Video [ Solo reaver ] Snader


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
ooh d/ling, drunk now so ill say what it was like tomorrow

edit: nm, fucking 1h+, d/ling tomorrow :D


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
damn this is taking ages

20 minutes and 70% complete, will post when i watch it :)


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
fuck sake, im 28mb away from completion and DL is at 27kbps :(


Fledgling Freddie
May 30, 2006
not bad ^^ beavers love from behind
but realy hate catacombs skin


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
shitty work pc, on 90% atm will be here all afternoon DL :(


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
Why on 1 fight do you say "Chanter, warlock, valkriye" when the Valkriye has his pvp timer?

then you say "ranger, ranger, heretic" and the heretic helps you kill the rangers lol

All banelord reavers over RR5 show the same old video's. no one cares if you slam, levi, levi, levi = win against 1 person or 3.

When you fight nodoubt he doesnt purge iirc, doesn't IP or moose. Also against some of the other tanks they dont purge and you win (as most reavers do).

Why not show some fights where they use some of their toys as well?


Fledgling Freddie
May 30, 2006
bahumat ask the same question from ylai why he purge every time and show it in his video all know that asasin is strongest solo class ? ask why some comidien`s played fullboted in your guild, ask why fear fg stay in goth for 45 mins when there are only soloers at healer bind stone ?;x fear isnt rated retard guild just coz of laud mouths like bahumat for whom 1 forum is just not ENought xDD


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
kindrid said:
bahumat ask the same question from ylai why he purge every time and show it in his video all know that asasin is strongest solo class ?
This is about Snaders video, what does Ylai have to do with anything? I am hoping Snader looks at my comments and learns from them.

kindrid said:
ask why some comidien`s played fullboted in your guild,
Why dont you ask them? even if i knew who you meant, what does it matter to me?

kindrid said:
ask why fear fg stay in goth for 45 mins when there are only soloers at healer bind stone ?;x
I got no idea and as i've had my account closed for a few months, maybe there are not many people to fight anymore or maybe a group is waiting for someone to join...either way, me knowing the answer does not help in my review of Snaders video dumbass.

kindrid said:
fear isnt rated retard guild just coz of laud mouths like bahumat for whom 1 forum is just not ENought xDD

This makes no sense but im sure its an insult of some sort, you can flame me all you want but your opinion does not really matter. I pride myself on being a nice guy and i've made alot of friends in daoc. Yes i post alot, lets be honest here, you post in the camlann section far more than me! But who cares if i post alot, i usually talk to the rvr players in the off topic sections so it really has no relevance to camlann.

I dont like blowing my own trumpet but you've forced me to do so, if i log onto an rvr server or a freeshard or Camlann under the name Bahumat i get alot of people saying "oh hey, your the dude off FH, i like you" etc. I have
made a good impression on alot of people so we both know im no retard.

Fear's lasted so long cause the members are really nice people, occasionally an idiot gets into the guild but you get that with all guilds. They are not retards and i think any camlann player who actually has a voice that matters, will back me up on that.

So Kindrid, get out the dictionary, put a response together and i'll happily destroy you tomorrow :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 15, 2005
Bahumat said:
I dont like blowing my own trumpet but you've forced me to do so, if i log onto an rvr server or a freeshard or Camlann under the name Bahumat i get alot of people saying "oh hey, your the dude off FH, i like you" etc. I have
Yeah, u're good man :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
i had to turn off sends sometimes from all the ppl telling me how much i kick ass, true story


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
this host is really really bad, gets about half way through then drops to 4kbps


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Bahumat said:
So Kindrid, get out the dictionary, put a response together and i'll happily destroy you tomorrow :)
wow bahu that was f**king cruel. leave the dude with some shred if dignaty :eek7:


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
SnadeR said:
Bahumat said:

duel = no ra

"ranger ranger here " = to see the rang

"slam levia levia" i forget that i have juste 2 buttoms on my macro

The reaver playstyle is pretty simple so you can try and impress people by saying "oh i dont press just 2 buttons, i use abs debuff etc" but i really dont care because your doing the same thing as every other reaver!

