Warders Finish your webbie! :)


Blue Ix

What are you looking for anyway?
Lots of random screenshots? A forum that noone ever posts in? News regarding who has joined and who has left the guild? ;<~


how about our master plans for domination of emain and all of albion?


I like the webbie there is a big fat picture of a ph fat troll!!!


How about a website containing an article explaining to the members, why Warders had to be turned into an 'elitist-attitude' guild after some the founding members returned after being 'afk' for a while?

Would be nice also to know why the officers from the guilds Warders merged with didn't have a say in this decision?

Anyway, I bye Warders.


Originally posted by Laromia
Anyway, I bye Warders.


Will miss you Laroma! :(
Unless something can be done to change your mind?!


Yeah, undo all the changes that's been made after the old Warders returned, then i'd probably consider returning. I liked Warders the way it was before.

I don't expect that to happen though, since the a few of those old Warders metioned seems very determined to screw up the guild just to have it their way.

Ah well. Be fun finding a new guild.


Originally posted by Laromia
I liked Warders the way it was before.

Mmm, me too.
Unfortunately everyone who wasn't lvl 50 was asked to leave (that included me (and my IRL friend bromar) after i/we returned from a break from DAoC).

I joined my old guild from beta, Danish Huscarls. Still a few friends left there :)
But Laromia, GL finding a guild you like better. Shouldn't be too hard now should it ;)


Guilds come and go mate, rise and full... Some even come back from the abyss after all have given up hope and some people even try to send them into the darkness before their time.

Time will tell.


Originally posted by loony

Mmm, me too.
Unfortunately everyone who wasn't lvl 50 was asked to leave (that included me (and my IRL friend bromar) after i/we returned from a break from DAoC).

I joined my old guild from beta, Danish Huscarls. Still a few friends left there :)
But Laromia, GL finding a guild you like better. Shouldn't be too hard now should it ;)

i dunno about this case but seeing how ppl already have 4 lvl50chars etc
ppl should have been abel to get at least1
and as warders is a rvr guild from what ive seen, rvring with non50s isnt very effective
ps:nothing personal or anything just generaly my opinion


Originally posted by walkerb
i dunno about this case but seeing how ppl already have 4 lvl50chars etc
ppl should have been abel to get at least1
and as warders is a rvr guild from what ive seen, rvring with non50s isnt very effective
ps:nothing personal or anything just generaly my opinion

Most people do have lvl 50s, and then some alts. It was then all of a sudden decided that alts that weren't 50 weren't allowed, only in the sub-guild, kids.

This wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't because Kids is pretty much dead, hardly more than 1-3 ppl on at the same time, and guildchat is as good as dead there.

Not only that, I really don't like to be asked to come Legion because bigger number of ppl are needed, only to be rejected Dodens group because "there was already 2 seers".

Pretty much all of my old friends from Danish Huscarls/Nordic Fury play in Warders, and what I miss the most is them. They were the ones that helped me do my epic, those are the ones I talk to, those are the ones who were there for me when I needed them, and vice-versa.

I wish Warders the best of luck with overtaking the rest of the european guilds in RP, or whatever their goal may be, just sad to see it degenerate from the once great guild to "RP farm og leave".


Pretty much all of my old friends from Danish Huscarls/Nordic Fury play in Warders, and what I miss the most is them. They were the ones that helped me do my epic, those are the ones I talk to, those are the ones who were there for me when I needed them, and vice-versa.

And we will still be here if u need anything m8 :)


Originally posted by walkerb

i dunno about this case but seeing how ppl already have 4 lvl50chars etc
ppl should have been abel to get at least1
and as warders is a rvr guild from what ive seen, rvring with non50s isnt very effective
ps:nothing personal or anything just generaly my opinion

Well, when i left i was one of the few lvl 40+ healers on the server and no one was lvl 50 at the time :p

I think its fine warders want only lvl 50 chars in the guild, but kicking out old members that would be lvl 50 soon enough isn't very smart in my opinion. Makes me think "Ress that dead guy? Ah! warders...guess not! /laugh" :p


I could understand the nothing but lvl 50 thing if the guild was setup like that from the start... but to kick non-lvl 50's is pretty sickening.


What is even more sickening is, that being kicked is not limited to "not being level 50".. Obviously, having low "last-week-rp" is enough reason to get booted as well.



Warders isnt a guild for chars under 50, and when memento mori merged into warders we felt that, but as i hoped things changed when i dinged 50 (dunno how the others feel).

when a bit later shadows merged in i do admit i was a bit scared but most if not all people were really nice.

