Valid tactic?



Placing inventory stations all around the flag, meaning you have to destroy them:p because you can't grab it through them:( Iv'e only seen it once, but every lamer playing will start doing it soon:( Imho it's just crap:p
it should just come up, can't place this here.... Plz don't tell me this is a valid tactic;)


I think it's deeply lame.

See here for a more detailed critique :p



I've used this tactic before on the ice map. In my view it's a valid tactic espeically if you are trying to defend your flag all alone :}


I dont see anything wrong with that, why should u make it easy for your flag to be stolen?

On the other hand may piss people of that are trying to place inv station at other locations.


It is a controversial tactic and at first I didn't agree with it but now I think its alright aslong as others on the team agree with it, for it is an expensive tactic and the fact that you loose 3 - 4 of your 5 or so remote inv's (depending on team size) adds a little balance to not allowing lone flag cappers to swoop in and take the flag in a tribes 1 style teamplayless move.

The annoying thing about it though is if you are on the team that is employing the tactic on a map like thin ice and suddenly find that there are no invs left to put out the front for deploying landspike turrets etc. :(


Umm seems abit mixed, i still hold my view. Gota be said though, they won't let you do it in certain other games, such as tfc, i know there's no stations as such, but you can't place ammo dispensers, or sg's right on the flag. Though even if you could they are alot more easy to destroy than 3-4 inv's are in tribes, that prolly makes it worse imho.


It is going to be patched so you can't do it anymore. They are going to put an interfearence radius on the inv stations so you can't place 2 on the fag, but you will still be able to put 1 down.

In next thursdays patch i think.

Anyway, there is loads of info on the Dave G interview, if you have 2 hours, listen to

You can either click that link and download it, or copy the URL and paste into winamp "play location" (ctrl+L) to stream it.

[Edited by Cpl_Custard on 07-05-01 at 13:15]


"so you can't place 2 on the fag"

Coincident? I think not!

But I think its a lame tactic, looks silly and makes the fag too hard to get. Thankfully it will be patched out.


Wouldn't a well executed bombing run take care of them?


Not realy, because when you have a flag undercover, or inside a building, it's just imposable, unless your whole team polls in at the same time and wastes the loser standing on the top:p Which never happens:(

Nice pic granny, clan IMP lmao:p


my L key doesn't work all the time :D.

And it honestly isn't that hard to get rid of the inv stations, a couple of shots with the plasma rifle, which fires fast anyway.


HMMMMMMMMM who decides

On a pub i can see that it may be a problem as it takes some co-ordination and everyone knowing what the plan/tactic is but in a clan game then it is definately a valid tactic. We (EMS) used this last night and The clan we were playing did not think much of it, but who decides what a valid tactic is (will we have a committe who decides)I don't much like it when the opposing team constantly bombs, but so what! They are entiled to use whatever tactics they like. In Tribes there was an outcry if ppl O sniped yet in T2 nobody says anything. At the end of the day you may not like the opposing teams tactics but its normally because it makes life difficult for you :(



On an open map like Sanctuary then I have no problems with it cos like you said, a bombing run clears the lot in 10 seconds flat. Also, as SAS said, if you're defending on your own then fair enough, every little bit helps. Fact of the matter with this IMP bloke was that it was that map where the flag's buried deep in a building so no bombing runs, and he was *far* from alone in defending - 4 of us defending on a public server, that flag was going nowhere. The real reason I got annoyed with it though was his *constant* spamming of shite while spending the entire game just sat there on top of the flag.

I still think it's a lame tactic for a public server though, not least because it uses up so many of the inv stations and there's still a lot of newbies about who wander up to one of the inv stations sat on top of the flag for a resupply and discover the mine put there too....



Didn't think about the maps with flags in buildings :)

What pisses me off the most is ppl that put mines right next to their own generators. Bad guy walks up, dies, takes out most of the gen health. Next bad guy finishes them off easily.


