/wave = like Hi Hallo etc . also on person you gonna kill in few means like " Cya later "
/salute ( on corpse ) = when i think guy did good and i show that i respect him and thank for this fight, on living enemy its just respecting destard
/point = use it in cituations when enemy though he had me but then lost , also in hard cituations like 2-3 50lvls in line on me or all together. something like " look thats how it should be " also
also used to real pointing like " look there "
/kiss <- do never use also dont know what ppl means when they use it on me ;/ showing their friendly or like they like me or otherway deslike? dunno really . and never use
/dance <- just dancing
being gladly or finding cituation fun
i rarely use it tho prolly just few times
/laugh <- most offensive emote imho used to piss enemy off really laugh on him . i use it only on 4 or 5 players all of who used it on me first before.
thats all i think of emotes .
How are you guys using em? would be like to know what means wich emote from others sometimes
/salute ( on corpse ) = when i think guy did good and i show that i respect him and thank for this fight, on living enemy its just respecting destard
/point = use it in cituations when enemy though he had me but then lost , also in hard cituations like 2-3 50lvls in line on me or all together. something like " look thats how it should be " also
also used to real pointing like " look there "
/kiss <- do never use also dont know what ppl means when they use it on me ;/ showing their friendly or like they like me or otherway deslike? dunno really . and never use
/dance <- just dancing
i rarely use it tho prolly just few times
/laugh <- most offensive emote imho used to piss enemy off really laugh on him . i use it only on 4 or 5 players all of who used it on me first before.
thats all i think of emotes .
How are you guys using em? would be like to know what means wich emote from others sometimes