Viable alternative to DAOC that isnt starwars?



due to the increasing number of chars getting nerfed and rendered useless by mythic i reckon in a few months game will be unplayable. so.....
what are the alternatives to DAOC (not SWG plz) and preferably ones that dont cost £20 a month?


I'm not going to try and change your mind regarding DAOC, as that's up to you.
So, here's a decent site that has a large list of MMORPG's

Pretty obivous really...:D


BTW, Asheron's call 2 is going live any day now.
It looks good.
If I wasn't playing DAOC, I'd probably play that.


Sadly Asherons Call 2 is a bag o'shite, I played the final beta and it looks a good 6 months from being anywhere finished. Also the graphics are just plain sloppy and give it the feel of a 2-3 year old game.


Played the AC2 beta. and seeing that there is neither class balance nor real divirsety in race (exept the looks) it's really not worth it once you're used to the drop dead gorgous graphics

might be worth it. but not before it's live for at least 6 months

besides that, I can strongly advice Neocron (


Having not actually played AC2, I can't say whether is is actually good or not.
Looked pretty good from the screenshots tho :D

Still, people's views about whether a game is good or not is largely a point of view.
A lot of people don't like DAOC, I like it however.
So, I wouldn't throw out the option of AC2 without getting some more opinions first.


Played the AC2 beta for a while and can soundly say it is not worth it.

Agree on the "Also the graphics are just plain sloppy" but that's mainy in regards to rendering and diversity, the look of the graphics with the high detail pack installed is amazing, but will require quite the powerhouse of a PC (Ran fine on my p4 2.53, gf4 ti4600 but poorly on my brothers 1333 TBird with a gf4 ti4200).

There's no real differences between the races and the skillsystem is pretty much still based on the system from AC1 witht he exception of the D2 "pre-req" feel and UO kinda grandmastering and mastering skills.

If you are really that tired of DAoC, just go inactive till SI comes out, then I think there will plenty for you to do.

Hell i was away for 5 months and been back a little over a month now, and I have yet to learn all the new things that has happend in DAoC since then.


Originally posted by Ragnarok1978

If you are really that tired of DAoC, just go inactive till SI comes out, then I think there will plenty for you to do.

That's true, SI is gonna rock..I'm looking forward to that..:)


Neither Asheron's Call 2 nor Neocron is worth paying for imo. However, some promising games will be released in the near future. A small grip:
- Dragon Empires
- Planetside
- World of Warcraft
- Everquest 2: from what I've seen of it, this will be once again the ruling mmorpg, just like EQ 1 once was...

Uncle Sick(tm)

Dragon Empires might be an alternative to DAoC - and I finally convinced myself to give SW:G a shot.

Too addicted to DAoC, though.
And I invested too much time and effort into my character and guild.


While this isn't a fantasy MMORPG and is SCIFI.
I definitely have my eye on Eve online.

But I'll still be playing DAOC as well, since I'm a DAOC and Fantasy addict.


Still too much to do in DAoC atm ...

For the rest, it's all promises and 'ooh' and 'aahs' at WoW, Warhammer online, Horizons and such bit still a big question mark if it really will be any good at gameplay.

Not being a scifi fan, I can't judge Neocron or Eve, or even SWG since I simply won't play em anyway so don't read news on them.
Will stick to this game for well after SI release to explore all the new classes / continents and keep hoping for third or coop server to get my third realm for a bit of fun.


Quite a few of us are off to play EVE when it goes retail it seems, I know most if not all the ex-Jumpgate players are going and quite a few people who have never played online space games before. All the reports from people who are in the beta (Cabbage and Musashi to name but two) indicate the game is excellent and still has a ton of features due to be added before retail. Personally I can't wait, the universe and game structure looks very impressive.


One that seems to be quietly bubbling away in the background is World of Warcraft. In the last few years, I've not seen a bad product from Blizzard. They've not always had the best graphics, but their playability has always been top-notch in my opinion.
This one could be very interesting.


comes down to world of warcraft and dragon empires for me.

shadowbane is a real let down, i thought it was going to be the next game :(

haven't heard one good thing about asheron's call 2......

