Warez Agreements



I do find them funny:

Warning The creator of this site takes no responsibility or liability for anything that happens as a result of reading or downloading anything on this page or anything contained in subsequent pages. Disclaimer Neither me or my Host/ISP is responsible for what you do on this page and the following pages. Nothing is illegal the way that it is. This page is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes ONLY! Some of the links found inside may direct you to pages that contain questionable material and it is your choice what you do with such links. Your actions may cause you to break the law. If you do decide to download anything off one of the linked pages make sure that you are the sole owner of a proper license of that software and or you have the express written consent of the producer / software company and any related copyright holders. endorsement Reference herein to any specific commercial products, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by Norway-Warezt. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of Norway-Warez and shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes. liability With respect to documents available from this server, neither Norway-Warez nor its creator, makes any warranty, express or implied, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. notice For controversial reasons, if you are affiliated with any government, ANTI-Piracy group or any other related group, or were formally a worker of one you CANNOT enter this web site, cannot access any of its files and you cannot view any of the HTML files. If you enter this site you are not agreeing to these terms and you are violating code 431.322.12 of the Internet Privacy Act signed by Bill Clinton in 1995 and that means that you CANNOT threaten our ISP(s) or any person(s) or company storing these files, and cannot prosecute any person(s) affiliated with this page which includes family, friends or individuals who run or enter this web site. By continuing to enter this site, you are expressly and impliedly agreeing to all terms as stated above, and affirm that you are in compliance with all federal, state and local laws concerning the content of this site


Simply put these disclaimers don't mean anything these days, i can't remember what i was told exactly, but something changed a couple of years ago to make them worthless reading. Ohh imho not everybody has a spare 40 quid lying around, maybe thats why there so popular. I admit i downloaded Quake 3, 2 weeks before it's uk release. Didn't stop me from buying it though. But hey napster is OK isn't it, free music instead of free games is different:)


I don't have time to play 20 games a month. 1 new game on PC per month is about enuff. I can afford that. I don't seem to enjoy warezed games...


Most wares games don't have music or something to reduce the download size.


Yes its common to rip out video scenes and also the cd music since this would require too much space unless, like Durzel says, they're ISOz.


Yes but one can get the rare addons, if one knows the right folk;) When a game gets ripped NO element of the actual game came be messed with, only intro/music/movies/speech can be taken out. In extreme cases, things like highres textures, and ambient sounds are sometimes removed. The thing that sux the most though has to be when groups rip out stuff, just so they can keep the disk count down, so that another group won't be able to nuke the release, thats nothing but lame, as you miss out on things just because myth, and fts, a couple of groups that can't handle the competion. Nobody wins with that one, as the rules the groups made to help people, actually screw them more because of these group wars:p

ISO's these days are pretty much old hat on http sites. Unless your in the know, you can't get them so easy.
Gota admit i did get the latest episode from the states of the simpsons last night, and the xfiles the night before, i just can't be waiting endless months for them to be shown.


And with the advent of cloneCD you can take a direct image off of the cd protection et al.


Yup CloneCD is good, means you can copy CD's with copy protection on (seen it on a friends comp and he only uses it to backup his games)


warez. god, id rather be nice, unassuming, law-abiding citizen and go down to my local games store, have a nose around and buy a game rather than spend about 2months peicing each of those 65 download 'episodes' together only to find it 'does not appear to be a file or has been corrupted, please try downloading again'.


And in this day and age, connections:)

Clone CD is cool, till it comes up against cdilla2 that is:p
when it came to copying my cm2 disk, it was back to the oldschool gamecopyworld for the cracked exec:p


I confess. I'm an warez addicted. So, sue me :p

I only download ISO's, which are complete. No missing or corrupt files. Here in Portugal, games costs alot. Sometimes, it costs 2 or 3 times more than a game bought in other EU country. I'm tottaly against this rip off from the national (portuguese) retailers. That's why i dload some games...like 2 a month. (that's not much, i think)

Oh free music (like napster) is different that free games (warez)? In which way? both, i recognize, is a "robbing" the authors. That's why i download both :)


Hey SUp3rFM,

Order your software from another EU country that sells things cheaper.


Originally posted by hazzeryoda
warez. god, id rather be nice, unassuming, law-abiding citizen and go down to my local games store, have a nose around and buy a game rather than spend about 2months peicing each of those 65 download 'episodes' together only to find it 'does not appear to be a file or has been corrupted, please try downloading again'.

Me too

Then I clone the fucker, take it back and get a refund



Originally posted by MeanMrMustard
Yup CloneCD is good, means you can copy CD's with copy protection on (seen it on a friends comp and he only uses it to backup his games)

Nice save m8 ;)

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