Volley versus buffbots: volley WINS



As it stands in 1.60, an archer can now creep close enough to an enemy portal keep to ground target a point inside it and use volley, and still be outside the aggro range of the uber portal keep guards (although apparently the teleport NPCs will aggro if hit by a stray arrow - go Glasny!). This is not that big a deal against real players: it's a 5 arrow ground targeted burst over 20 seconds, every 15 seconds, fired blind. Any real player just has to walk about fifteen paces to get out of range. Buffbots, of course, are another story.

Here is a screenshot to warm the heart of anyone who has ever played an archer, or been stomped flat by a player with a personal level 50 buffbot, or both.

http://www.xgamingzone.com/orgun/stiv1.jpg :clap:

Bonus points are awarded for the buffbot owner appealing the CSR to cry and whine instead of, oh, say, going out and finding the archer and killing him. Extra double warm fuzzy bonus points are awarded for the buffbot owner then (of course) going to squeal about it on the VN boards, especially the part where he tries to pretend that the buffbot in question is not a buffbot, it's just his friend who plays a level 50 shaman with 1 quickbar of buffs and goes afk a lot.


I have no idea if Mythic will leave this in or not, specifically the code that prevents the uber guards from aggroing anything too far away from the portal keep, which was added to stop exploiters from luring them out into Emain to lay waste to every enemy in the zone (anyone remember being chased by an alb TK guard all the way back to the fomorian tower?) But I seriously hope they do. One of the most unfair and unbalancing aspects of buffbots is that they are, for the most part, unkillable. At least this would give archers something new to do once in a while (although admittedly it only works against really, really dumb enemies).


excellent :)

here I was only htinking of getting 5 archers with longshot to pick off the ones that people leave outside :) get volley and take them all out at once ;)


Originally posted by Alrindel
Here is a screenshot to warm the heart of anyone who has ever played an archer, or been stomped flat by a player with a personal level 50 buffbot, or both.

http://www.xgamingzone.com/orgun/stiv1.jpg :clap:

Bonus points are awarded for the buffbot owner appealing the CSR to cry and whine instead of, oh, say, going out and finding the archer and killing him. Extra double warm fuzzy bonus points are awarded for the buffbot owner then (of course) going to squeal about it on the VN boards, especially the part where he tries to pretend that the buffbot in question is not a buffbot, it's just his friend who plays a level 50 shaman with 1 quickbar of buffs and goes afk a lot.


Haar harr, that's really made my day. I've seen some lame whines in my time but that takes the biscuit..

But mommy he's not playing fair, he's shooting my (non)buffbot.....
I really like the sound of that and it's totally realistic, that's how you fire a longbow in massed combat. It's the reason the english longbow men wers so deadly, you don't fire short direct arrows at targets, you fire upwards and rain them down from above into the most vulverable side of an army, the top.

Of course crossbow users shouldn't get this skill...

They should creat a longer range siege engine for this purpose too, maybe even one that allows you to fire animal body parts creating a Poison or disease aera effect on the keep....

Imagine the fun. ALthough all the people who have spent their entire playing career dependant on a buffbot will whine like 5 year olds, but that will just make us more happy ;-)


lol, the thread is hilarious too.
Why don't people take in any aspect of realism if it "ruins" their gameplay...
I think it is perfectly reasonable to be allowed to shoot inside a PK with Volley.
The ONLY people damaged are buffbots... anyone else would have just ran away inside or whatever.
This guy on the thread is pathetic and I laugh at him :)
Great thread I must say!

Woot to Volley and BOO to buffbots!

EDIT: Just noticed that the real english Longbowmen were mentioned. They were like todays tanks or cruise missiles o_O
The arms on longbowmen were insanely huge, the corpses/skeletons that have been found of them have had mutilated bones as arms due to the massive strength in their muscles.


Originally posted by SFXman
EDIT: Just noticed that the real english Longbowmen were mentioned. They were like todays tanks or cruise missiles o_O
The arms on longbowmen were insanely huge, the corpses/skeletons that have been found of them have had mutilated bones as arms due to the massive strength in their muscles.

I've tried to draw a replica long bow... And I'm not exactly weak and all I can say is OMG nerf poundage!


I think some elements of realism will really add to the game. I was hoping that they would have siege towers implimented at some point to add some variety or even ladders which would draw people out of the keep in sieges . ALthough the game mechanics for pushing a ladder off the ramparts would be interesting, although you could just make teh ladder fall back and everyone drop to teh ground and take fall damage.....
Damn, I should shift to the games industry I'm good at this


ahahaha hilarious!!! :D

/me runs off to roll a hunter ^^


If it is removed then this is no longer a game that tries to emulate real warfare but just another same old same old.

