way to go 1.54 comming up=)



Re: Bored

Originally posted by elryrith
Currently I dont think Goa aren't doing to bad. Look At the states:-

It took 16 weeks for the states servers to go from 150 - 152. Goa bundled the 2 and did it in 10 weeks,. They wont of got hold of the 1.52 patch until 6 weeks after they got hold of the 1.50 that means they managed to do those conversions in around 4 weeks.

At the moment they seem to take 2/3 of the development time of a patch to do the translations and testing.

On a pure theory basis the US servers went 152 - 154 in around 8 weeks. If the above holds true you will see us being patched to 1.54 in late December. Mind u with the festive hangovers better push it back to 1st week in Jan.

I agree it would be NICE to go to 1.53 first. But that is only because we in europe know what is the content of the patches. If we didnt know would people bother so much?

As for patching the English servers first... what a waste of time that would be. Customer services would be full of plebs saying

" I patched my german account with the UK Client just to see what it is like..... Its stopped working.... I am getting client mismatch error messages"( but maybe in German.... Or French)

You have to either only run english servers or patch all languages at the same time.

/em rant mode off
You also realize Mythic has to *make* the patches, listen to feedback and make game altering decisions, not just translate a patch they get from someone else. ..


Re: Re: Bored

Originally posted by Eleasias
You also realize Mythic has to *make* the patches, listen to feedback and make game altering decisions, not just translate a patch they get from someone else. ..

Just translate the patch, twice. Fair bit of work there.... especially considering the new dungeons and all they contain.

What i was trying to point out is that they are currently catching up with Mythic and that they managed to turn round 152 in about 4 weeks.... and that included user testing.

Do you think it is a simple, Unwrap nice patch CD... Insert into server A..... Patch...... Insert into server B.....etc..etc...

Patches on production machines have to be planned and tested.

I worked for 3 years as a change control manager and goa are going the best way about it. I would prefer a tested product rather than a straight from the box pacth.


I played closed beta and since then GOA promise that when release was out they will catch up with US servers in few months...

Almost a year since the 1st promises and they still havent catch up.

When i read in the news GOA telling that 1.52 to 1.54 it will be a " big patch"....well its bad, so dount count 1.54 this year.

As for the campaign & events, they are working hard but excuse me the biggest and better event i have seen was the big devil and the war among the 3 realms in emain...errr...was in beta.

In conclusion, GOA could have done a good job with DAOC if they didnt separate europe in 3 languages, if main language was English i think that they had more servers and people playing this game and the patches were just few weeks after release in US.


Originally posted by old.chipper
goa where just been greedy to take the germans and french along, .

Goa = a french company ookies so number 1 if goa chose a language proberly going to be french so whos dragging who? what language is lowest population ? english , and as for making germans play english, yeah well why should they be forced to?> If you could speak fluent french would you want to be forced to play on a french server rather than a native english server with english people ?
serious some ppl are very ME ME ME MEEEEEEEEE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE im more important, f**k everyone else i will not compramise.


Why is there only 1 test server for 3 languages too? Set up 2 more just for testing, limit the number of players on it, or make a list of ppl who want to help test the languages.

Surely this would iliminate the need for 3 weeks + testing we have now?

As for GOAs track record:

Rightnow: An insult if you have ever used it, lack or replies, 3 weeks to 1 month if you do get one which normallt results in "tough sh1t"
Patching: Never as promised, rarely on time, delayed by testing.
Testing: One server for testing 3 languages, 1 week for each, this could be simplified by getting players to assist, Im sure lots would stick their hands up to offer.
Campaign: Bullplop
Advertising: Very little, player base could be a lot better, few copies out on the shelves of popular games stores (there was a thread in detail about this)
Subscription: Lots of problems with payment methods, pages down etc etc

Yes they have a hard job, but im sure a lot of its toughness could be avoided by listening to ppl, taking on advice from the ppl who pay their wages.

