warm bath anyone? NOT WHEN ITS ILLEGAL!


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004

first they take away peoples rights, rights not many care about. now they think hey lets take more rights! now you may not be able to have a really hot bath if you buy a brand new property? btw im not jokin, its all there on BBCs website. not an early april fools by me etc.

However, Tory Peter Luff (Mid Worcestershire) said people should take responsibility for themselves and there should be an assistance scheme for the vulnerable.

He said: "Baths are not just for cleansing, they're also for therapy and I suspect your measure would get in the way of that particular liberty that I enjoy.

this guy is spot on imo. to me, not only are they wanting to take away yet another right but it also seems like they are finding scape goats to really not look after OAPs like they should be looked after.

"but we made it illegal to run 60oC water, what more do you want?!"

if OAPs are some how diving into the bathtub without checking the temp, maybe they need some info? like check the water first etc. if they are slipping and somehow falling in? maybe spend some freaking money and resolve THAT PROBLEM. OAPs slipping over isnt something that should effect everyone. it should be a problem that is address with OAPs to make sure they can function propley if they chose to live at their own home.

and onto kids. i assume only little kids would jump in a bath not checking the temperature. well ok, is that my problem? i believe that is a problem with the parent restraining that child and controlling the bath them selves.

dont know about anyone else, but i sometimes enjoy a shower with just the water coming from the boiler and no cold mixed in. its rediculous to think that if i move into a brand new home then i could no longer do that!

i ask you, just what the fuck is going on?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
the "nanny state" marches on... :m00:

How long before each local government starts employing people to feed us with plastic spoons, in fear that someone might accidentally stab themselves and their whole family to death if allowed to wield a *gasp!* metal fork...

If only the people of this country were able to stand together long enough without bickering, then we could stop these decisions that are made for us. Sadly too many people are concerned with the little issues contained within to see how much money is being wasted and liberties are being taken...


I like the way the BBC provides a picture of running taps for people who have never seen what a bath looks like.

Public service for Welsh people :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
Tbh I don't think its that baaad an idea, not the worst politically correct thing I have seen by a mile - and if at the end of the day it stopped those kids getting burnt then surely it wouldnt be a bad thing - I know I have ran a hot bath before now, stuck a hand in ..gone "yeah thats nice n warm" hopped into in and then realised it was actually molten lava in a clear liquid form with manly bubbles!!

Anything that can save lives / stop injuries is never a bad thing - and after all if you want it hotter - top it up from teh kettle!!


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
evzy, the point is that its about taking away peoples rights. instead of doing that why not educate people on checking bath water?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
I know...but we all know some people just can't be taught to use common sense - you could colour the water purple if its too hot and they still wouldnt notice - these are the kind of people who need device's like that fitted for their childrens sake - don't care if they boil themselves tbh..


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
so because someone is a fool you think everyone should suffer?

either you are suggesting they are voluntarily fitted


everyone legally has to have one because people arnt informed on checking water

which one, cos im not sure i totally understood you :p


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
Nah IQ check - set a level - if you fall below it you have to have one...

Could apply to a lot of things that tbh... Electrical items....Sharp objects... Children...Vehicles...Oxygen.... though those you don't get if you fall below the cut-off.

Hmmmm ~checks watch~ Not quite time for the revolution yet....


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
I think the idea is pretty bad. First of all, the facts are exagerated in my opinion.

Dr. Alan Phipps said:
In the last year we have seen 14 children with severe scalds from bath water.

Might be correct, but let's compare that to how many people take a bath. Now tell me how many people die of cigarettes each year and I ask you why they're not banned by now? Right, cause people have the right to injure themselves if they wish to.

The numbers presented here are so low, that I start wondering if they didn't just pick the most idiot people for their statistics. If you asked in the same hospital how many workers come there cause they injured themselves with a machine, the numbers would be higher I guess and I can tell you, most of these accidents happen because people simply don't care and don't read the warning signs.

