Warrior damage increased



Originally posted by Fightersuntzu
According to the TL's ive heard, the base warrior damage was increased by 10% - i think warrior damage is now 125% and advanced weapon specs(polearm, celtic spear) are still 140%......so im not too worried. :p

on the subject of polearmsmen damages... are they totally bugged or what?? At present 99% of the time a slash pole user does the same dmg as 1 hand albs slash do to me (in fact in a recent fight at apk in Odin's 2 lvl 50 armsmen 1 slashpole 1 slash were hitting me, and the slash guy did more damage on every hit than the pole did). There's is the odd 1% when a pole user hits for 400+(or even 600+), but these instances are so rare and far between as to seem to make poles completely worthless to me (I can count on one hand how often such has happened to me in all my time rvring)...


Originally posted by old.Bubble
my pet telamon > all of you!

nah I can solo greater telemons (red con) and you can only charm medium telemons, also the charming process decreases there level further ;p


Originally posted by old.willowywicca
I can solo a red con essence shredder (well I did it once ever okay :p), so someone with good evade should be able to do so fairly easily too I think..

Yeah your dex/qui is cool as is Crush's. Once had a good fight with Crush she even iped altho iirc someone hit her once (a Hib) before he died. I actually fought her for what seemed an eternity and then she was joined by a few more mids. I woulda won, just needed the extra half hour to finish it.


I've been playing a Critblade for a while now. Having Evade IV atm I noticed that when using a shield I don't evade as much as when using 2h.
A 1h/shield fight looks like 2-3 blocks vs 1-2 evades.
In a 2h fight against a yellow con I evade like 4-8 times. (Both examples are unbuffed and PvE.)
This makes me think that the defense order is Block before Parry and Evade. Dunno for sure if Parry or Evade is second though since SBs never parry but I guess its Parry. Simply bcz people said they dont notice much evading aswell when going 2h.

Lets say a warrior has a 50% chance to block, a 20% chance to parry and a 5% chance to evade. Defense will look like this when using shield.

100% - blocked = 50% left/50% chance to block (50% of 100% = 50%)
50% - parried = 40% left/10% chance to parry (20% of 50% = 10%)
40% - evaded = 38% left/2% chance to evade (5% of (20% of 50%) = 2%)

This gives you an overall defense of 62% in that case. The evade part makes only 2% of these 62%!!!

Now 2h:

100% - parried = 80% left/20% chance to parry
80% - evaded = 76% left/4% chance to evade

Your overall defense is only 24%. The evade part here is 4%. Higher than with shield but still not really helping. Especialy since a 2h warrior would prolly spec 50 parry hence reducing his chances to evade.

Making Evade more effective would mean giving warriors at least Evade III. In my example Evade III instead Evade I would mean...

-1h/shield: 6% chance to evade increasing your overall defense by 4%
-2h: 12% chance to evade increasing your overall defense by 8%

Not looking like a way to fix the weakest pure tank (in the realm that should be the melee realm) if you ask me.


I think you can ..
i dont wanna brag or anything but i killed a red con um warrior in df without getting hit once well bt saved me once rest was parry evade.. I have allso died on em..
If you dont belive me ask jenna :) ..

And about crush she is mad .. Me crush and hmm cant rem but think it was a lvl 47 dark rm killed 3 purp knights in df at same time those are lvl 7x ( might have wrong) and she block em like nothing :)..


One of my most enjoyable and difficult RvR solo occasions (it was one of the few times i've lost one on one) was against Crush a little kobold warrior who was doing as much damage to me as I was to him, I really think that this damage increase is uncalled for.
Having said that, I wasnt as well equiped back then, but it would be interesting to see how well this encounter would go in a few months time after the patch

Yeah, this one time, uhm, I lost against a mercenary i think, yeah, NERF NERF NERF!!!

jerk, you cant base SHIT on one encounter you assclown


Originally posted by Arnor2
jerk, you cant base SHIT on one encounter you assclown

Now is this quick judgement that he used against warriors, the same quick judgement you are using to conclude he's retarded?

Good work fucktwat. ( <----- based on one encounter. oh my. :D )

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