we NEED the patch



BAH! i heard arguments like if we give the patch to english servers earlier we loose customers.
I disagree, let the other servers patch later and give us the patch earlier, if they want to have the game in their own language the consequence should be later patching, not let everybody here die off boredom because that stupid translation has to be done first. You guys are losing customer now because the game is getting boring.

Ok this sounds a bit like some headless shouting, but i don't feel like making a nice orderly post atm, it's a shame i see ppl leave a game that is great fun, and makes me a little pissed.




Originally posted by Stekkerdoos
BAH! i heard arguments like if we give the patch to english servers earlier we loose customers.
I disagree, let the other servers patch later and give us the patch earlier, if they want to have the game in their own language the consequence should be later patching, not let everybody here die off boredom because that stupid translation has to be done first. You guys are losing customer now because the game is getting boring.

hmm lemmie see, what your saying is just because someone speaks French or German then they should suffer? arnt you being just a bit racist there? we should all get the patch at the same time and be treated equally instead of someone being in favour just because of the language they speak.



As an english-speaker with limited grasp of french I would love to see the patches come to exc\pry asap, but it will not happen and with good reason :p As someone said GOA have taken it upon themselves to treat everyone equally, and that means no early patch :( :( :( Ah well, shouldn't be long now :)


Erhm Mili... Everybody else (and there are quite a few of us) who does NOT speak french or german, we will damn well HAVE to use the english servers. In fact that was what we were prepared for, from the very start. What we were NOT prepared for, was a bunch of people refusing to use english and insisting on using their own language. If we all did that...

I thought I was buying an "english speaking" game and found out, when it was too late, that it is a game that absolutely has to be translated into french and german, so that I, and the rest of Europe, can play it... in english....


Oh by the way, speaking of translation and all this english, non-english stuff:

I played on Gorre, a few days ago. And on that server you will meet people coming from all of the other servers, english, french and german. And I noticed that the people I talked to, would usually ask me where I was from. The whole conversation was of course in english, partly because I don't know german (well, not much anyway) or french, and partly because this is usually the natural language to use, if you are not sure about other peoples nationality.

Now the german or french speaking players, when they found out that I was from Sweden and apparently didn't know their language, their most common response was something like this:

"Oh, too bad. My english is very bad"

And my response to that would be: "No! Your english is just fine!"

So that's what I would like to say here on this forum too, and I hope that some of you who play on the french and german servers read this:

From my experience, your english is just fine, and you should all come to Excalibur or Prydwen and try to play with the rest of us! You would probably like it! Noone will complain about or ridicule your english (if they do, send them to me and I will kick their butt... :) ).

You don't have to be an expert in english to use that language! I know that I'm not an expert, and it seems to work OK anyway... :)


I have to agree with wat is said here sorry for the french and the germans but im from the netherlands and im not going to ask about a dutch server?? hell no i love english way better. and almoust all the site on the web are english i dont see the point of having so much french and german server when they can play on the english. When you play counterstrike or quake or unrealtournament or wat ever online game you like the language will most likely be english. its as easy as that.

Ow and btw hi :) :)


Originally posted by Hendrick
lol... this basically sums it up ;)
Picture cracked me up since it was the first reply and all :D


they can give us patch early (no matter how much BS they say) does not take long to translate english and american stuff,

its just that french and german peeps will complain.

well its an english/amercian game too bad if u have to wait a bit longer imo, but it wont happen.

We all will continue to suffer to GOA lack of speed.


Re: Re: we NEED the patch

Originally posted by mili

hmm lemmie see, what your saying is just because someone speaks French or German then they should suffer? arnt you being just a bit racist there? we should all get the patch at the same time and be treated equally instead of someone being in favour just because of the language they speak.


Why should we wait for some people who we obviously never ever gonna play the game with if they stick to their native language servers ? .
The French and Germans not speaking english is off course excused, but do you seriously think they would say "ok" to wait for an existing patch in their language because of us waiting for it to be translated into english ?

The game is made in english from the start, so if some people want to play in their own language, ok, they should be prepared to wait longer for patches than people playing the game in its initial language.


:sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping:

Read a post like this before ...
and one before that ...
and one before that ...

Won't change a bit, just hope for the best and enjoy yourselves.


“hmm lemmie see, what your saying is just because someone speaks French or German then they should suffer? arnt you being just a bit racist there? we should all get the patch at the same time and be treated equally instead of someone being in favour just because of the language they speak.”

That’s not how it goes. It’s rather, because we (who only speak French German) have to suffer long delays, so should they (the ones who don’t want/need the translation).


Re: Re: we NEED the patch

Originally posted by mili

hmm lemmie see, what your saying is just because someone speaks French or German then they should suffer? arnt you being just a bit racist there? we should all get the patch at the same time and be treated equally instead of someone being in favour just because of the language they speak.


lol offcourse they should suffer!!


Oh yeah, one funny thing I heard today in-game form Kemor himself is that the US and EU English patches are not the same at all and need work aswell :)
That pretty much stops most whining about patching like a adamnatium wall.


afaik English Language in EU is infact American English and not been translated to UK english, so what possibly would they need to patch?

cant really say for sure cos I aint come across Gray as opposed to Grey or Color as opposed to Colour, what about Armor as opposed to Armour?

Can anyone confirm if the English Language servers are in fact American English or UK English?.

Whether u call it whine or cheese or any other cow poop bollox, its fair to say the guys that think we shoyuld suffer just like the French and Germans are in the MINORITY.

There is a reason English Servers are so lowly populated, its because the English version is available across the pond in US runnig latest patches, so there are a LOT of UK, Spainish, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Belgian, Finnish, Latvian, Swiss, Portugese etc etc etc natives playing there.

You cannot blame the low population on English servers on anything other than the fact we r too far behind the US.

All because GOA made a consious decision to favor the non english speaking players (who ARE in a minority, contrary to the server pops, as far as gaming communities go).

IMO GOA made a BAD BUSINESS decision, morally or ethically, I aint getting itno that, but BUSINESS wise, it was a bad decision.

I can confidently assume we would have 4 possibly 5 english servers running live if we had the US version runnin on English servers from day one. That is probably 4x the current English server population and so 4x more revenue from non French/German Lnguage players.


I could be wrong on this but I don't think GOA had a choice about the translation. GOA is a French company, and France has some funny laws regarding languages. For instance French Air Traffic Control speak French, not English!

I'm pretty sure there's a law that states that if the game is sold by a French company then it must have a French translation, could be wrong but I'm fairly sure about it.


all this is making my head spin...

sure it would be nice if goa gave us the earlier patches, but because of french law, whining customers etc. they can't/won't.

just forget about it.. move to the us if you're really pissed, but i personally don't care much. even though the battlegrounds sounds very very nice. oh, and darkness falls. :D


I'm not sure what the specifics of the law are, but I do know that it is possible to sell english-language software here in at least some circumstances because I remember buying Warcraft II in english and it came with a little coupon that said, "send in this coupon and when we have finished translating the game we will send you the french version".

This is very rare because it costs a lot of extra money for the software companies. It's simply better for them to wait, even knowing that it will cost them some sales because eager gamers can buy the english version from America on the web. (of course a lot of those eager gamers won't be buying the game from ANYBODY but that's another argument :p )

As far as I know GOA's decision to keep all servers at the same version (thus making the english servers wait until the translations are finished) has nothing to do with weird french laws, being fair to everybody or sticking it to the english, no matter what some UK players would like to believe. It is simply a matter of economics and not wanting to spend the money to support two different server versions and have two patchers at the same time. It is probably also a lot easier to migrate them all at the same time as well. They could do it, it would simply cost too much. (One real problem in France at the moment is that with all the mandatory social charges and contributions that a company must make for all the employees it hires, it costs a ton of money to hire each person, much more than in the USA for instance. French companies often have a hard time being competetive because of this. I am pretty sure this is why there is no real-time CSR support like Mythic has with the /appeal command - to hire in France all the people they would need to cover all servers and languages 24/7 would be ruinous.)

