Viable alternative to DAOC that isnt starwars?



Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)

Bah, you young whipper-snappers have no idea how unnerving it is to play against Nintendo-trained, reflex bosted cyborg teenagers...

*takes his heart medication and limps off*

lol. I have the same problem. tho, judging from your posts, to a lesser extend ;)


Oh, I wonder where I will head into as next mmorpg. I haven't been playing daoc for a while, and have put my account on hold (if SI is nice, I will take a peek at least). So, anyways, went around looking a while ago on what games is comming around, and so far I have fallen for Darkfall. Now, if they deliver what's in here ( in a nice package, then I'm definitly off there, and as they've got themselves a publisher quite recently, things are looking bright.

Apart from that, I guess I will have a look at sw:g,wow and de. I was off into the beta of eve-online, but something went fooked for me so I couldn't download the beta =/ It does look nice so far tho =)


wow... like the look of that avalon thinger

*delves into the background*


Originally posted by Soulcatcher

I don't agree. being lightly FPS based leveling takes a lot more skill and attention then the usual target mob, press attack, get a coffee, repeat of most mmog's I played (yes, I know I'm oversimplifying things)

tho I agree that char balance leaves a lot to be desired. but hey, it just launched. there's a gem in the making there. all it needs is some more polishing

Nah - I bought retail - it plays like a very early beta version - much of the content is broken/missing - it doesnt have a chance because people will leave before it ever sorts itself out.

Its not FPS either - you just need to click on the mobs target box at the time you fire the weapon - I can fire round corners/thru walls etc.

Many skills are broken and currently have no effect.

Almost nobody is playing it either - peaks at around 300 on the server (once in a blue moon) yet its still badly laggy - I often go linkdead and theres tons of synchronisation errors and I have a fast machine and Cable broadband :(

Dont waste your money on it - the two CD's will now be coasters!


Give me a shout

Originally posted by old.tRoG
wow... like the look of that avalon thinger

*delves into the background*

If you decide to play it, give me a shout. My character is Mirrigold and I'm guildmistress of the Craftmasters Guild in Springdale.

Believe me, it's the best £15 a month I've ever spent on any sort of gaming experience.
And while I wouldn't say there is no OOC stuff, there is very very little and certainly none on the boards or in general shouts or most open conversation.

If role play is your thing tRoG, then this is definitely one to take a look at - providing you can cope without the super dooper graphicy bit ;)

Oh yeah I forgot - you can't be twinked in this game either and everyone's equipment is exactly the same as everyone else's - no ub3r swords or armour etc, all you got is the skills you've learned and the reaction of your brain in dealing with what's happening around you.


I had a quick go at the Avalon game thingy last night..
The text messages were Zooming past on the screen, there was not way I could keep up with all the messages going through..
Is there some sort of filter that can be switched on?

Ok, Ok, I didn't read the manual.....



Originally posted by danskmacabre
I had a quick go at the Avalon game thingy last night..
The text messages were Zooming past on the screen, there was not way I could keep up with all the messages going through..
Is there some sort of filter that can be switched on?

Ok, Ok, I didn't read the manual.....

Well my first suggestion would be read the manual ;)

Secondly I would suggest typing concentrate (this cuts down the amount of text you actually receive to that which is directly relevant to you and if you like (although it defeats the point of a text game) you can type brief, which will cut down the room location descriptions too.

Also, depending on what time you logged on last night and into which city, there was quite a bit of PK going on which might have counted for all the spam.

As I said to tRoG, if you do log in (after 7.30pm GMT) look for Mirrigold and send me a tell and I'll try to talk you through the important bits ;)


Ok, firstly, I dont know what a text based "MUD" sounds like, but it sounds to me like MUD :p

Secondly, you pay 15 f***** quid a month to see text ????

Third I aint very deep, and dont read books very often either so text doesnt appeal to me as much as some of you...

But please, ... tell me these people dont pay £15 per month to play a text game???????

No graphics? :( No Pictures? :( Just stuff to read? :(

.. :sleeping:

So what actually IS a text based MUD? :D


Originally posted by Soulcatcher
Played the AC2 beta. and seeing that there is neither class balance nor real divirsety in race (exept the looks) it's really not worth it once you're used to the drop dead gorgous graphics

might be worth it. but not before it's live for at least 6 months

besides that, I can strongly advice Neocron (

Oi Coax you sly fox stop trying to steal people from DAoC! :p ;)

p.s. where do i get that offline demo of Neocron? :D

edit: p.p.s. I'm looking forward to Planetside (although it's basically a FPS game so i'd not compare DAoC type stuff)


To you people that looks forward to Shadowbane, I can say so did I before I got involved with the Beta! Well simply said it could have been good but it aint good at all trust me on that one.