Sims Online has some serious comic potential :)

I guess you will get a free month fith SWG so like everyone and their dog i'll have a blast, don't think i'll be in it for the long haul tho.

Everquest 2??? hmm not many people want to experience the 'class fixing' again :)


Originally posted by old.Eynar_Vega

- Everquest 2: from what I've seen of it, this will be once again the ruling mmorpg, just like EQ 1 once was...

I fea they'll take the leveling treatmill to new hights tho. after having invented it practically.

played the european EQ beta for a a few levels (5ish) and I felt perpetually confused (more so then usual, that is)
if EQ2 is going to be even remotely similar to that, with pretty graphics it'll be utter hell.


neocron sucks

levelling is soo boring - character balance is poor - by the end of beta i was completely bored with it.

DE looks like it will be good.


Originally posted by Dagalush

might be teh pwn... only time will tell, looks amazing and the info that is on the site really makes it sound like a pwn game.

The original Lineage was great .. I think it still has the highest number of players of any MMORPG worldwide. Lineage II is a game I'm looking forward to. I like the way they are presenting the history on so that you can get a better understanding of the whole game before it launches.


Eve for me too I think. Looks solid and fun :)

As for Magic... did any of you ever play the PC game Magic:The Gathering? Tried playing it now on your super dooper machines? Jesus... The poor little character wizzies around so fast I kept running into bad guys. :(

Oh.. Magic online sounds good except for the card buying business.


Originally posted by fisco
neocron sucks

levelling is soo boring - character balance is poor - by the end of beta i was completely bored with it.

I don't agree. being lightly FPS based leveling takes a lot more skill and attention then the usual target mob, press attack, get a coffee, repeat of most mmog's I played (yes, I know I'm oversimplifying things)

tho I agree that char balance leaves a lot to be desired. but hey, it just launched. there's a gem in the making there. all it needs is some more polishing

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Soulcatcher

all it needs is some more polishing

That's what everyone said about DAoC :D

And FPS based fighting?
*boos and hisses*
*hates twitchy games*


think y'all got me wrong.....
i love daoc and am addicted to the point of total idiocy.
the trouble is, the game i love is being turned into utter shite by a lot of unnecessary patching.
i mean, an archer class doing a fucking victory dance after a kil??????
was looking forward to si but i know that lots of classes are gonna get bummed to attempt to "balance" classes.
the very word nerf pisses me off!
lots of ppl shouting nerf assassins. ok, nerf us but give us plate.
that would be balance, and then make us resistant to mez.
then we would be balanced nicely ;P

rant off.

i will play daoc til my gfx card goes out of fashion or the kill off all the classes with nerfs and make the game into a glorified scissors, paper, stone game.



Originally posted by Uncle Sick(tm)

That's what everyone said about DAoC :D

And FPS based fighting?
*boos and hisses*
*hates twitchy games*

it's your age shining through :p



At the end of the day if you guys want complete and utter absorbion in a game where you just HAVE to log on every single day of the week just in case you've missed something there isn't a graphic game out that that will cut it.

Text MUDS I've found are the only things capable of creating that level of intensity and commitment to playing and of them the best of the lot is Avalon- the Legend Lives

I've been playing this game for over three years, and by playing I mean five or six hours a night, all day at weekends; getting up at 7am to plant crops or harvest them, spending 24 hours one weekend on a quest for godhood etc.

It's been on the go since 1989, it's been online since 1991 (on hostplay where you dialed straight into the servers) and it's the best there is if you want any kind of roleplay.

Graphic games are great and I love DAoC to bits but there's no way it will ever cause me to stay up all night and then go straight to work at 9am the next day because I just couldn't leave as my city was being invaded by another ;)

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Soulcatcher

it's your age shining through :p

Bah, you young whipper-snappers have no idea how unnerving it is to play against Nintendo-trained, reflex bosted cyborg teenagers...

*takes his heart medication and limps off*

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