My opinion is, that the world is not a giant kindergarden with overseers everywhere. At a certain age you're responsible for your own actions and should therefore act reasonably. Children who don't have this rationality yet, are to be protected by their parents. They are there for the childs education and while the state can help in this process, he shouldn't dictate everything.

What they could do to find a solution is, to add a higher safety level to heat regulators, like having to push a button to get over a certain degree (it's like that on our shower). This isn't really a restriction to people's freedom, but it would make the safe-line clearer.


Dec 22, 2003
tris tbh, I think you're blowing things out of all proportion.

Have you acctually tried to bath in water 60 degrees? Have you tried to bath in water at 48 degrees? Do you regularly enjoy getting 3rd degree burns?
Did you read the line saying it has little chance of sucess anyway?


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004

You can take our lives, but you'll never take our.... HOT WAAAATTTEEEEERRRRR!!!1

I just shouted this out in my class in college, everyone was like "wtf", one of my mates said it best:

"If they do this I'll just build a big fire under my bath and scald myself anyway!!! hahahahaha!!!"

(we worry about him though) :D


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
Tilda said:
tris tbh, I think you're blowing things out of all proportion.

Have you acctually tried to bath in water 60 degrees? Have you tried to bath in water at 48 degrees? Do you regularly enjoy getting 3rd degree burns?
Did you read the line saying it has little chance of sucess anyway?

my whole point is about taking away rights. i shower in water straigh from the boiler which they claim is 60oC. i have never sufferd any burns. my shower is on a mixer tap. should my right to shower in hot water be taken away? no, imo.


Dec 22, 2003
tris- said:
my whole point is about taking away rights. i shower in water straigh from the boiler which they claim is 60oC. i have never sufferd any burns. my shower is on a mixer tap. should my right to shower in hot water be taken away? no, imo.

Mixer tap = adds cold iirc.
Do you set it at the very hottest setting? Have you measured the temperature to see if it acctually 60 degrees? Your right to shower in hot water isn't being taken away. Remember average body temperature 34-36 degrees. Anything over 38 will feel hot. Your right to give yourself 3rd degree burns however may be taken away.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
Tilda said:
Mixer tap = adds cold iirc.
Do you set it at the very hottest setting? Have you measured the temperature to see if it acctually 60 degrees? Your right to shower in hot water isn't being taken away. Remember average body temperature 34-36 degrees. Anything over 38 will feel hot. Your right to give yourself 3rd degree burns however may be taken away.

the mixer tap adds cold water if i want it to. there is the hot tap and cold tap. if i dont turn the cold tap on its just water coming straight from the boiler.

why do you personally think everyone should not be able to use water at this temperature?

dont you think its better to educate people on what they do wrong? or take the easy route and just take something away from everyone?

i think they should make special coal that only goes so hot. i may decide to throw white coals on the floor and try walk on it and require plastic surgery. thats no good is it, no. ban coals for everyone cos im acting a fool.

should they stop selling coal altogether to the public?

maybe ban hair dryers cos the heat can burn your eyes and the scalp of young kids.

Kathal said:
lol, here we go again. :)

rofl, its onlt a bit of friendly debate my man!


Part of the furniture
Aug 14, 2004
they are discussing possibility of taking away my right to give myself 3rd degree burns? oh noes shame. tbh thats one of my rights that I dont really care for tyvm :)


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
there is more uses to really hot water from the bath tap then just diving in like an ass and burning your self :p


Part of the furniture
Aug 14, 2004
I think theres more important things to give a shit about than wether I can get boiling water out my bathroom taps or not really.
and its not like the limit will make the water come out only luke warm, it will still be very hot, just not kettle boiling hot!