The game I'm look forward most to atm is darkfall if they can get there ideas intact over to digital form they will have a great potentional. Then we have SWG well sure it looks nice, but a SCI-FI rpg that will be destroyed by all Jedis and Bounty Hunters well I dont know. And just think about this you hit stormtrooper for 5 points of damage, usally gets me to not thing good about SWG after all. And on top of that they did annouce the expansion pack almost the same time as the game it self! Well sorry I cannot take that serious, just like "hey people I have wounderful idea how to get even more hard earned money from the MMPORG community" thing. So I guess I will stick with DAoC until either Darkfall or EverQuest 2 "but well they must scrap the idea of zoning before im going to play that one!" Fantasy will rule RPG's for ever lets just face that :)


Urm yes, that's the point

Originally posted by old.Biffsmash
Third I aint very deep, and dont read books very often either so text doesnt appeal to me as much as some of you...
But please, ... tell me these people dont pay £15 per month to play a text game???????
No graphics? No Pictures? Just stuff to read?
So what actually IS a text based MUD?

The reason we play this game is because it is so much more involved than anything with graphics could ever be. If you don't understand that then you'll never understand the principle of it ever.
The fact that is it is text is exactly why it's so involving because you have to use your imagination.

MUD stands for Multi User Dungeon so it applies equally to text or graphic. In this case we're talking text and around 100 plus people per night playing this particular one proves there's plenty people willing to pay cash for a decent role-playing experience.


Originally posted by Gandir
To you people that looks forward to Shadowbane, I can say so did I before I got involved with the Beta! Well simply said it could have been good but it aint good at all trust me on that one.

The game I'm look forward most to atm is darkfall if they can get there ideas intact over to digital form they will have a great potentional. Then we have SWG well sure it looks nice, but a SCI-FI rpg that will be destroyed by all Jedis and Bounty Hunters well I dont know. And just think about this you hit stormtrooper for 5 points of damage, usally gets me to not thing good about SWG after all. And on top of that they did annouce the expansion pack almost the same time as the game it self! Well sorry I cannot take that serious, just like "hey people I have wounderful idea how to get even more hard earned money from the MMPORG community" thing. So I guess I will stick with DAoC until either Darkfall or EverQuest 2 "but well they must scrap the idea of zoning before im going to play that one!" Fantasy will rule RPG's for ever lets just face that :)

Ok first off not everyone will be a Jedi, this class will take a looongggg time in advancing. Then if they do they will be hunted down by the empier where ever they go more or less.

I would like to start off as a smugler myself to learn the game mechanics then most likely move onto trying for jedi hood. You know be a smugler get loads of cash so i can buy a ship when they are released.

The add on pack is done to yeh get your money off you but also to let the player community to establish itself, a space ship will cost a hell of a alot of money so its no use in being able to buy them once the game is officaly released. At least it will give Verant time to build or attempt to build a reasonable galaxy to fly about in it.

On another note if Mythic did a patch that rolled the game back to the state it was at day of release then maybe they would fix it that way. As it stands now every patch makes the game more unplayable and less fun to play your character for me at least.

RA's should never of had see hidden or true sight, then camoflage would never of been needed.
Volley and Long shot are a waste of time no sane archer is going to buy them. I would much rather of seen a AOE exploding arrow that covered a radius of 350 doing max damage to the target and to all others in radius 100 damage.

AOE mez should never of been implemented for RVR, but it is. So I think confuse should be made usable in RVR to let the RuneMasters have some kind of defense to stop enemy players attacking them. Or give them a insta AOE root spell.


Check out the following as possible alts to DAoC

World of Warcraft
City of Heroes
Realms of Torment
Lost Continents

For my money Realms of Torment and CoH would drag me away from DAoC if SI doesnt live up to Mythics own hype and our own expectations of it based upon that hype.

Ryzom looks fantastic, I have been following the development path of this game for about a year now, it has a very "different" slant on things and many unique features. It is also being designed for the more "experienced" gamer in mind... or so they say.. definitely one to watch I think.

