/waves - quitting daoc



Hate to lose u man, we had some nice duels back then :(

I hope u wont delete ur account or summink, just have a break and do something else until patches arrives


Good luck u nasty Spainish dude !

Thx for the fun we had !


Noooo! who is gonna double tank finlaiths without a shield now?

:( :(


Serves you right for killing poor grey minstrels :(

It's a shame, I was going to get levelled so I could sing a song at your funeral..

Sorry to see anyone go :(


lofffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff (or loved)

as you are still my puto, a few things

1. next time you see sturmmmmmmm, say hi to him from me, and tell him I owe him a kicking

2. I feel the same way about the game :/ cept there is no influx of new blood in the eu version, so it is getting stale...every lowbie is an alt, and the population is decreasing (ie you ;p )

3. :m00:

4. you still gotta have a few plats left - i dont mind having it :clap:

5. i'll miss sending tells to ya bro :[ no one i can cuss to as much anymore :( :(


lofff :( :(
I've had alot of laughs with you mate it is so sad to see you go :(

Will miss you alot mate, take care.


Lofff noobi. good at rvr and thx for plevling me in treibh at lvl 28 =D

No more chimp in our guild :(


Hmmm is someone else playing with your account then? because I can remember seeing you in the last few fights at emain...


hope you will play some more, really liked you and your RvR skills.

I was hoping for the day when I would finally be able to have some revenge for all the RP points you got from me :rolleyes:

take care


- Boredom strikes after reaching 50. RvR is quite poor (mostly zerg or be zerged) if u get too many rps u will be pointed as an rp farmer and of course, ull find ppl like Eleasias who IS NOT an rp farmer (i know him preety well) and ull find ppl like Veeshan who showed us all tonite that she IS an RP farmer, farming em from INSIDE walls. - Game doesnt offers that much but RvRing after 50...
mmm wasnt Eleasias one who even found this bug and was getting LOOT of fun killing Albs from day to day in Dun Crimm???
Dunno why you actually leave Loff but you look being really lost.
btw wasnt you one of Duel-fans ?? and what are duels = they are Safest and Biggest RP farming
If youd like to blame ppl in your last msg try to be not one-sided...

2- Mythic and its nerfing touch (news from US arent that good u can hope )
??? what made you so sad ??? thats no more chain root and youll not more be able to killing perma freezed targets?? no EASY life more makes you leave?? stop man albs do chain freeze now too! ( myself even do root-dd-root-dd a lot )

1- All that blaming and flaming for that or this, usually true as yes, lots a ppl does bug abusing, and thats what others need to start doing it also ("they did it first!" will say) I'm counting me in on that flaming thing who screws up tha game. ( i do NEVAH bug abused, but i've being pointed as if i have done, and i've pointed others coz they've done)
<----- all know that were Hibs started that and youself was using for it once ( Herbal post ) - so dont act like you are unfaulted...
also Bug abusers will get banned soon on early - thats really not ground to leave game . cannot be
P.S well if you really leaving - GL then in what you whotever gonna do


Oh come on Veesh we all know you get RP any way you can be it legal or illegal.


to: Veeshan

Firstly thx all for ur massive answer :_), knew u all love me and my hammy :D, imo im reopening to join <Refugees> at alb/pryd, (does any1 need 300g from my alts in mid/pryd?) Now i found sth to do but getting more and more pissed in exca, anyway in 2-3 weeks ---> holydays :p (big break ;) )

Dear Veeshan,

1- No, wasnt Eleasias. | No, im not lost. | Yes, i like duels, but NO duels are not RP farming, even if we kill eachother there is a timer, like 20 mins or so... but mostly unless its a duel to death or for some accidents, duels are NOT TO DEATH SO NO RP INVOLVED, those accidents may get 1 death each 20 duels so no real rps, really stoopid seeing ppl flaming about that. | No, im not 1-sided. I just told about tha 2 rr5 in Euro DAoC. Ele who is not an rp farmer, and u.

2- Ur answer to that is just lame :puke:, im speaking about tha ppl leaving US servers cos RA make RvR more unbalanced even, about tha classes who will be nerfed and tha ones who will be boosted, not about that root thing lol imo albs use it more than hibs. Note: I dont need easy kills.

3- if u read it carefully, im counting me in in that flaming thing ..., and i dont care who started it, its just screwing tha game, that thing in herbal post wasnt real bug abusing and not my fault (i cant avoid lag peaks on servers), not as hiding IN walls in total purpose and spent some hours sniping from there freely (lord was down and u were still IN wall sniping ppl), and no, thats not the only thing who made me "so sad", as i said there are too many reasons, not a solo one...

I realized i wasnt having fun anymore, as i told imo I'm reopening my acc to join <Refugees> in alb/pryd (yes, im pure sick, found the fun again in tha exping bussiness), still have no reason to play again in exca (such a gimped server) will log in to hammer ur farmer sorc again and duel some m8s (tip: come and take a look @ some duels, ull see there is no rp involved)

For a long time u got my respect, nice rvr player and u allways come back after been hammered... u lost my respect on that evening at ailinne and on ur answer to this thread.

to: Khalen, no, no1 but me plays Lofff, that was prolly tha last rvr nite before closing acc.

Thx and sorry all, 3 days break helped a lot ;)


Nice few flame words and you already Back!
Sad i didnt flame Finster before;( its really would work...

For a long time u got my respect, nice rvr player and u allways come back after been hammered... u lost my respect on that evening at ailinne and on ur answer to this thread.
you can respect anyone you like . i dont care b/c i go my own way - way for Albion


I'd argue with you Veeshan, but I can't read what u just typed :(


Abusing bugs, because others do is understandable. Still the "you did it first so we do it too now, although we know it's lame" argument is soooooo childish. You belong to the lamers too now, and aren't inncoent only because others did it first. You aren't any better now, and lost the right to whine about others that did it/do it. Well done :sleeping:


haha, wont answer u anymore veeshan, u are too stoopid ;)

1- It wasnt flame words, just reasons to leave a rooten server. (at least imo)

2- Im not back, i rerolled pryd, lofff is inactive, think i logged yesterday 5 mins at 7am with him lol

3- Do whatever u want and post all excuses u have, u are the only one here who is 100% bug abuser, u did it, u admitted it, there are proofs, and u did it in purpose. Keep doing it i dont mind, im having fun FAR from all this crap. GL

cya all, hope thats the end of this thread ;)


i do NEVAH bug abused, but i've being pointed as if i have done, and i've pointed others coz they've done)
What discussion you talk about when you just lie Loff?:puke:
End of Story

To Novamir : - true - you got the point
To Arya : what are you? i think i seen you maybe once at all on battlegrounds.. sorry but its hard to discuss rvr with ppl who rarely do it .
P.S won't post here anything else :sleeping:

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