The game is great, or id not still be here, but ppl have isssues that GOA should give more feedback to, basically they choose not to voice any relies to us as a populus.

Please dont launch into /flame mode, this is MYO, not a lot said can change that. I will carry on playing in the veign hope they might actually start to listen.

As for what GOA got as a deal from Mythic, thats not an issue here, why did we brits not get our own franchise is....


ok gonna say it one more time u seem to think im slagging the germans and french off im not there entitled to play just as much as the english and yes they have a larger player base my point is and will people pls consider it, is...
why do english have to wait so long for patches when there already in english ok its a selfish point of view i know but its one simple question.
ok theres a server mismatch problem to deal with but if your playing an english server chances are you rarely play on the french or german ones.
GOA promised us many things some they delivered most they didnt i think people just wanna know where they stand with GOA
im not saying its easy to do its beyond me.

on the friday news they said a "big patch" thats more or less told people you aint gettin this one for a long time hope im proven wrong.


Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD

Rightnow: An insult if you have ever used it, lack or replies, 3 weeks to 1 month if you do get one which normallt results in "tough sh1t"

When did you last use RightNow? it's been pretty snappy for me... but I've not used it in a while...

(I heard it was terrible just after release but improved.. not heard anything about it getting worse recently)

Patching: Never as promised, rarely on time, delayed by testing.
Testing: One server for testing 3 languages, 1 week for each, this could be simplified by getting players to assist, Im sure lots would stick their hands up to offer.

never as promised? they've not promised many a date... 1.50 was faster than expected, 1.52 took a while but not overly long...

Have to say I'd prefer if we got 1.53 first but going straight to 1.54 will save them 3 weeks of testing and probably more time in the translation... (just we won't get 1.54 until a bit after we would have got 1.53, I'd prefer less but more often but hey, that's life)

Advertising: Very little, player base could be a lot better, few copies out on the shelves of popular games stores (there was a thread in detail about this)

can't dispute that.. they could do a lot better getting the game into people's heads. SI is their big chance I guess.


Originally posted by Fingoniel

When did you last use RightNow? it's been pretty snappy for me... but I've not used it in a while...

I've used it a few times .... answers are quick but the quality is very poor... they wont even look into the matter most of the times, like someone said "shit happens".


Yea give goa a break i find thier atch and support very prompt and bug free (better to delay a patch than send it out fulla bugs) so i'd like to send a big well done hug 2 goa :p
P.S i came from mir so 1 patch every ten years seems fast


Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD
Why is there only 1 test server for 3 languages too? Set up 2 more just for testing, limit the number of players on it, or make a list of ppl who want to help test the languages.

Surely this would iliminate the need for 3 weeks + testing we have now?
and who is going to pay for 2 more test servers, the people to maintian them, bandwitdh, 3 development teams ect ...

Just slaping 2 extra servers in there doesnt mean it will get done faster, might even be slower because now the team can concetrate on one thing at a time.

Bure Ygg

Hi have wonder 2 things sen i begun to play at GOA

1 why do we not have in game support ?

easyer to report suspected cheat or Bug abuse etc...

2 do we realy have 24/7 support like USA ?

.. for what do GOA do if some ppl get problem at big holidays like now at christmastide ? Do they have to wait till they begining of Jan before they get their problems solved ? And if they have to wait do GOA give them back some mony for this is a game you pay for play and if i cant play and have payed how do they do then? And i think we can demand so sort of quality form GOA on support and other stuff
for this is a online game and we all pay to play . Sometime GOA dont act like a realy company for if you run a company you want satisfide costumers and that will say atlast 95% of them and i dont think GOA have 95% and even if they get 95% satisfide costumers the goal it is always 100% so i dont understand why they not liaten to the criticism they get


FWIW, I reckon theres a good chance of getting this new patch before christmas.


