We need a Rants and Raves forum here.




So we can have a special place to vent the things that heppen sometimes in the game that annoy us..

For example.
I was playing a long session of DAOC last night with my 12th level Cleric (13th lvl now).

The first few hours were great. (I found a good team)

Then I joined a new team, whcih for the most part were ok.
But we were at the slavers. at one point. (Excal, Albion).
Someone for whatever reason pulls about 5 or 6 of them and the whole party is mobbed.
I'm standing at the back, healing like mad, but of course eventualy I run out of PP's and the Chars start dropping like flies..
Most of the party is dead at this point. (A couple still struggling on minimum HP's and vainly trying to run away)
So I decide, since most of the party is dead and I can't do anything, I decide to run with the intention of coming back in a minute or two to rezz when my PP's come back and the aggros' gone.

At this point one of the Armsmen starts freaking out and swearing abusively (judging by all the strange characters that were displayed in the message bar) saying "why didn't you heal" and laying on a lot of abuse..

What an idiot!!!
Do I LOOK like I have an infinite amount of PP's?..NO..
I successfully kept everyone alive until I ran out of PP's..
There's not a lot I can do after that.
If the team had come close to beating the mob, I may have dived in to help, but as it was...they were being slaughtered.
What are people like this thinking?....Damn idiot...:mad:

Anyway, rant over...


I suppose this could keep some other boards clean, but then again this is BW (just look at the General board under Community), hehe.
The game will always have its I-judge-before-Í-think people.


Yes, rants and raves tend to end up here.
But on other Sites, they quite often have am R&R forum to catch these sorts of things.
So, maybe they might do it here, if there's enough interest.


Problem really is that a regular thread with a point eventually turns into a flame later on when someone says one thing that annoys another, so the R&R forum would be quite empty.


Originally posted by danskmacabre
I successfully kept everyone alive until I ran out of PP's..
There's not a lot I can do after that.

shame some ppl dont realise that.

healing chars should have a "fucking grief me and i leave group and you die" attitude.

healers deserve more respect.



Re: Re: We need a Rants and Raves forum here.

Originally posted by old.neenee
shame some ppl dont realise that.
healing chars should have a "fucking grief me and i leave group and you die" attitude.
healers deserve more respect.

Ageed, but on the whole, the party I was in were cool.
It's just this 1 guy that was an idiot and a couple of the other people in the were pointing out what I said above in my defense anyway.

He left pretty soon after that anyway...:)

I think generally people are OK about these things and understand that healers are not the infinite healing machines.
But as you some "Some people just don't realise that".
I just got unlucky this time.
And I needed to vent my frustration here...


What's with the :m00: thing anyway?



this is the cool cow. she'll make all your angst go away :)



Originally posted by danskmacabre
At this point one of the Armsmen starts freaking out and swearing abusively (judging by all the strange characters that were displayed in the message bar) saying "why didn't you heal" and laying on a lot of abuse..

For reference those characters do represent recognised swear-words. If you wanted to see what he was actually saying just turn of you bad language filter ( the /filter command toggles it on and off)!

Next time tell him to Q#sH off!

Rich Mayer

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