An outsider but also one to watch with much interest in my opinion is Lost Continents.. some financial and dev problems early on in the games history slowed them down a bit but... from what I can gather now, they are back on track and all is going well... its a bit of a "Raiders of the Lost Ark" meets "The Mummy" kind of thing, looks like it could be a lot of fun and a nice waste of anyones time.

Toodle Pip :)


Re: Give me a shout

Originally posted by cadiva

If you decide to play it, give me a shout. My character is Mirrigold and I'm guildmistress of the Craftmasters Guild in Springdale.

Believe me, it's the best £15 a month I've ever spent on any sort of gaming experience.
And while I wouldn't say there is no OOC stuff, there is very very little and certainly none on the boards or in general shouts or most open conversation.

If role play is your thing tRoG, then this is definitely one to take a look at - providing you can cope without the super dooper graphicy bit ;)

Oh yeah I forgot - you can't be twinked in this game either and everyone's equipment is exactly the same as everyone else's - no ub3r swords or armour etc, all you got is the skills you've learned and the reaction of your brain in dealing with what's happening around you.

lol, 15£ a month for a silly game. Do you maybe get a free PC with it when you sign up?

old.Trine Aquavit

I decided to give Neocron a try. It has some good points and some bad.


The FPS made a nice change (for me - I don't generally play FPS's as I'm addicted to MMORPGs)

The skill-based system is quite nice. You earn different types of XP from different actions (e.g. Melee fighting will earn Strength XP, getting hit will earn Consitution XP, etc). Gaining a level in one of these areas will earn points which you can spend on skills in that area.

The player-market works well. Despite the low population of teh servers there's a definite need for player crafters, and the best items are generally crafted. For instance, to get a decent weapon you start off with a crappy version, get a researcher to reseach the wepaon to create a blue-print. Look at the blue print to find what components are needed to make it. Get the components (either buy, or these can be researched and built from recycling certain mob-drops). Take the blue-prints and components to a constructor and they can make a much better version of the original weapon. Player made weapons also have a chance of being constructed with between 1-4 'slots' for additional components. The need for researchers and constructors (as well as "Pokers" - those adept at implanting bio-tech) generates a nice focus for a player market.

PvP is handled by a "Law Enforcement" chip that you can insert and remove. With it in you can't harm or be harmed. With it out it's full PvP. Interestingly the skill requirement for items drops if you take the chip out, making it much faster to level is you're prepared to take the risk of PvP. PvP is also controlled by a system called "Soul-light". Each player has a soul-light. Killing a player with positive SL will hit you're own SL considerably while killing a player with negative SL will increase it. Repeated ganking can make you a target for everyone for a long, long time.


The game is very, very buggy. It crashes out at least once an hour for me, and I've been hit by a number of other bugs like weapon graphics disappearing and at one point my avatar changed sex! I've also found myself shooting at stuff and doing damage but their health not going down :(. There are also reported bugs with the soul-light and faction system.

Apart from the trade/skills & player market it seems a pretty group-unfriendly game. There's not much grouping going on, and not much need to group so everyone seems to solo (though this might change higher up). The tools for group management are poor (no way of tracking the health of group members without targetting them individiually). It's also easy to end up in a "Friendly Fire" situation - accidentally hitting your group-mates is quite possible (and if they get killed by a mob any time after that then you lose soul-light)

The chat interface is horrific, making it hard to socialise.

There doesn't seem to be a huge amount of content

Feedback on what's happening can be poor. If you're being hit then it's hard to tell what's hiiting you. I was PK'ed at one point (battered to death by a baseball bat) and didn't fight back because I wasn't sure whether I was being hit by the guy or a nearby ranged mob :\

Low population servers


I doubt I'll be playing Neocron after the intro period. It's fun in parts, but it's too buggy and is more focussed towards the soloer, and I prefer group oriented game-play. Some might like it, though.


Re: Re: Give me a shout

Originally posted by old.Eynar_Vega

lol, 15£ a month for a silly game. Do you maybe get a free PC with it when you sign up?

If you don't have anything constructive to add to the discussion perhaps you should keep your mouth shut?

Or perhaps I could ask maybe if you got a free braincell when you woke up this morning?


Playing MUD's for 7 years now and still loving it :clap: (no pay-to-play ones tho)


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