/wave /bow /salute /laugh etc how i use em and understand



/wave = like Hi Hallo etc . also on person you gonna kill in few means like " Cya later "
/salute ( on corpse ) = when i think guy did good and i show that i respect him and thank for this fight, on living enemy its just respecting destard
/point = use it in cituations when enemy though he had me but then lost , also in hard cituations like 2-3 50lvls in line on me or all together. something like " look thats how it should be " also
also used to real pointing like " look there "
/kiss <- do never use also dont know what ppl means when they use it on me ;/ showing their friendly or like they like me or otherway deslike? dunno really . and never use
/dance <- just dancing :) being gladly or finding cituation fun:)
i rarely use it tho prolly just few times
/laugh <- most offensive emote imho used to piss enemy off really laugh on him . i use it only on 4 or 5 players all of who used it on me first before.

thats all i think of emotes .
How are you guys using em? would be like to know what means wich emote from others sometimes :)


When staring in the face complete oblivon turn round and wave at it and hope it will ignore you :)

Also I hear closing your eyes makes them think you are invisable cause you can't see them and they can't see you.


/wave - when someone too powerful for me is about to gank me (or maybe there are loads of them, or i have low health), mainly for Bee

/dance see above :]

/kiss - i don't use this

/salute - same as veeshan

/bow - same as salute

/bang - good game/fight/battle


LOL Olgark:)
hehe you can make jokes but when youll rvr more youll understand thats emotes are only language we got inbetween realms In-Game.

/laugh also in totaly dumb cituation like getting 2 times in line resisted on quickcast ( happed vs DW )
but laughting then with empty target window so its showed like " you burst into laughter " or something like that:/


Talking about emotes.

when I type in /em hands <dead enemy name> a hamelt cigar

Do they read it as Olgark says something in a language you do not understand.

Or can they actualy read it as the emote its meant to be.?


Dont think they can read the emote... Or you would have found a loophole with which you can talk...

It would sure be funny though...


They see it as "Olgark makes strange motions" :)


/kiss = i like the player that just got killed and it was nice to fight him/her


As female player /kiss when living is the kiss of (intended) death, when dead it's a bit the same but reserved for a handful appreciated opponents that need something to remember me by, tends to fall under high RP opponents sometimes.

Bang is a pure taunt, come get me.

Curtsey is rarely used but sign of appreciation for what an opponent did, thanks for the free RPs sometimes but not much.
Pretty much what males use bow for, but bow still being exclusive start of fight move.

Salute being appreciation of a good fight.

Wave is attention seeking, look at me when stealthing, running by etc.

Dance is happy, hi hi just claimed your relic etc.

Laugh is a bit degrading offensive, but possibly just when an opponent did something funny (and usually got owned for it).


/bow or /salute to someone i killed to show respect

/bang (from stealth) to tell someone im gonna kill him when i get the chance - arrogant move (mostly used on Tylar)

/wave yes im in range, but all the nerfs to my class makes it doubtful that i can take u 1v1


/point = your next...

/salute /bow = good fight,sorry that u had to die :D

/wave = just beeing friendly and hopeing for the enemy that he stands still so that i can get in bow range :m00:

/kiss = nearly same as /wave, with the difference that an arrow is on his way and that i'm already in range :flame:

Edit :hell lot of typos...


so veeshan when I hit u for 1011 dmg is that doing nice? or giving u a "target out of sight" msg when I make sure u cant cast on me? I've never had a salut I think =/
stupid melee class hard to show skill with ;[

oh wait u couldnt salute me that day at mg, u died ^^

(sorry have to mention it, so rare that u let me get close enough mate :)


Erm for those that dont know half the women player models are played by men and half of the ones that say they r women are prolly men too. Just so u know.

So blowing a /kiss to a female player model which is played... oh fk it u see what I'm getting at :m00:

/point = that'll learn u (to a body)
/beckon = come get sum..
/wave = auf wiedersehn scum, have a nice teleport etc
/laugh = woops u just tried to solo the wrong class :D


Originally posted by K0nah
Erm for those that dont know half the women player models are played by men and half of the ones that say they r women are prolly men too. Just so u know.

So blowing a /kiss to a female player model which is played... oh fk it u see what I'm getting at :m00:

lol yeh I think we know, but its a role play game at the end of the day so whats the problem?

