We Need Clerics !



C'Mon guys get yout butt to emain! :)

Omg it seems every cleric that use to go emain moved to pvp.

We r in serious problems now if u ppl keep not showing up.

If this continue to happen we have no choice then call to war our BG clerics (think there are 2 or 3 there not for sure thou). :)

Madonion Slicer

There are plenty of Clerics in Emain just look round the side of ATK, just a shame no one is at the keyboard.

I can bring my lil lvl24 but he can only rez upto 35 so not a lot of good.


I dinged 50 saturday, I RvR all day Sunday so don't say that there is any cleric a round, got a moment (not for long)where 3 clerics were in group so .................. thing is I'm mostly anon :)
I gonna do RvR till SI comes i think so ... if ya don't find any pm you never know that i'm availeble (probably i'm availeble because most of my guild are in the middle of exams so :p )


OMG 3 clerics in group ! That's a crime nowadays :)

hehe gratz for dinged jamella btw and im glad to count with u in emain :p

Madonion the cleric crisis is so big that i can see now some bots moving around too, 2 days ago i even grouped with one well know bot :)


Yeah I know, it's a capital crime even :p it didn't last that long doh :) your own fault :p we were looking tanks :p we couldn't find one so we founded the red cross :p

ps i know that I have 40 enhance but don't let that think i'm only a buff cleric, with my 36 rejuf I managed to keep alot of peeps alive on the fact that they were more than happy with my buffs :p with that amount of rejuf it's nice to have a mincer nearby doh because i don't like to be the sitting duck :p


PL my cleric to 50 and I'll RvR with it... 22 now... :p
(and its shit hard to level a Rejuv cleric, just that you know)



I have a cleric, lvl 40. He was a nice smite cleric, fun to play and very useful in a group for many reasons.

Smite them became a waste of time, and so I respecced. Then playing him became boring as I became a buff and heal machine. Add that to the constant abuse, and the general attitude of Albion players, and well, it takes a lot to wheel him out now.

While I cannot condone, and in fact get really annoyed at the constant AFK’s from many players these days, I can understand people who go afk when all they can contribute to a group, when Xping, may be a heal every two or three minutes.

So, in my humble view, Mythic have killed the active playable cleric, and while I know there is a massive shortage, I only play mine when the guild needs me to.

I also have a healer on Pred Middy, and he specced in pacification. That gives me a great level of crowd control, which makes playing the character a lot for fun than the buff and heal we get in Albion.

As I result of this, I see that there are now masses of Friars levelling up. They have the ability to buff and heal, as well as solo and take an active role in groups.


dunno, dont find playing a cleric to be fun rly........( sry jammela ya rock, just hate to PLAY the class eh :) ) but we rly could use ALLOT more clerics, not only in RvR also in the lvl'ing department, only thing I see is friars speccing in rejuv o_O but eh, that rly aint the same


Aye Jamella :)

That was good fun while it lasted , the flying hospital :) , one of my most enjoyable grps ever. 3 clerics and 3 tanks and a mincer

look forward to doing it again sometime :)


Oi don't knock us rejuv specced friars as least were trying :D


Re: well

Originally posted by old.Ashgen

As I result of this, I see that there are now masses of Friars levelling up. They have the ability to buff and heal, as well as solo and take an active role in groups.

heh, unless they're "staff friars"


you know the ones that refuse to put anything in rejuv because 'omfg! staff styles rock!!11'

Of course there are a fair few sensible friars :) hopefully some of the latest crop will read drunkenfriar.com and pick up some knowledge :)


hmm guess i'll have to come to emain again :p
i've been hunting a lot in DF but i could use some more rp's so pm me tonight :)

Aadia is back in business... however i'm warning u i really don't fancy a chase to the hib tk or the midtk ;) ... i stand behind the screens hehe

Bleri McThrust

Next thread will be.......

We need Speed or We need PBT or .................


ow now know you've done it aadia (my daoc wife) back in bussiness


to late :p

ps leveling full rejuff clerics is easy btw


Don't really play my Cleric anymore, I'm usually on Prydwen, Midgard now, playing a beserker.


Zerkers rule!

Although, when I played my friends cleric, I did have a good feeling that the group I was in was still alive after a battle...

So I had fun playing a rejuv cleric, but NOT at MMG/AMG stand-offs! You often are eating out of your nose there as Cleric and when something does happen, it happens so quick there's not much you can do about it...

Level 24 now... Wont be bothered by going to the BG's, since for some reason people there only want 'a heal' or 'a rez'... But they do not want you in their group...