Yay, go volley!

Tesla Monkor

Just move your bot to a place that it isn't visible from. Like inside the buildings, or under the stairs. If an archer is willing to spend that much time in the open trying to kill someone inside the keep, he'll be ganked in no time at all. (No camo = assassinbait).

While Volley doesn't need a LOS, the archer does need to know where to shoot, volley being a area attack. Right now the guards don't aggro when shot, but I'm pretty sure that will be fixed soon, making the whole point moot. ;)

old.Trine Aquavit

Just an addendum to the English Longbowmen facts in this thread. At the time of the dominance of the English longbow every able-bodies Englishman over the age of 14 was required by law to practise the longbow for at least two hours every week (supervised by the local clergy).

By the time the English were at war the men of their time were as well honed in the art of the longbow as their modern day counterparts are at watching football ;)


Originally posted by old.Trine Aquavit
Just an addendum to the English Longbowmen facts in this thread. At the time of the dominance of the English longbow every able-bodies Englishman over the age of 14 was required by law to practise the longbow for at least two hours every week (supervised by the local clergy).

By the time the English were at war the men of their time were as well honed in the art of the longbow as their modern day counterparts are at watching football ;)

sweet jebus, that's insane :)


A little off topic I know, but one of the highlights so far for me was in emain a few months ago. About 30-40 LoE were attacking Dun Crauchon, when we got word that our own keep was under attack. We all ran off to the mpk to suicide back.
As we ran up the hill towards the portal keep, this little green-con dwarf just happened to open the gates. 30 LoE steamrolled him and piled inside.
Many many buffbots died that day, before we all fell before the uber guards. One of the most enjoyable moments so far in this game.
(in fact, second only to taking 8 infiltrators, climbing inside and taking caer hurbury, while Teador and co stood on the battlements completely unaware of our presence).


For reference, originally it was WELSH longbowmen who actually taught the English how to use longbows.

Then the english went, cheers guys, now we're coming to take over the world!!!!


Originally posted by old.Trine Aquavit
Just an addendum to the English Longbowmen facts in this thread. At the time of the dominance of the English longbow every able-bodies Englishman over the age of 14 was required by law to practise the longbow for at least two hours every week (supervised by the local clergy).

By the time the English were at war the men of their time were as well honed in the art of the longbow as their modern day counterparts are at watching football ;)

Doesn't that law still exist? We have lots of medieval laws that are still around just not enforced :p


Originally posted by Spinky

Doesn't that law still exist? We have lots of medieval laws that are still around just not enforced :p

Yes it does. A few students set up a target in the middle of oxford high-street one sunday, a few years ago and started shooting. Of course the police came along and questioned them about it. The students claimed that they were obeying the law and it was the people not shooting that were breaking it.
After a little research it was found that the law says that it is every able bodied man's duty to practice the longbow for 2 hours after church on a sunday. As the students had not been to church beforehand, they were arrested. :p


Like the one where it's legal to shoot a Scottishman inside York city walls with a bow and arrow :p ?


Originally posted by Falcon
Like the one where it's legal to shoot a Scottishman inside York city walls with a bow and arrow :p ?

Only after dusk.


if you stand on the chester walls it legal to shoot any welsh people after dusk as well...


Originally posted by Jerjerod
if you stand on the chester walls it legal to shoot any welsh people after dusk as well...

I'm sure it is but I wouldn't want to be the one telling the judge that ;)

I think scouts should get a special v-sign emote to use after they've killed all the buffbots ;)


Originally posted by Tesla Monkor
Just move your bot to a place that it isn't visible from. Like inside the buildings, or under the stairs. If an archer is willing to spend that much time in the open trying to kill someone inside the keep, he'll be ganked in no time at all. (No camo = assassinbait).

While Volley doesn't need a LOS, the archer does need to know where to shoot, volley being a area attack. Right now the guards don't aggro when shot, but I'm pretty sure that will be fixed soon, making the whole point moot. ;)
The one with hope still left :), or the only one commenting on how to get around it :D
What do you have there? A buffbot, nooo...


sorry Volley > buffbots
+ i saw the appeal thing, personally you are an idiot if you appeal to CSR cos someone killed your buffbot imo


Lets all make AntiBuffBot-bots and park them outside each others PKs then :D

Someone pwning too much?
Log on 20 archers and rain death on the PK :m00:


Buffbot user who whines because he's buffbot get's killed=Most priceless thing on world :clap:


I found this hilarious in that, "Funneh americans again" kinda way:

"perhaps he was exploiting geometrie or something like that"

Or, to go for the obvious conclusion, since 'geometery' does not...(and so on)

Is the guy correcting the others word geometrie with his own word geometery? Shouldn't that be geometry?

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