We are not all geeks. Ain't that a good news.


old.Trine Aquavit

Ah, but 100% of people posting on internet gaming message boards are geeks. Including you, Trig ;)

To be honest, I've never had a problem being a geek - I see it as being in a sort of counter-culture and I'd rather be in a counter-culture than in the mainstream.

But what is a geek, anyway? Is it determined by how you look? How you behave? What you're interests are? If it's the latter then we'll remain geeks until the majority of the population play MMORPGs, regardless of how many geeky Psychology professors* try to tell the world otherwise.

So, for the forseeable future you're all going to be branded geeks for playing these games. I suggest you embrace the term and be proud fo it.

The geeks will inherit the earth.

*most psychology professors are outright geeks anyway - depsite the pseudo-cool image - after all there aren't many things more geeky than studying brains for a living. I should know - I'm a Cognitive Science graduate.


I´m a geeth

(in case you didn´t know it´s a geek that dresses/behaves/listens to goth music (at least one of the mentioned 3, but not necesarrily all 3 of them)


To misquote one of my all time favourite movies, The Commitments:

<irish accent>
"Say it loud, I'm geek and I'm proud!"
</irish accent>

Hmm... Trine, fancy being my shrink?
I heard cognitive therapy is good, from 2 of my nutcase friends :D

old.Trine Aquavit

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) r0XX0rz - it's the best thing to come out of clinical psychology/psychiatry in the past 100 years. Your nutcase friends are dead right about that. Anyone suffering from anxiety or phobias should consider it.

However, I'm not a CBT therapist, psychologist or any sort of shrink (though I did once have an interview for an assistant psychologist job at Dartmoor prison :)). Cognitive science is something different - building computational models to help understand how the brain works - neural nets, AI, all that jazz - something of a cross between Psychology & Computer Science.


Originally posted by old.Trine Aquavit
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) r0XX0rz - it's the best thing to come out of clinical psychology/psychiatry in the past 100 years. You're nutcase friends are dead right about that. Anyone suffering from anxiety or phobias should consider it.

However, I'm not a CBT therapist, psychologist or any sort of shrink (though I did once have an interview for an assistant psychologist job at Dartmoor prison :)). Cognitive science is something different - building computational models to help understand how the brain works - neural nets, AI, all that jazz - something of a cross between Psychology & Computer Science.



The Real Redi

hey! i drink my milk STRAIGHT FROM TEH D4MN BOTTLE!


.....Hmmm aa geek..never saw my self as one..but it beats being a " pop-smart " pretty boy...You know the kind its fun to beat the shit out of...or if ya feeling nice.. to scare shitless


Originally posted by Damon Doombring
.....but it beats being a " pop-smart " pretty boy...You know the kind its fun to beat the shit out of...or if ya feeling nice.. to scare shitless

Hm ..... interesting comment ... :rolleyes:


Originally posted by lacroix
Hm ..... interesting comment ... :rolleyes:

Ahh so is your's...trying to bump post count.. borred or maybe even a PrEtTy BoY..... ????


Originally posted by Addlcove
(in case you didn´t know it´s a geek that dresses/behaves/listens to goth music (at least one of the mentioned 3, but not necesarrily all 3 of them)

Just have to ask... how do you dress in goth music? :p


Originally posted by Damon Doombring
Ahh so is your's...trying to bump post count.. borred or maybe even a PrEtTy BoY..... ????

Don't care about post count, but bored: yes :D

PrEtTy BoY - nope, "PrEtTy GiRl" would be more like it :p - but just can't see what's wrong with "PrEtTy BoYz" ... - maybe you feel like elaborating? (if not, nm ;) ).

The Real Redi

Is it me, or have goths got really tame and about 200x more common since i was a lad? Back in even the early nineties, goths were sinister folk, with no pigment in their skin at all, smothered in make up, hated the ENTIRE world, only listened to Fields of Nephilim, Type-O, Cult etc, and more often than not were Whitewolf's Vampire/Werewolf/Wraith/Changeling/Dullards.

Under this relatively gloomy exterior, they actually used to be a little mentally unstable, and more than once have i met people who actually drink each others blood after gashing open an arm at a concert.

Admittadly, born and bred in london we got our fair share, but imEo Goths have diluted and Sold Out, just like every other decent tribe in the UK - never see REAL metalheads any more (i.e. no more Leather Jackets, black Jeans, Iron Maiden/Motorhead shirts... ) they all moved to Germany and Holland ;)

Roo Stercogburn

Choose Geek. Choose an IT job. Choose a fucking big PC. Choose USB hubs, broadband, suround sound and Dolby 5.1. Choose 24/7 internet gaming and pizza til your arteries harden. Choose spending your Saturdays in component shops looking for better upgrades. Choose sitting on that couch hunting mindnumbing, spirit-crushing mobs, stuffing junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing your last credit into a game you don't play anymore, nothing more than an embaressment to the powerlevelled fucked up brats you spawned to replace yourself.
Choose your char's future. Choose Geek.

I chose not to choose geek. I chose something else.


(Apols for language, I felt it better to misquote Irvin Welsh properly ;))


Hmmm you mean pretty girl or PrEtTy GiRl...the last one being [being VERY stereotype here ] bloond , more concerned about breaking a nail than if her best freind just got run over by a car, talking/giggling twice as loud as nessacary to grab attention, whilst sms'ing her just as lame brained friend.. who stands next to her, did I mention she feed's of attention...ThE PrEtTy BoY version usaly hangs with the above mentioned female version.. and generaly show's the same kind of behaviour , to the extend you might think they are clones..