The only thing that makes their video's good is they fight people who purge their slams and use their toys so you have close fights.

Who wants to watch a reaver chasing a ranger to then slam+levi? oh, the great skill in using insta lifetaps and dots to keep him from stealthing...the...using Stealth Lore to find him! omg you should win an Oscar for such an amazing video.

The fight at the end against Nokt or whatever the melee ranger is called was a good fight to watch, it was not just 1 sided. More importantly it showed you lost, this is a good thing, no one wants to watch a player win every fight.

Oh, here is the Blah Blah bit your supposed to quote...


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 1, 2004
Thank you for making my already dull and boring life worse, worst spent time ever. Please dont record any more movies, and if you do, dont post it here.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 19, 2005
i ve been unbuffed :kissit: flame me ingame, but in ur own vid ... hehe.
video was ok (nothing special), dont know many other reaver vids. next time u could leave out all these 0815 fights (perhaps record more than just a few days).


Fledgling Freddie
May 30, 2006
=) Dear Bahumat first of all your comment about dictionary and my english grammar. I know its not perfect, but what it has to do with snader`s solo video =).. Alot of people speack english just becouse majority of english and irish are to stupid to learn any other language. The percentage of those who can`t even read in england small town`s especualy is horifying xa-xa. I speack 4 languages :>, if i make mistakes you have to fogive me for insulting you in your mother language.

Bahumat said:
This is about Snaders video, what does Ylai have to do with anything? I am hoping Snader looks at my comments and learns from them.

I didn`t mean to get Ylai suckered in to this topic, but comparing those 2 video`s both use ra`s 2 win purge 3 for the win and pa is as much skill as levi, if you didn`t like snaders vid you should`t like ylai`s either. Why haven`t you wrote anything about it in his movie topic? This points to only one thing your crapy post is based on bad relation to this reaver and there is nothing to learn from them,especualy from you =).

Bahumat said:
I got no idea and as i've had my account closed for a few months, maybe there are not many people to fight anymore or maybe a group is waiting for someone to join...either way, me knowing the answer does not help in my review of Snaders video dumbass.

It`s very nice that you keep forum whoring m8 even when you dont play the game =). I tryed to show that fear guild`s opinion shouldn`t be taken seriously. It`s either stealthers or group when you talk about fear. Only several people from this guild who actualy weren`t big talking like you monkey is nodo, astarc. Rest play stealthers when solo and some even fullboted atlist before. Soo when you`ll get the balls to make solo unstealthed class vid let us know. What could you possibly tell about soloing, you have ermmm rr4 ranger oh shish it`s a blademaster, and paladin rr6? Ohhh xD remmeber when u challanged me for a duel in atk, if i remmeber correctly i perfected you :D even when you had a temp and i on the other hand had armour from my lvl 46 hero and df jewlry =). Soo if u cant and dont know how to solo beter shut your trap when you write such garbage.

Cetus writing some useless trash just to back you up heh, i never take it seriously. Should of offended him in the ira topic more ^^. In overall moments like these when fear gang of 6 members with all key classes rushes bravely from gothwaite castle =) to farm 1 rewarded and 4 not rewarded players and die in the end xDDDD fighting vs them makes me log in to this game more and more =)).

bahumat i bet your best moments on camlan were with horde grp where u had a proud duty of presing few buttons bg stick endurance. Since you never solo`d becouse of your incapability to do soo your opinion is realy "priceless" xD.

P.S: Well i touched many topics soo xD, hopefuly will waste more work hourse tommorow too then .)