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
yes more important things, like having rights taken awaway bit by bit :p


Part of the furniture
Aug 14, 2004
I do not see how this is a vital right that we have though to even bother about! if you want scalding water in your bath so much then fill a kettle and tip it in. if it was taking away your right to have a bath altogether, or take away the rights to hot water then there would be a reason to give a shit :) this does not effect me or anyone in my family since we dont ever have the need for scalding water in our bathtubs.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
pouring water from a kettle that is 100oC is not the same as using 60oC water in the shower.
im not going to shower in 100oC water :p


Part of the furniture
Aug 14, 2004
well you can keep fighting your war on bathtub hot water temperature, cause I really think its a waste of time discussing now :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
BBC said:
More than 600 people a year suffer severe bath water scalds - three quarters of whom are children.
BBC said:
Dr Alan Phipps, a plastic surgeon at Pinderfields Hospital burns unit, in Wakefield, said: "In the last year we have seen 14 children with severe scalds from bath water.
"The majority need skin grafts and long term scar management for several years and repeated reconstructive surgery over the course of their childhood.
"Most of these injuries would be prevented by the bill."
And you guys want your so called 60C baths?
You are NOT getting 60C water out of your pipes that’s for sure. If you do your showerhead is approximately 2m above your head and the water is cooled down before it reaches your body.
The water might be 60C when it enters your building, BUT not when it hits your body.
600 ppl being severely burned every year is a lot. And its not necessarily their own fault. I remember a few times where I have been in the shower where I turned up the heat a bit more than usually because the water was cold for some reason. Suddenly the water got REALLY hot. Maybe because someone else turned off the water, maybe something else. Anyways I jumped out of the shower being scolded. Was it my fault? Was there something I could have done to prevent this? Should there be done anything about this?

Hmm, doesn’t water boil at 100C and not 60C? Guess you could boil water at 60C, but not at the pressure we walk around in. Guess it’s to get their point thru with some dramatically words etc.

PS. Im NOT an expert on at what temperature ppl get scolded, but if they say that they have 600 cases every year I believe that 60C can do that.

Disclaimer: English is not my first language, but you should be able to understand what I say/write. If not, then feel free to ask what I mean.


Dec 22, 2003
Tris, I dont believe your boiler is heating water to 60 degrees, since you have ignored every request to measure it, I can only assume I am correct. :p


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
am i the only person who cant see what the fuss is about?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
Stop whining! Think before you complain. Do you think they picked the temperature of 48° just because it is such a nice number? Here's a fact for you: Most proteines start denaturating at ~40°. That means they lose their biological functionality and are destroyed. Thats the reason why >40° fever is a life threatening condition.
Yes, your skin is able to withstand temperatures of 45° and higher but only because you blood transports the heat away.

I am 100% sure that hardly any of you will go and sit in a tub with 48° hot water. You wouldn't get scaldings instantly but you'd sure suffer serious pain if you tried.

Marc said:
am i the only person who cant see what the fuss is about?
I'm with you.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Marc said:
am i the only person who cant see what the fuss is about?
hehe, we have a few ppl here that question everything the government does. "Smoke bans", "reducing bath water temperature" etc. :)
There is nothing wrong with a little discussion. Just wish ppl would read what each other write.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
Kathal said:
Hmm just found this: A child cannot be scolded by hot water at 58°C. 64°C and you can feel the burn. Scroll down and you will se a small list. I'm not sure if this is correct, but it seems they know what they are talking about.
Guess they have to look into what causes the 600 bath water scalds and that’s what they are going to do. It doesn’t look like you are going to loose your hot water after all ;)

Dude, did you even read the article? This is about a solar dryer. They are talking about an air temperature of 58° not water. Air has a considerably lower thermal capacity than water wich means it can not store or transfer heat as effective as water can.
Beside that you'd get serious circulatory trouble after a short time at that air temperature as your body will try to keep your skin from scalding by carrying the heat deeper into your system.

PS: Google + quoting random things out of context can seriously injure your children.


Part of the furniture
Aug 14, 2004
Hot Water Heating: 58°C = Water 58°C

A child cannot be scolded by hot water at 58°C. 64°C and you can feel the burn.

taken from K's link ^^

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