FFS, I want norwegian servers, with norwegian language! :p

Allmost everything that going on on the internet is english, and the "world-language" is english. I'm from Norway and speak norwegian...but I allso speak pretty good english becouse I've LEARNED it, becouse it's the "world-language" and it's pretty smart to be able to speak it. So why don't you german/french d00ds get ur asses on the school bench and start study english like the rest of the world :p

(ok was a bit irony there...but hell you see my point)

And I can't see any problems in copy the american patches into GOAS english servers since they are finished by mythic...:rolleyes:


I remember they saying they were almost up to date with Mythics versions :)
Still no pvp and US are launching 1.55 ..

Still I am very happy with the 1.52. Don't really like the SC thing :( will make all players perfect.. booring


Got an official response from GOA to this thread:-

"You don't frighten us, English pig-dog! Go and boil your bottoms, son of a silly person. I blow my nose on you, so-called Arthur-king, you and your silly English kiniggets."

"I don't want to talk to you, no more, you empty-headed animal, food trough wiper. I fart in your general direction. You mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries."

:D :sex:


Originally posted by Whoodoo_RD

Rightnow: An insult if you have ever used it, lack or replies, 3 weeks to 1 month if you do get one which normallt results in "tough sh1t"

Sorry if you had such bad experiences. I've used it twice, and responses were quick and to the point. Last time, I lost an item which was essential to finish an epic quest. I wrote them and in a few hours (less than 24) they replaced the item in my inventory.

Works for some...


What a nice flame thread

1 why do we not have in game support ?

because this would take a lot more staff than goa presently employ, and afaik employment laws in france probably make this not viable. plus would you want to pay £xx extra to have some csr's sitting somewhere waiting for your messages, when they would probably still take just as long to reply due to other people also trying to get some answers?

2 do we realy have 24/7 support like USA ?

nope, look up

ok, next flamer

Rightnow: An insult if you have ever used it, lack or replies, 3 weeks to 1 month if you do get one which normallt results in "tough sh1t"
Patching: Never as promised, rarely on time, delayed by testing.
Testing: One server for testing 3 languages, 1 week for each, this could be simplified by getting players to assist, Im sure lots would stick their hands up to offer.
Campaign: Bullplop
Advertising: Very little, player base could be a lot better, few copies out on the shelves of popular games stores (there was a thread in detail about this)
Subscription: Lots of problems with payment methods, pages down etc etc

Rightnow : I have never had any problems, longest wait for me was about 24 hours but thats when i posted at a weekend, ie noone in the office. and the reason you might get a reply of tough shit is that goa dont just go doing anything the players ask, because otherwise whats to stop you just trying a spec and then getting respecced, as happened with some players after one person got a char remade after deleting with all points free.

Patching : they do their best, and at the moment 1.54 is in testing and afaik scheduled for a january patch

Testing : that would mean having 2 more machines supporting 2 more nearly-empty test servers. didnt you notice that usually when a new patch was on gorre people would download, play for about 30 mins, and then log off? it would be stupid to have 3 machines with almost-empty servers running at extra cost to goa. plus when solving problems *genrally* you dont push it 3 ways at once, you just change 1 variable and check what happens, in this case the language, and thus limiting the amount of things that can go wrong :)

Campaign : short and far between it seems, but if you ever get involved with one it is a very nice thing to happen. a lot of short non-campaign events happen but can just happen to a few players and hence not be reported to the masses. as for the campaign, try looking around. cjkace has done a very nice post recently after hes been looking around trying to move on the hib side of it :)

Advertising : i actually saw some advertising in the uk recently, but there has been a lack of it for a long time imo :\

Subscription : never had a problem

Ok and final flame?

There cant be english servers on 1.58 and french\german on 1.52 because that would require an extra patch server

Thats me done, you can kill me now :)

Weeping Willow

My experiences of Rightnow is only positive, a friday night I got 10 replies or something. And the other time I got reply in 24 hours.


Aeil got it down to the tee. The patch is being tested atm. Rightnow is working fine, if you are polite etc. The patching is fairly swift, GOA --> Player comunications is improving. And SI has a release date.

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