We are not all geeks. Ain't that a good news.


Roo Stercogburn

Bah, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy would be much more useful if it was used for giving therapy to bonedancer pets. Would make a nice agony aunt page too :D

Dear Trine,

I got this healer pet, Osbourne. He's nervous, skittery, falls (jumps?) off bridges. He waves his hands in the air (I feel a song coming on) and runs around squealing, despite the lack of vocal cords. He often feels a need to run into the middle of a group of dangerous monsters and wake them all up. He thinks he is Casper The Friendly Healer and insists on running through walls all the time, usually directly after running into the group of aforementioned monsters.

Can you help him please.


/Release of Midgard



Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
Choose Geek. Choose an IT job. Choose a fucking big PC. Choose USB hubs, broadband, suround sound and Dolby 5.1. Choose 24/7 internet gaming and pizza til your arteries harden. Choose spending your Saturdays in component shops looking for better upgrades. Choose sitting on that couch hunting mindnumbing, spirit-crushing mobs, stuffing junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing your last credit into a game you don't play anymore, nothing more than an embaressment to the powerlevelled fucked up brats you spawned to replace yourself.
Choose your char's future. Choose Geek.

I chose not to choose geek. I chose something else.


(Apols for language, I felt it better to misquote Irvin Welsh properly ;))

Yay Geeks stand up and be proud. ..... About that Gothic music and dressing in black thing. Yeh I do that too. :clap: :clap: :bazbeer:


Roo you sure its sugar your sprinkling on his cornflakes ?? and not some other crystalised substance ;)

old.Trine Aquavit

Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
Bah, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy would be much more useful if it was used for giving therapy to bonedancer pets. Would make a nice agony aunt page too :D

Dear Trine,

I got this healer pet, Osbourne. He's nervous, skittery, falls (jumps?) off bridges. He waves his hands in the air (I feel a song coming on) and runs around squealing, despite the lack of vocal cords. He often feels a need to run into the middle of a group of dangerous monsters and wake them all up. He thinks he is Casper The Friendly Healer and insists on running through walls all the time, usually directly after running into the group of aforementioned monsters.

Can you help him please.


/Release of Midgard

Very interesting. It seems zat he is suffering from acute anxiety caused by ze non-existence of his mother. Loss of a mother through death or abandonment is traumatic enough, but discovering zat your mother has never existed and that you have been summoned by a single father using arcane majocks can have devastating consequences. I think ze behaviours you have described are consistent with zis: waving ze hands and screaming is an attempt to communicate, both verbally and non-verbally, with ze lost parent; seeking out groups of monsters is an effort to reach out and form bond with others, particularly those zat show strong social behaviours themselves; finally, ze running through walls is a way to put a barrier between himself and your controlling influence.

I think that you will have to... oh dear, time is up! I have other patients, so if you would like to make another appointment we can continue zis later. Zat will be £500 for the consultation.


Who said about the "innits"???
You from Leicester???
Also I would in no uncertain terms say that most people who saw me on the street would not say I was a "Geek" and one guy actually asked me if i was really listening to Nirvana cause he thought I should be into "all that modern stuff not Rock" from the way I dress...
And yet I ve been playing on games from the age of 6..
So I suppose I am a geek as much as the tennis freak is or the Football player who trains 3 times a week is..
Its just another past time after all.


Originally posted by Damon Doombring

Aye guesse bimbo is pretty covering too... but can a boy be a bimbo ????

hm, you got me there :D ... - not sure and can't think of any term, really ... ;)

Old Nicodemus

Originally posted by old.Trine Aquavit
Very interesting. It seems zat he is suffering from acute anxiety caused by ze non-existence of his mother. Loss of a mother through death or abandonment is traumatic enough, but discovering zat your mother has never existed and that you have been summoned by a single father using arcane majocks can have devastating consequences. I think ze behaviours you have described are consistent with zis: waving ze hands and screaming is an attempt to communicate, both verbally and non-verbally, with ze lost parent; seeking out groups of monsters is an effort to reach out and form bond with others, particularly those zat show strong social behaviours themselves; finally, ze running through walls is a way to put a barrier between himself and your controlling influence.

I think that you will have to... oh dear, time is up! I have other patients, so if you would like to make another appointment we can continue zis later. Zat will be £500 for the consultation.

So..... you are actually saying that Roo is mental and his pet is actually quite sane?

Hmmmmm... interesting......

So.. Roo.. tell us about your mother.

Old Nicodemus

Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
Why, what are you, The Graduate?


Why? You just wanting to brag that you've been there, done that?

Lafala Arifel

Originally posted by lacroix
hm, you got me there :D ... - not sure and can't think of any term, really ... ;)
There is such a term, it's called a Himbo. Whilst not quite so preoccupied with their nails or skin as the Bimbo, they are, without a doubt, equally annoying in their own way.

