Web Hosting with the following;


Scooba Da Bass

Hi all,

Wondered if anyone knew of any web hosting packages with the following;

MySQL 3.22 or higherr
Python 2.1 or higher
MySQLdb for Python

I'm working with a friend on a database/pretty php management system for Planetside outfits and it's got to the stage where we'd like to stick it online instead of running it off our machines.

So, any suggestions?


Hi Scooba

Just a flying visit :( FastHosts seem to rock when it comes to hosting and such, and I believe MYstIC G is impressed with ValueHost.

Kind Regards


Hey Scooba

Valuehost are damn impressive for my stuff atm, basically on the "get loads of shite for not much cash" basis personally.

If you go to there forums/e-mail em with exactly what you want they'll most likely e-mail back before the days out. If it interests you but you wanna see shit like the control panel (which as with all hosts you can't do without an account) give us a shout & if I get 5 mins I'll screenie stuff for ya.

Rob / MYstIC G

P.S. - Since i'm being serious for a minute, how's the shirt? :)

Scooba Da Bass

I've checked out the first 3 posted, and they don't seem to offer Python. However, I've mailed all of them so hopefully I'll get some replies as to whether they can offer it, and how much for.

Thanks for the help people.


I have abolutely no idea if either or these companies are any good, but they're the first two that really came up upon searching for hosts which support Python: ICDSoft.com and AGCCWorld. If you can, however, I'd probably choose the other hosts mentioned beforehand, assuming they could accomodate you (that way at least you have some idea as to what you can expect in terms of quality, service, functionality etc).

Kind Regards

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