Originally posted by -Wedge-
PL my cleric to 50 and I'll RvR with it... 22 now... :p
(and its shit hard to level a Rejuv cleric, just that you know)
Hard to level a rejuv cleric? Surely you jest. Maybe it is if you try to solo, but not if you group regularly. One of the cleric alts in our guild got to level 41 in 3 days /played.


Hope you were happy to have me in the group last night then wildpt :)

Was fantastic fun, best laugh I have had in emain for a long time.

1fg vs 1fg @ mmg - good stand off :)

best was a group of hibbies getting the drop on us, mezzing the whole group, and us still winning :clap:

Great fun, I'll be back again soon, once I've got that pesky lvl 43 epic out the way...


i said that belo :) anyway you are right rejuf clerics find groups easaly and if ya are doing your work nice most of the will pm you regulary


Hopefully with the new patches (where rezzing someone gives you rp) clerics will be a bit more prominent. Only problem is that you may see pallies, friars and clerics all fighting over a dead alb....


The quickest will wil then because when someone is getting rezzed if a new one tries its canceled ....


hehehe <dead bloke/blokette> Hello anyone res me? ....Hello?....ECHO ECho Echo echo....

Cleric and friar are havin a mexican stand off on a 'quick rez' draw. One wins...Shit they released


Well, rejuv clerics 'should' get groups easy...

But have you looked in Keltoi/Catacombs lately?

Its hard to get a group anywhere these days... Yes, once there's a group, you get in it easy(yesterday I got into a level 27/28 group with my 22 cleric)... But without one... I cant even solo blue's (ok, that might be because I'm still carrying my trainers weapon ;))

Once your past level 30, its pretty much OK (clerics arent just a bit short on supply, you cant find them anywhere are 30+)... The 30+ spots are usually filled with groups, and shouldnt take long to get a group...

But dont be fooled, do a /who keltoi or /who catacombs and see 'the problem'... (Catacombs is really bad at times)


Naaaah, if you aren't worth any extraordinary amount of RPs all you clerics stay home behind the frontierkeeps of yours. makes the killing of the RP-fat albs a lill easier :clap:



Originally posted by -Wedge-
Once your past level 30, its pretty much OK (clerics arent just a bit short on supply, you cant find them anywhere are 30+)... The 30+ spots are usually filled with groups, and shouldnt take long to get a group...

Hm, my experience is different, check the usual xp-spots, you'll see a lot of buffbot clerics, and because everybody is looking for "perfect" groups, clerics are only needed for buffs and a heal every two minutes, easy to press some keys once in a while on a 2nd PC...

Solo'd a lot of greens and blues (and yellows with looong DT (till your instas are up again)) the last days...



Re: well

Originally posted by old.Ashgen
Add that to the constant abuse, and the general attitude of Albion players, and well, it takes a lot to wheel him out now.

Gotta agree there, the only time I wheel out my rejuv/rest in enhance cleric (respecced as smite is kinda pointless) it's always a chore. I run around in a group getting a tiny amount of RP, dying a load due to having to sit after rezzes, and putting up with people screaming at me. I don't consider myself an awful cleric, but it's not possible to stop everyone dying even in what might appear to the indignant person as a pretty basic "you didn't heal" scenario. I remember one time a theurgist in Emain using some pretty earthy language about my heritage when some guy in the group had screamed at me to rez him, and then a shadowblade appeared from nowhere while I was rezzing and two shotted the caster who had walked off from the main group while I was in mid-rez at the other side of the valley.

The selfish side of my personality wins most often in a choice between playing my scout, and running about with my cleric as a heal-and-buff-whore and being yelled at for trying to help. :)

Be nice guys :)


Well, one thing is for sure, I'll only get my cleric 'out' for RvR if its an alliance/guild group... No way will I just join 'a group'... I've pretty much stopped doing that with my Wizard... And I'm enjoying RvR so much more... Since they actually know what grouping means...

90% of the time, the group in RvR isnt a group, its a bunch of solo'ers that want to leech from each others abilities to gain more RPs... All running off to different places, all attacking different targets, each breaking mezz for 'their target'... A cleric is nice for buffs and the rez... A wizz... No they dont do damage, they give Damage buffs...

Hibs & Mids seem to get what 'grouping' means in RvR...

Anyways, thats off-topic ;)

I'm going to keep leveling my cleric, but I wont solo... If everything fails, I'll just switch back to Powerleveling him in Barrows...


oh so true oh so true ........

if i got 1 G for all the times someone said "you didn't heal me" or "heal" when they don't realise that iam mezzed / stunned / rooted or attacked, i would have the max amount of money now :p

being a cleric = being yelled and being critisized (wrongly spelled i know) and ungratefull task but some peeps have to do it anyway

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