We Need Clerics !



I run around in a group getting a tiny amount of RP, dying a load due to having to sit after rezzes

WTF are you doing :p ? As a rejuv cleric I'm (nearly) ALWAYS one of the last in my group to survive and hence also one of the guys who gets the MOST RPs in the group - I'm well past RR 5 already now.

Add to that you usually get good groups easely and I can safely state that a WELL PLAYED rejuv cleric is one of the easiest classes to get RPs with (together with minstrels).

If you still don't believe that go check Duskwave and you will notice that on average clerics and minstrels have the most RPs, even more then infiltrators or scouts for example.

being a cleric = being yelled and being critisized

I dunno how good/crap you play or what kind of groups you end up into but I get more often congratulated on my healing then I get criticized for it (though that happens now and then too).
In any case I don't think clerics take more flak in groups then other classes, certainly not more then tanks, sorcs or minstrels.


Hehe I never yell or criticise a cleric for not healing, yell thou sometimes in begining of charge to rezz me but its just my rp horny instinct. :)

Yesterday finally many clerics return to emain, and almost every group had a cleric, was a blast! :)

Hey jetsetminer was great u did fine! hope to see u again


Originally posted by old.Prof
I dunno how good/crap you play or what kind of groups you end up into but I get more often congratulated on my healing then I get criticized for it (though that happens now and then too).
In any case I don't think clerics take more flak in groups then other classes, certainly not more then tanks, sorcs or minstrels.

I was full rejuf cleric before 40, allmost never I let anyone die before i get OOM and used my instas , still I got yelled at in the most idiotic situations possible. I didn't say that they don't congratulate me ether , the cases however are much scarcer then the others because alot of peeps are exp and rp focused and any dead has to be blamed for them. just praise ya lucky then mate ;)


And to those who pushed further for the nerf, here is the result...push for any more in-realm nerf's and they will happen...don't think that saying anything about a hib or mid class will make the blindest bit of difference tho cause mythic aint stupid, they know a whine cause some1 got killed when they see one.
Asking for a nerf to smite has now drastically decreased the numbers of clerics which isn't what all whiners aimed for but it's so obvious it was going to happen ;-)

(this aint a whine more an 'i told you so' thread to those who it applies to)


Fact was though, smite was too powerfull... Mythic just went a bit 'overboard' when they 'fixed' smite...

For example, they should have never touched the timer on mezz... or at least given a castable mezz...


Smite pre-nerf did 75% of base caster damage.

It now does a shade under 60%.

This is before consideration of...

Caster crits
Caster Acuity and dex bonuses
Caster range
Caster size power pools
Caster regen (which is quicker on an absolute *per point* basis)
Higher damage cap multiple

In return clerics get more HP and armour (the consideration of heals and buffs most people throw in at this point is irrelevant - since CLOTH CASTERS HAVE 2 OTHER SPELLINES TOO).

The above numbers are based upon comparing the dps of base smite to base nukes, and spec smite to spec nukes. Obviously the exact proportion varies depending on which class/spec you compare with - but they are all in the area I quoted above.

The biggest mistake Mythic made in the original smite design was...

1) Using cast times rather than base damage to make smite less effective than nukes. This made big numbers appear on screens and the the less arithmetically able players out there got overexcited.

2) Once they'd done (1), publishing spell details in terms of damage-per-cast rather than damage-per-second.

But even all this aside, it was and is an entirely subjective judgement as to whether the HP and armour are worth a 25%, 40%, or any other % damage reduction, and the loss of crits, range, quickcast, large power pools, fast regen and acuity/dex bonuses relative to a cloth caster. /shrug


hmmm I was on Bg 3-5 hours last night.. saw one other cleric besides me :(


Rejuv clerics are very important in RvR combat. Because it is so fast paced and you get mezzed almost every single battle it's very cool if you get a heal why a tank is chasing you down (I'm a caster). When a cleric gives me a quick rez in the battle I'm very gratefull. I can remember a couple of times the cleric saved our ass in group vs. group combat. If the cleric does a good job I always thank them and if they didn't (because they were mezzed) I don't yell at them. I also get mezzed all the time :(


LOL - The Clerics smite wasnt nerfed :)

ravenul -lvl 50 smite cleric

mythic just said that they will nerf clerics smite .. lol - they nerfeit like 10% top .. i can prove it 2 any1 that i can RULE allmoust any class in the game .. only 1 or 2 classes can kill me ...

lol u need REJUV clerics in emain :) & there nt so many in game :p


Originally posted by old.Zeikerd
I can remember a couple of times the cleric saved our ass in group vs. group combat.

I do that in every battle :p

Most of cleric players are going inactive on the chars because their support class can't nuke properly? You suck :)


they all say they want a full rejuf cleric , but a 40 enhance - 36 rejuf cleric is more then enough if ya ask me. You can buff up high enough to make a difference and heal enough for not be a danger for the group. Combines that with bof , cml2 , ser 3 , wh 3 en raging power and you got what it takes i think to please each group :)


Teryn, you probably saw me :clap:

Well my rejuv cleric is 39 now... With a grand total of 22 realm points (going to Emain at 40 to get at least MCL)... Why only 22 Realm Points... Since the BG's are filled with solo'ers, sure they ask for a heal... But group, nah, their fine... Oh and they all want: Buffz, cause we're so l33t ... (I actually wondered why I rezed/healed them at times, at least I know its better in RvR)

She has 37 in Rejuv atm, and 12 in Enhance...

