Warning !!!


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004
This is a warning about grouping with certain people in Midgard ToA areas.
Wont even bother to write to rightnow and whine because dont think that will help anything, since I dont have any proof(ss, or chat.log). U'll just have to take my word for it.

Do not group with the following chars, or be careful having them around when doing artifacts, because they will either try to pull ur mob (they pulled Traldor when we, my brother and I had killed all other), or try to get the last hit in on ur mob.

Luisda. 50 Healer
Nomathes. 50 Shaman
some lamo bonedancer also (dont remember name)

I'm sorry for posting like this, but none of them are in any guild.

Be carefull and if u are grouping with them .. remember to make loot go to a trusted person.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
you dont have any proof so you will just try to ruin their name anyway?? good idea m8.....

p.s. wasnt luisda a runemaster?? :s


Fledgling Freddie
May 20, 2004
True soiling some ones name is never a good thing, but i know myself i don't chat log nor do i take screenshots, yet some people do take the piss, you only have to read back a few pages of here and you will see the posts about the Viciouz's, the Zeeker's and similar people.

Generally if someone was posted here as an attack i am sure they would defend themselves at least enough to bring out a discussion.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
actually this happend with 2 guildies now despite the warning in guild.
Both times nomatches and luisda was involved, and both time with traldors oracle.

Heard from pad in SF : nomatches: in fact that was my 9th stolen artifact
(yes i got the SS to go with that)

Luisda´s main hmm well got the name on that one as well, but lets see if the person comes to defend himself before i say anymore

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