanted to see?
It's only a tiny step on, I suspect if wedge had met a solo yellow or blue on the bridge he would have killed it because his curiosity wanted to see more and then kept going. Just happens he was taken out by a few people.

Maybe I will wait to see if wedge is banned or suspended then spend the following week accidently walking the walls and out of curiosity wandering round lowbie areas of alb accidently hitting people who try to stop my exploring.....

Well ur whole argument is flawed because he didn't go round mass killing people so I don't know why ur quoting hypothetical situations that haven't even happened?!?

As for someone coming into our land, well to be honest I really wouldn't mind to be really honest I would find it fun and I would probably dance and have fun with them, and if persay they tried to kill me and they did then great I would just call my guild or other people to come gank them?!?

The idea of someone coming in the land and ganking greys is no different to someone running pygmy gobbos back to Cornwall station and all the gobbos preceding to kill everyone

Or dare I say it running a Tree back to Cornwall station where it would kill all the guards over and over and over and all greys

Which has happened many many times

Just chill and try to enjoy the rare strangeness this game produces

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