However this is just my opinion and I could be mistaken. I have no inside information from GOA or Wanadoo.


Wow, french law is more messed up than i thought.

Although i can understand the "Us before anyone else" approach (what country wouldn't) I still don't have to agree with it, especially since its a major contributing factor to the companys unpopularity and tardiness with patchs etc.


the patches are actually different to the us ones, even the english ones, because instead of individual patches goa run batches at a time (1.36-1.45, 1.45-1.48) atm, and so the patches need to be compiled :p


at first im not being racistic at all. Only thing i say is i think we should get patch before the french/germans because it's practically there, it's their choice they want to have te game their language not ours, but now its our problem too.

And second i don't want to move to the US because im having a pretty good time but i see people leaving and i don't like that :( and besides the US have their US times and i prefer european time.


Re: Re: we NEED the patch

Originally posted by mili

hmm lemmie see, what your saying is just because someone speaks French or German then they should suffer? arnt you being just a bit racist there?

ROFL, you're kidding, right? Should I go sue GOA for racism because they didn't make a Dutch version at all? It's not illegal for Germans or French to play on the English servers you know..

Translation takes time, so it's only logical they'd get patches later (maybe not this much later though...). That by itself is no reason to wait with the patching of the English servers.

I can understand GOA though, If the English servers would be more up to date, people might move over there. They probably don't want that for some reason :)

Tank Init

simple solution is to make mythic wait to goa catch up with the patches, then give the new patches out in advance to goa, italy japan whatever to be translated and then patch the whole DOAC community at the same time this way we all get the patches at the same time
they can hold back patching the usa to all the translations are done creating equality thoughout the world, but will they do this i very much doubt it coz americans aint exactly the smartest ppl in the world lol


Originally posted by Aeiedil
the patches are actually different to the us ones, even the english ones, because instead of individual patches goa run batches at a time (1.36-1.45, 1.45-1.48) atm, and so the patches need to be compiled :p
Exactly. That is what Kemor said... but then again this of course doesn't take nearly as long as translation into another language. The BUT in this case is that the new compiled patch must also be tested, and of course this is now going to be done on Gorre... Gorre wasn't set-up earlier so the english patches could not be tested earlier.


<wishes he'd bought the US version to start with>



Some points.

-Goa is a subsidiary of France Telecom, and France Telecom stopped funding its subsidiaries because of the Intrenet bubble crash. (I know, I work for another FT subsidiary). Anyone saying goa and FT are not related is just plain lying or misinformed. For starters goa's building belongs to FT in Issy Les Moulineaux near Paris.

-We French asked for servers where we could play on our timetable. Be sure if english servers were going to be patched before, I'd jump there. (Too late since I'm lvl 42 and don't feel like rerolling, and I don't renew anyway)

-Most gamers went to school, you know, we all learned basic english at the very least.


Originally posted by Andromalius
-Most gamers went to school, you know, we all learned basic english at the very least.

>So you french CAN read english???!! :D yeeeey!

no, just kidding.. :clap: ;)


Originally posted by Kira
<wishes he'd bought the US version to start with>


Andromalius, you KNOW where GOA is ACTUALLY located IRL?! How have you not rioted there yet? ;)
Demerzel, occasionally I have thought the same... I was in France regularly for three years and just this winter went there to snowboard... I think the french know english but do not like to speak it. This is true isn't it?

Brannor McThife

You know. I played Gorre for a little bit. And I saw just how much had to be translated initially to 1.48. And it's a fecking lot. Now, DF is 1.49 right? I've got a really bad feeling that it's going to take a REALLY long time to get that translated (+ 1.50).

I bet, I'll have my US Minstrel into his 40's before then (and I hold a normal job..i.e. normal gaming hours) and probably be looking at SWG or something.

But for me, the game isn't about what/who gets fixed/nerfed, but rather content. And DF is content. So is PvP.

Just a few of my thoughts... ;)


/em is tempted to /appeal as soon as he starts...just to see what "they" look like and take a screenie. :D

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