After a bit when kephan joined i had the time of my life.
Warders being my dream come true and nearly all people were super.

After a bit some people came back, and things started changing, most were nice but some were utter tossers (but i guess in every guild there's nicies and baddies). The most recent adds to warders, all oldschoolers are nice as well.

As in every guild there's people you really get along with and people you really dont get along. However the last weeks things seem a bit down (maybe cuz i wasnt around that much having exams and all that :p~~)
People started leaving, and i didnt know the real reason. Blaming the fact that all non-50 or non-24 should go to kids isnt the real reason imho since before everyone had to level on theirselves (with a few exceptions) and didnt make a real fuss about it.

I want to conclude that we better take this into some sort of private forum, and keep the dirty laundry on private property rather then public domain such as bw


No more info is needed really, you can follow progess by refreshing Warders member-count on Duskwave daily.

That is all.


You are of course allowed to run your own guild the way you want, and I'm not here to tell you to do either this or that.

I just can't sit by though, this is an elitist attitude, one which I keep getting disgusted at. If a guild I was in showed any tendencies towards actions like this I would leave right away. Wouldn't matter how many level 50s I had, I still would leave.:puke:

Flame me if you wish, I just can't stand idly by without making a comment.


Ok, so a few oldtimers come back and everything gets turned upside down. :rolleyes:

But what gets thrown around here is not the whole story so take it easy with the judgements, if you will be so kind!

Here's the scoop if it would be of interest to some of ya:
Many did not like the idea of making a sub-guild for characters that were levling. Imo it was not a bad idea.
<Warders of the 7th Sigil> set out from the beginning to focus on reaching 50 fast and then go take on other players rather than computer-AI (aka mobs, npcs).
So the thought was to keep warders RvR and keep exping in a sub-guild. Then ofcourse, when people dinged 50 their characters would join the main guild again. (Whats the big deal? I know that some guilds take in members per character and not per player, which we did, which lead to a million alts which nobody could keep track of)

Then on top of some being unpleased with the sub-guild idea, at the same time it was decided that some people that were on trial would not make it into warders.
They were 'kicked' if you will, BUT guildrank <Warder Initiate> is not the same as <Warder>. In plain english it means "on trial", even though they wear our emblem and have access to guildchat.

Now, I am sad to see a bunch of good people leaving but to be honest, I havnt seen much of an effort from those guys to try and bring it up and discuss it. Instead it was the easy way out in the heat of the moment it seems --> /gc quit.
Well that's their decision. Personally, I would not leave a guild in such a haste, and especially not one like Warders.


Freia, if you think that's the reason people started leaving (the Kids guild), then i'm sorry, but you obviously don't have a clue.

It was the general attitude and lack of respect certain people were showing to long time members that made people leave, not Kids - Kids was just another issue that needed to be looked into. At least that was the case with every single person (who was "hasty" and did /gc quit) I chatted with tonight.


I am saying the alt guild is what started this thing yes. If you say that somebody got kicked for having low rp/week then you don't have a clue. But we both know that none of us are clueless so let's leave it there.

Some left, it was their decition. I didn't know a thing about your plans on leaving until I read about it here so I don't know why you complain _after_ you left instead of before. I guess you arn't coming back anyways so what can i say?



You're right, neither of us are completely clueless. I've been flamed and have flamed others tonight, and i'm just coming out of it. Sorry for that.

Anyway, I did complain while still being in Warders, but some of these persons with nazi attitudes made democratic discussions impossible. Like 'I know whats best, now stfu n00b kthxbye or leave'. I don't want to bring myself to that level, so I left without mentioning why (except for the few times I tried to get a word in).

Anyway, I talked with alot of people tonight, and I was told some of the officers and other GM's will be taking actions to revert the changes that was enforced in Warders recently. If this indeed succeeds, I will most likely be returning. Like I said, I like Warders and the people in it - only with a few exceptions.


So many things going on here.

first of all quite a few people left before Kids saw its first day, so it cant be all caused by Kids. The issues is the way I see it atleast from reading guildchat in warders is that some poeple want to do somethings else then just RVR. the reason I left was because I was
a) bored with my char
b) bored with the realm
c) sick of seeing people leveling to 50 in 4 days and then ruin a good evering with thier leet n00bness.
d) Im not as focused on rvr and gaging poeple as many others are, imo if I wanted only to go pure pvp i'd go play CS or UT again.

I liked many of the people in warders and still do, I think its fair to make an rvr guild out of warders since that what they been for the laster 2 month anyway.

But I think you guys need to work a bit on your PR, dont want you to be the new NP now do we.

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