I'm pretty sure I'm going for the 46/27/8 template (Rejuv/Enhance/Smite) ... As I have a wizard that does damage and not some gimpy cleric ;)


Mythic went:

Reducd damage 25% on all the smite lines


Gone back on that... and just moved the 48 to 43
Increased the mezz timer to 5 minutes.

then actually implemented
Reduced damage 25% on all smite
Moved 48 to 43
increased mezz timer.

To fix smite:
Give back the 25%! :)
Put the ranges at 1500, make the base and spec casting times 3.0.


It amazes me that some ill-informed players still exist and actually still think that smite did the same damage as cloth casters.

As I knew a respec was coming I originally went 50 smite to try out the fire aoe dd on keep battles. I solod 48-50 at advisers/wizards and often shared the balcony with Wildfire. He would kill 2 to my 1 but whereas he was in trouble if he got resists at least I had the defence to cope with the odd resist. My only death during those levels was when I stupidly hit pbaoe without realising the Templar Avenger had snuck up behind me :) Yes...Clerics used to have very good defensive options.

Wildfire once asked what I was hitting for. My biggest hits with the 48DD on orange advisers were 640 (huge undead bonus). Wild then told he was hitting often for 1k+ (with no undead bonus). Add to that he was nuking twice for every 1 of mine and I find it laughable that players consider that a full smite cleric could nuke as hard as a Fire spec wiz.

I came back to alb recently and decided that before I respecced rejuv/enhance (for buffbot/item hunts) I would try the advisors again. In the good old days an adviser orange to 49 would drop before reaching me if pulled from the far side, or would require 1-2 hammer swings and a pb if I got a resist. Now (at yellow to 50) they reach me at 50% health and require a roll of good luck if I'm to not require an insta.

As for going emain as a rejuv/enhance spec? I will...but it will be to buff my merc or help out Guild only. Albion treats it's clerics so badly I would never contemplate joining a non-guild group.

The only nerf clerics needed was to weaken the 48/23/9 spec. Moving the group insta heal to 25 in the rejuv line would have meant the cleric had to choose between greater damage or greater survivability.


The +1k damage he had was either with a bolt or lucky crit...

But the problem wasnt 'just damage', it was the whole thing combined... You have stun + nuke + mezz which, pre-nerf, allowed you to solo small groups...

And dont give me the 'we where not that powerfull', because I've seen a 48-cleric take out 3 level 50's before he died... (this was in 1.34 or so, a month after the beta)

Granted, not every smite cleric could do this...
(He was a very good player)

But in a 1-on-1, a cleric was virtually unbeatable... I do think though, that all the nerfs to stun/mezz (no-remez/mezz-dropoff/resists), the cleric probably wouldnt be as feared as much as it was in 'the old days'... But they where too powerfull...

Mythic just went from 'uber' to 'nerfed' instead of just making it balanced... And I do think clerics need some loving in the smite line... But then again, I also think that Wizards need major loving...


In 1.34 anyone with ranged capability could take out anyone without ranged capability with little effort.

Remember what Scouts could do?

1.34 is hardly a fair way to assess cleric power.


Welll, see what happend to archers... in 1.34, mezz was 'uber', see what happend... Mezz is hardly the battle winner it was, sure it still often decides who wins in a battle, but not as it used to be... A group could still win if it was half or even fully mezzed from the start...

Every nerf has to do with its previous patches... Sure, after all the patches, cleric's offensive ability was nerfed so bad it's not even funny...

But all nerfs have to do with their previous strengths in patches... And in 1.34, Smite Clerics where uber...

Just all nerfs to other things (mezz/stun/etc) have also nerfed Clerics... (Everyone knew Smite-Clerics where going to be nerfed)


Originally posted in err0r
Most of cleric players are going inactive on the chars because their support class can't nuke properly? You suck :)

No, they're going in active on the chars because their moderate nuking class with about as good unspecced melee as unspecced melee gets, long (if shortrange) stun and an instamezz on a shortish timer, got reduced to a heap of crap by a combination of nerfs directly to the DDs, then a relative nerf (what advantage is instaheals when every fucker has IP?) and then a further relative nerf when warden resist buffs became group-wide non-concBased and every hib group started running around with 40+ spirit resist.

And you know what sucks? The fuckwits that never played a smite cleric who happily swan around saying "haha, you're a support class anyway" as if that proves jack.
Clerics lost a load and got squat back, and that's the point.


If Smite clerics were 'uber' pre-patch. Then in damage terms they were still less than 75% as 'uber' as a real nuker.

That's maths for you.



" We need clerics"

No you dont, you need decent CC :D

Ambulance Rejuv Cleric RR4+ < First Cohort>
Ambulance Healer <Cutting Edge PvP>
Ambulance Healer Prydwen


Alb dosen't need CC, as it woulden't know what the hell the ZzzZZzzzZ above enemy heads ment. Ok im only lev 36 but every Ae Mezz i've cast in rvr has been wasted by either alb tanks hiting other tanks, or our uber Thane Cabalists and there Damn Ae dot spam..

Must be so nice being a hib/mid caster geting mezzed, then laughing at Alb tanks ignoring you to hit your tanks...

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