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
kindrid said:
=) Dear Bahumat first of all your comment about dictionary and my english grammar. I know its not perfect, but what it has to do with snader`s solo video =)
.. I cant really understand what your typing as its poorly written, not your fault, but its a fact none the less. If you want to flame me at least make it so i can understand (I am talking about the last part mostly).

kindrid said:
I didn`t mean to get Ylai suckered in to this topic, but comparing those 2 video`s both use ra`s 2 win purge 3 for the win and pa is as much skill as levi, if you didn`t like snaders vid you should`t like ylai`s either. Why haven`t you wrote anything about it in his movie topic? This points to only one thing your crapy post is based on bad relation to this reaver and there is nothing to learn from them,especualy from you =).

Comparing.....thats the problem, i did not give my opinion on Ylai's video as far as i can tell. So if you think im a biased person you have no factual evidence. You dont know if i liked, or disliked Ylai's movie do you? Also assuming i have a problem with Snader is incorrect, i dont think i've spoken to him before...if i did it may have been "nice fight".
I do not think i can teach Snader anything about Reavers as its not my class, however i've seen a fair amount of Reaver video's thus i've seen the same old shit, again...and again...and again...

kindrid said:
It`s very nice that you keep forum whoring m8 even when you dont play the game =). I tryed to show that fear guild`s opinion shouldn`t be taken seriously. It`s either stealthers or group when you talk about fear. Only several people from this guild who actualy weren`t big talking like you monkey is nodo, astarc. Rest play stealthers when solo and some even fullboted atlist before. Soo when you`ll get the balls to make solo unstealthed class vid let us know. What could you possibly tell about soloing, you have ermmm rr4 ranger oh shish it`s a blademaster, and paladin rr6? Ohhh xD remmeber when u challanged me for a duel in atk, if i remmeber correctly i perfected you :D even when you had a temp and i on the other hand had armour from my lvl 46 hero and df jewlry =). Soo if u cant and dont know how to solo beter shut your trap when you write such garbage.
Just to be pedantic, Astarc does have a SB iirc. I unfortunately dont have lots of time available to play daoc so my chars are not the highest RR's, i have a RR4Lx BM, 6L4 Paladin (got bored of this char a long time ago but i sometimes use it for 8v8), RR4 Heretic, RR3 Vamp, RR4 Sorc, RR3 Vamp, RR 5L6 Inf, RR4 Shaman so its obvious to see i like making chars and having half the fun getting them 50, getting arte's plus the occasional pvp. I have not solo'd on the paladin for about 6 months before leaving Fear so i cant even guess how long that is. I mainly played the Inf for solo, and anything else for group play.

When we dueled you did beat me (unless you mean at Humberton when i was pre RR5 and in really gimpy items?), to be fair a high RR warrior should beat a Paladin because any warrior with mob3 or 4 is a nightmare to hit with Paladin gimp weapon skill. I also dont know which spec i was when we dueled, i've been a few hybrid specs which worked well against casters but awful against full tanks. Either way most of my solo time has been on my Inf and with a mediocre template i beat alot of people so i do know a thing or 2 about solo play.

There is a reason people say this phrase "Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups". Its for people like you!

kindrid said:
Cetus writing some useless trash just to back you up heh, i never take it seriously. Should of offended him in the ira topic more ^^. In overall moments like these when fear gang of 6 members with all key classes rushes bravely from gothwaite castle =) to farm 1 rewarded and 4 not rewarded players and die in the end xDDDD fighting vs them makes me log in to this game more and more =)).

bahumat i bet your best moments on camlan were with horde grp where u had a proud duty of presing few buttons bg stick endurance. Since you never solo`d becouse of your incapability to do soo your opinion is realy "priceless" xD.

P.S: Well i touched many topics soo xD, hopefuly will waste more work hourse tommorow too then .)

Friends stick up for each other, i dont really see anyone coming to your defense (lol Enkor i know you will just to be a pain!) So if someone wants to backup what i say then great.

for someone who insults my play skill, how comes you couldn't master the BG role? i mean its only "pressing few buttons". Hell, you dont even have chants so its even easier!

This whole thread has gone wildly off topic, my post was to give Snader an idea on how to make his video better (not his playstyle).

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