VOIP not working? Possible Solution


Resident Freddy
Dec 24, 2003
Some nights ago I finally sorted out my ingame VOIP, which was deciding to not work. The symptom was that I could set up everything fine with BF2VoiceSetup and ingame options, it'd all test fine, then go ingame, it'd show the VOIP icon on squad selection screen, but the moment I tried to use it the icon is off and it would stop working. I'd then also be unable to keep it activated in options, any attempt to do the mic. test lead to it turning off again.

The solution is simple. Start -> Run -> dxdiag. Click Sound tab, find the slider for Hardware Acceleration, and set it to 'Basic'.

This fix came from an eagames.co.uk forum post, which only mentioned it in relation to Realtek AC97 based sound hardware, which mine isn't, but heck it works anyway.

As to why it's necessary when things like Ventrilo work find with H/W accel on Full, well chalk it down to DICE being crap again I guess. My best guess is that if h/w accel is on full then the drivers report some capability as present, DICE try to use it, but in some drivers it doesn't work. Maybe Ventrilo et al work around this automatically, but BF2 doesn't.


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