Ohh forgot..you asked what's wrong with them..hmmm I dont like em aint that enough ???

The Real Redi

on the Pretty boy comment (checks his post count and claps his hands) They are known down our way as "Yeah mates" or "innits" and have the most ridiculous standards. An example stands as one kid would have a special pair of gloves he wore when getting on public transport, so as not to catch germs from hand rails etc - the same boy who can go out wearing white trousers and loafers :eek7:

Theres really NOTHING pretty about pretty boys...


Originally posted by The Real Redi
on the Pretty boy comment (checks his post count and claps his hands) They are known down our way as "Yeah mates" or "innits" and have the most ridiculous standards. An example stands as one kid would have a special pair of gloves he wore when getting on public transport, so as not to catch germs from hand rails etc - the same boy who can go out wearing white trousers and loafers :eek7:

Theres really NOTHING pretty about pretty boys...

Hehe, tnx :)


hmm behaves/dresses like goths OR listen to goth music ;) better?

oh and not necesarrily all darkclad whiteskinned spooky looking people are goths ;)

Roo Stercogburn

Originally posted by Addlcove
oh and not necesarrily all darkclad whiteskinned spooky looking people are goths ;)

Some are Spirit Masters :D

old.Trine Aquavit

Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
Choose Geek. Choose an IT job. Choose a fucking big PC. Choose USB hubs, broadband, suround sound and Dolby 5.1. Choose 24/7 internet gaming and pizza til your arteries harden. Choose spending your Saturdays in component shops looking for better upgrades. Choose sitting on that couch hunting mindnumbing, spirit-crushing mobs, stuffing junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing your last credit into a game you don't play anymore, nothing more than an embaressment to the powerlevelled fucked up brats you spawned to replace yourself.
Choose your char's future. Choose Geek.

I chose not to choose geek. I chose something else.


The point is, ladies and gentleman, is that Geek, for lack of a better word, is good. Geek is right. Geek works. Geek clarifies, cuts through and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Geek, in all of its forms - geek for life, for money, for love, knowledge - has marked the upward surge of mankind.


Originally posted by Damon Doombring
Hmmm you mean pretty girl or PrEtTy GiRl...the last one being [being VERY stereotype here ] bloond , more concerned about breaking a nail than if her best freind just got run over by a car, talking/giggling twice as loud as nessacary to grab attention, whilst sms'ing her just as lame brained friend.. who stands next to her, did I mention she feed's of attention...ThE PrEtTy BoY version usaly hangs with the above mentioned female version.. and generaly show's the same kind of behaviour , to the extend you might think they are clones..

Ohh forgot..you asked what's wrong with them..hmmm I dont like em aint that enough ???

Hm, I am quite blonde, not concerned about breaking my nails, can talk/giggle pretty loud though (but not consciously to grab attention), smsing - yep, a lot, but don't have lame-brained friends ... :p - guess that makes me more "pretty girl" ?! - actually, I think it makes me "nice", generally (the term used here for the type you describe is more commonly "bimbo" or "essex gal" or plain "dumb", I guess ... (ok, I guess certain forms of brand-consciousness and exhibitionist behaviour is also associated with that ;) ), ...

.... but still tnx for clearing this up ... ;)


Sarum TheBlack

Geek, and proud. :clap:
<lacking an good geek misquotes.. will post one if I think of it>

And Geeth is trademarked Addl. You need to pay me licence fees if you're going to use and abuse the term. (and no, I'm not actually a geeth myself.. maybe soon though, I hang about with far too many of them).


Originally posted by old.Trine Aquavit
Cognitive science is something different - building computational models to help understand how the brain works - neural nets, AI, all that jazz - something of a cross between Psychology & Computer Science.

it's the waffly side of AI ;)

I'm probably more geek than goth although I don't like sunlight and wear a lot of black. My music's more metal than goth (although I do have some My Dying Bride)

old.Trine Aquavit

/em passes the laxatives

Feeling better?

Jaas Mallai

Cognitive science is something different - building computational models to help understand how the brain works - neural nets, AI, all that jazz - something of a cross between Psychology & Computer Science.
Nice definition there. :)
it's the waffly side of AI
Not to be confused with GOFAI (Good Old Fashioned AI). Which (for all I could see), involved not very interesting ways to search problem domains (cf stochastic search techniques, A* algorithm, MiniMax algorithm, and many other dull ways to search/prune problem domains).

I always found the evolutionary approach to be a much more elegant, and therefore satisfying way to do AI.

I geek therefore I am.

I'll get me coat!



Originally posted by lacroix
Hm, I am quite blonde, not concerned about breaking my nails, can talk/giggle pretty loud though (but not consciously to grab attention), smsing - yep, a lot, but don't have lame-brained friends ... :p - guess that makes me more "pretty girl" ?! - actually, I think it makes me "nice", generally (the term used here for the type you describe is more commonly "bimbo" or "essex gal" or plain "dumb", I guess ... (ok, I guess certain forms of brand-consciousness and exhibitionist behaviour is also associated with that ;) ), ...

.... but still tnx for clearing this up ... ;)



Aye guesse bimbo is pretty covering too... but can a boy be a bimbo ????

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