/wave /bow /salute /laugh etc how i use em and understand



/kiss = When i see a norsewomen!

/wave = Hi there! I'm over here!

/point = Enemy over there! Used with /beckon for a duel.

/salute = Respect d00d! :)

/bow = A nice mannerly way of saying hello, Good fight.

/dance = If im about to get killed i bust out my moves! Also i sometimes dance with people when bored.

/cry = If someone says something sad, or someone ganks a poor grey (I know how they feel) :(

/bang = Thats is, you're pissing me off. Lets fight!

/laugh = Hehe. Nice joke.

As you can see i use emotes ALOT. Almost as much as I use emoticons :)
It tears me in half when theres two norsewomen in a group.. but if so ill usually kiss the healer because theyre more likely to be a real woman :)


I always laugh at the Alb Zerg Rush. Gives me a fuzzy feeling to know they need all those 30+ peeps to kill me. Plus the fact all 20 of em who manage to get a hit in will get about 20 rps each while I've just made a ton hunting the stranded people (I guess they call them scout patrols or something, you know the dudes who actually come looking for a decent fight and run into us). Too bad there isn't a /chuckle implemented...


I only use a few really.......


90% of the time used when ive killed someone who ive been after for a while. I sign of a "cheeky" thx :D The other 10% of the time on people who i know :)


When im about to get ganked hard, or just saying hello


sigh of affection


I wanna duel/fight


I noticed this when i play my guildies female minstrell ( the briton female model) i get like loads of waves and kisses from enemy sniper/assasins. :)

Especially today: Head , who spammed me with kisses and never dared to show himself :D


ALRINDEL wtf are u up too???

stop that ZILLY!!!:twak:

"...thank you sweety..." :puke:

if i see something like that again i'm gonna...

remember,he's the enemy


/kiss when i c some saracen female. damn they r horny! :D Mostly ministrels tho. Still shoot em sometimes after that. Evil kobbie:m00:

/dance always

/wave just for fun

/laugh - never cuz its humiliating imo.

/bow never humiliating 2


how can somebody cry about /dance ? I dont see the offensive in it, Xuthos and me used it alot, just cheering a bit sending a happy gesture thats all.. however laugh can be pretty mean to some1 who just got ganked ;>

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