Warders Finish your webbie! :)



I heard he was using fermented troll droppings in his dyes. <Shudders in terror> Hope this is not true


What the hell are you mids on!
Finish your website turns into a full scale FLAME WARDERS thread
damm you guys are almost as bad as albs flaming sotl/loe :)


Originally posted by old.Bubble
What the hell are you mids on!
Finish your website turns into a full scale FLAME WARDERS thread
damm you guys are almost as bad as albs flaming sotl/loe :)

warders > sotl at everything :)?

old.Gombur Glodson

1 Servants of the Lake Albion 60,121,271 2,299,647 121 / 137 65 438,841

3 Warders of the 7th Sigil Midgard 37,431,340 1,350,735 80 / 86 60 435,248

No you dont ;)

SoulFly Amarok

Warders = Silly kobies like Dosferra, liddul dwarfs like Jenna, brutal norsemen like blixt and the trolls left in phear :(

But tey keel u ;<~


Originally posted by klavrynd
you forgot stunning beauties!!!!!!

Yeah!! The stunning fearsome beauties!

How could you forget us?!?? :(


Girls its not the hair color that we look at.


Red Hair, firm ....eh stones, good looking ....eh logs, lovely held garden with a red bush ...eh sorry im getting caried away here.

what where we talking about again ?

Blue Ix

When I did a /gc who at one point and noticed a level 20 something in the guild, who didn't reply to /gu messages and which noone who was online knew, I got a wake up call. That guy apparently had 6 characters in Warders (which none of the Warders online had heard of), said he had been in the guild "since the summer" and that he was also the guildmaster of another guild. I asked him to remove his characters from the guild, he said he was busy at that point. He never removed those characters, I had to ask GOA to get it done.

Doing a merge has lots of ups but also some terrible downs.
At the moment what we, the guildmasters of warders, have been trying to do is reshape the guild. Make it something close to what we had from the start, with the added flavours of the guilds who have joined with us. We are almost there, a lot of people got pissed and were not used to discussing problems that we've had/have. Or the problems just were not problems to them, I can see how one big guild where everyone and their friends get to join is cool to some people - it is not to us guildmasters. We can't be responsible for people that we don't know basically anything about.
Doing a [/gc who] and realizing that you know about 50% of the players behind the character names displayed is shit, especially as a guildmaster. The recent changes (an alt guild, the removal of some people who were on trial and people who basically do not intend to get to the end game anytime soon) is stuff done with the best of intentions.
We can't have some 'friend of a friend' in the guild soloing as a level 37 hunter, gaining one level per three months wearing our guild colors down in spindelhalla doing god knows what. If 99% of the guild doesn't know the person, at all, and he can't answer the question 'why are you still in warders' - he basically isn't a part of the guild anyway.
So I ask him to drop out and at the point where he is ready for what the guild is doing, RvR, apply for a trial period - what everyone else has to do.

Warders today consist of 55 members and 77 active characters (84 total characters).
Most people actually know each other right now, in a week or two we are ready to take in active alts again. In a month we are ready to consider the applications from people looking to become a Warder and join in on the RvR that we like to do.




You're stating what was already obvious - that you > all, and can do whatever you want to do with Warders as you were one of the founding members, and even after 6 (or more) months of absence, you're a perfectly suitable GM for a guild you obviously no longer know what stands for. Thanks for ruining it. Quoting Klavrynd seems appropriate:

Egotrip > Warders.


C'mon guys, stop the feuding (in public atleast).

Anyone would think this is the Alb/Pryd board :touch:


There's always a place for you at Nemesis laroma =) We've already got Waylander and Rowena back, kinda nice to rebuild with the old members ;)


Sorry, that was officially my last post in this thread.


Thanks Elrond, already spoke to you ingame.

I won't forget. :)

[EDIT] Duh, I lied. This one will be the last one.

SoulFly Amarok

Originally posted by Blue Ix

Warders today consist of 55 members and 77 active characters (84 total characters).
Most people actually know each other right now, in a week or two we are ready to take in active alts again. In a month we are ready to consider the applications from people looking to become a Warder and join in on the RvR that we like to do.

This is exactly how it should be.

Egotrip? We are talking about efficiency.


Heh, please, Blue's the last person to ruin warders.

k thx and BYE.

Blue Ix

Originally posted by Laromia


You're stating what was already obvious - that you > all, and can do whatever you want to do with Warders as you were one of the founding members, and even after 6 (or more) months of absence, you're a perfectly suitable GM for a guild you obviously no longer know what stands for. Thanks for ruining it. Quoting Klavrynd seems appropriate:

Egotrip > Warders.

You've made up your mind. You've no idea what the leaders or officers of Warders have been up to behind the scene, or what kind of private messages us guildmasters get every day about.. random stuff - from guildmembers who would rather have us bring things up in the guildchat than do it themselves.


Originally posted by Laromia

Quoting Klavrynd seems appropriate:

Egotrip > Warders.

can we leave my quotes out, especially if the context is unknown. Now it seems like i was bashing on Blue, which i wasn't

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