Another fact is that from what I have seen 50%+ of female clerics/healers are in fact women in RL. That is a statistic taken from EQ and DAoC.

hehehe I guess the tearm " lay of hands " takes on a new meaning. ;)


you've been desperate for an excuse to post that for weeeeeks haven't you? :p

/point = absolutely nothing. If someone points at my corpse i assume they're indicating it to a friend, either that or they're completely retarded and asking themselves why i won't play with them anymore.
/beckon = exactly what it should be. Come on! :D
/laugh = you cocked up, you died.
/salute = you didn't cock up, you died anyway.
/dance = you're grey and it didn't matter whether you cock up or not.
/bow = You're still alive and you're going to own me because i attack a whole group of blues again :p


you've been desperate for an excuse to post that for weeeeeks haven't you? :p
Who, me? I was just going through my screenshots of the Mid spear relic raid and I found that one. I don't know who Strillith is, maybe I shot him a couple of times with my little elf bow and maybe I killed a couple of his little dwarf friends, but I assure you it was all completely friendly and amicable.

I wish I had a screenshot of the hib wipeout at Ailinne a couple of weeks ago. Zilly points, laughs, bows, dances, cries at you... causing the other (also dead) members of my party to comment, "Wow, Alrindel, Zilly really likes you!" :rolleyes: But at least I know how Zilly knows my name: from this forum. And it's now something like Zilly 8 - Alrindel 0 (shakes fist).


Originally posted by Alrindel

Who, me? I was just going through my screenshots of the Mid spear relic raid and I found that one. I don't know who Strillith is, maybe I shot him a couple of times with my little elf bow and maybe I killed a couple of his little dwarf friends, but I assure you it was all completely friendly and amicable.

I wish I had a screenshot of the hib wipeout at Ailinne a couple of weeks ago. Zilly points, laughs, bows, dances, cries at you... causing the other (also dead) members of my party to comment, "Wow, Alrindel, Zilly really likes you!" :rolleyes: But at least I know how Zilly knows my name: from this forum. And it's now something like Zilly 8 - Alrindel 0 (shakes fist).

Striilith :) :D :cool:

He is our guild leader


space space space = JUMP JUMP JUMP

meaning: 1) Im trying to get kicked from my guild by making myself an obvious target for the dead guys mates.
2) Im being extra devious trying to get the dead guys mates to run over and kill me cos my mates are all hiding.

But probably number 1.


Originally posted by Alrindel

"Wow, Alrindel, Zilly really likes you!" Zilly 8 - Alrindel 0 (shakes fist).

u know nothing Al,

about Zilly 20000 - 0 Palan :(

oh well, my time will come...


/kiss is used to say "hi" to gay people ;)
/laugh is idd offensive
/beckon come and kill me.. or at least try to . .
/cry oh .. now you are dead :/ try again next time!
/wave Hi , or oh, bye bye i cant win anyway... *dead*


Most of the times I just wave :)

/clap Worthy opponents (although most of the times I get ganked in a few seconds after that...)


I always do a /wave before I get ganked by a horde of invaders/defenders :D


I bow or salute those that are worthy adversarys. I cry because either I'm sorry they've died (Alrindel slots into this catogory:)), or they die so much (from other players) I feel sorry for them. I only laugh at a player's corpse if they've previously laughed at me otherwise I don't do this as it may give the wrong signals off. Female players I like I blow a kiss to or a wave if they're male.


any graves i see around or dead people =
/point /laugh
works a treat :D


Oh yes, I forgot.

The night they brought Gorre up with the Excalibur database, quite a few albs, mids and hibs met up at the alb wall for a picnic and some duelling. Mallus didn't lose much, but when he did go down once to someone who went a bit far and killed him, I took the opportunity to dance like a dervish on his corpse, which I had only ever seen once before in emain and that time he released before I could get to it.

ps. gratz to your level 50, Zilly, you Middie scum.


/wave - My favorite with my Minst in the BG's is to mez a Troll from stealth, wave and then run off so they have plenty of time to think about it and wonder if anyone is going 2 kill then ;)

/kiss /beckon /cry /bang /point - I never use

/laugh /dance - I don't bother to use but can remember those that have done it 2 me and may do it 2 them.

/salute /bow - after a good fight or to someone I knew from Alb that's moved to another server.


Originally posted by Alrindel


ps. gratz to your level 50, Zilly, you Middie scum.

Thank you my sweet :wub:

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