The typical Himbo has difficulty understanding anything you say if the conversation moves away from football or (usually) garage music.

Sometimes they are considered 'conventionally' good looking, but mostly only by their female equivalents. To others, there is simply too much hair gel over their head to be able to judge.

Every single one of them is a either a DJ or models socks (or something like that, though to everyone else, they are a 'male model').

They make excellent targets of cruel humour, since the typical Himbo is unable to defend himself unless he happens to have a broken bottle nearby and some mates to impress, in which case caution is recommended.

Unfortunately, this species of male seems to be spreading across Essex faster than a plague of mentally challenged, amorous bunnies. Plans are currently underway to reduce their numbers by releasing a large number of gay men into their most favoured ecosystem: the nightclub full of easily impressed 14 year old girls. The hope here is that the Himbo, terrified by the sudden imbalance in what he defines as 'normal', will flee the ecosystem completely, or go into hiding for fear of being forced to accept anything slightly different to himself.


Sarum TheBlack

Originally posted by Lafala Arifel

Unfortunately, this species of male seems to be spreading across Essex faster than a plague of mentally challenged, amorous bunnies. Plans are currently underway to reduce their numbers by releasing a large number of gay men into their most favoured ecosystem: the nightclub full of easily impressed 14 year old girls. The hope here is that the Himbo, terrified by the sudden imbalance in what he defines as 'normal', will flee the ecosystem completely, or go into hiding for fear of being forced to accept anything slightly different to himself.


ROFL :clap:

Himbo.. I like that... funny people too (for me) easily confused and mislead by anything that is not hairgel and designer labels. Like me. Endless hours of amusement.. until they get pissed at my games.. then it's time to leave.


Originally posted by Lafala Arifel
There is such a term, it's called a Himbo. ...

The typical Himbo has difficulty understanding anything you say if the conversation moves away from football or (usually) garage music.

Sometimes they are considered 'conventionally' good looking, but mostly only by their female equivalents. To others, there is simply too much hair gel over their head to be able to judge.

Every single one of them is a either a DJ or models socks (or something like that, though to everyone else, they are a 'male model').


:clap: :clap: :clap:

tnx a lot, love that piece :D
Used to flat (among others) with a guy like that, now I know he was "himbo" :p .... !


Do people have to quote in their replies? I can follow a thread you know without it?

Goths in my day were Smiths, Cure and those people who did Tower of Strength. They were as prepossesed and egotistical as anyone being how they were into the "coolest" music.
They don't seem the same today, maybe more socailly concious. IS this because the other mopre irritating types (i hesistate to use Tribes) have come to the fore?

"Innits" is a great name, we used to call them Townies. White trainers, baseball caps bent into a tight U, bandy legs and a predeliction for Smarage (which they call 2-step).

They also say "d'ya get me?" after every sentence. Other phrases are "braaa!" used after "d'ya get me" and obviously the classic "innit"


Originally posted by Hargh
Do people have to quote in their replies?

Yes. Because the masses just go to the last post and usually flame whatever they saw from the corner of their eye or just total garbage. They don't have time, in their busy crafting hours or point scoring in couronne(excellent) to read every post. You silly man.

EDIT: Oh and the quote was a freebie just for you :p

Roo Stercogburn

Originally posted by Hargh
Do people have to quote in their replies? I can follow a thread you know without it?

Goths in my day were Smiths, Cure and those people who did Tower of Strength.

Smiths weren't goths, merely indy/alternative. The Mission did Tower of Strength and it was a thankyou to the fans that stuck with them when Sisters Of Mercy Broke up, the fans themselves being the tower of strength. Or so I'm told anyway :)


I'm a cool geek. I've played UT in UK competitions, CS against the UK's best players, and now I play DAoC. But I still do everything, and go to all the parties that the "cool" people do :D

Roo Stercogburn

Damn, I can't get Tower of Strength out of my head now. If I get online tonight I'll probably end up singing it to the Feds :D



Originally posted by Jaas Mallai

Not to be confused with GOFAI (Good Old Fashioned AI). Which (for all I could see), involved not very interesting ways to search problem domains (cf stochastic search techniques, A* algorithm, MiniMax algorithm, and many other dull ways to search/prune problem domains).

*snores* sorry flashbacks to Knowledge Bases and other such fun things...

Agent based learning, Neural Nets, all that sorta stuff is far cooler, I have to agree :)


Originally posted by Hargh
Do people have to quote in their replies? I can follow a thread you know without it?

Yeah, I've a tendency to reply to threads 3 days after they're cold dead and forgotten - people need to know who I'm waffling at from four pages back :)

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