When you have the attitude that you can do whatever you like to help your team because its possible, is when games start to be boring IMHO. Has to be some ethics me thinks :)


Especialy when people manage to the the Mobile point base onto the flag stand.


Yeah, common sense is what's needed - spot on Amything - if the game's boring then free up the flags :)

And yeah it annoys me just as much when someone parks a vehicle on top of the flag!!


old.SoulThief =IMP=


I didn't even noticed it was one of my clanmembers =)

however i think it s a valid tactic, but it will get patched soon enough.

BTW Granny i find it rather amusing to read your update as you seem to be judging the whole =IMP= crew on one members actions. And about the clanpractice on a public server... lol that has to be the funniest part of it. If it was one then we should have been a dozen then, what is the problem of seeing 2 or 3 =IMP= playing on a pub server ?
Fourax is pretty new to the game, and i dont have to remind you your newbies days on that game or another.
Now about "[LL] wanker" title you gave to the clan... How the hell can you judge us again on ones action ? everytime i come and play on a server like BW i play with the rest of the team i am in as a capper, and as i cap a lot i don't think i really deserve the term of wanker. Im pretty sure you saw one member (or some of em) play ONCE, and still you think that it s enough to judge the whole team? i don't think it s enough to get a proper opinion about someone.

Pointing out a tactic that you find lame is ok but i dont think the rest of the article you wrote was really wise, my 2 cents..

Ok now i want you to ask a question do you agree with the next modification which will teleport the player picking a vehicle on the pod directly in his vehicle ? sure it will make stealing impossible but what about us cappers who likes to jump in an enemy vehicle right when he s choosing it on his pad to escape and score it?

[Edited by SoulThief =IMP= on 08-05-01 at 10:02]


Um SoulThief you completely misunderstood my column post. I was *only* having a go at that single IMP member. The reference to clan LL was about a completely different incident involving, funnily enough, a clan called [LL].

At no point in that piece did I say a single thing about a single other IMP member, nor would I without reason and there isn't any, I've not seen any other IMP member doing anything lame :)

Please, read things a bit more carefully before getting upset - and I apologise if my article wasn't clear enough in making a distinction between Fourax and [LL].


[Edited by granny on 09-05-01 at 08:46]


As for the vehicle teleport thing I agree it's a shame that the enemy-vehicle-steal tactic will be removed as a result but I think it's a price worth paying to prevent aving your vehicle stolen by your own team. Maybe we could suggest that conc grenades could be altered so they had a chance of knocking a pilot out of a vehicle on the ground? Or would that make them too powerful?



It would introduce a whole new area for llamas, but I like the idea.


I reckon just about anything goes - apart from mining the spawn points - which you can't do here anyway !

Stop crying - and come up with a tactic to beat theirs - it's what the game's about!

old.SoulThief =IMP=

Oki Granny =)

Sorry about me being a bit rough, english is not my first language and i think i just read a tad too fast ;)


The teleport idea stinks:p Only the other night, i was faced with a great situation that the teleport would have stoped me from doing. An nme transport FULLY loaded without a driver:) who wouldn't jump at the chance:D As it happens, barr the easy spot, like im just gona ram it straight into a mountain, i actually started to fly it back to are base, the dupe worked, they all stoped on, then i rammed it when i was a safe distance from there base. Best bit coming up, i then killed the lot of them:) Pure class, plz don't take this Great bit of gameplay away.

Just get rid of the anoying LOCK on sound though, that doesn't go away till you die 80% of the time:( Pubs are full of wank heavys that do nothing but stand there for 30 mins with a launcher looking for flyers:p Iv'e killed myself many times because it bugs me so.


The prolonged lock on sound will go away in the next patch thank god.


SO ur opinions on a tank on flag and chaingunner in it ?


valid tactic ?

of course 4 invs on flag is valid , the whole object of def is to def flag in any way or form :)


Why not disable the teleport-into-vehicle thing for league/clanmatches, when those tactics are used, or at least have it as a server option.

I think anything which looks ridiculous in game - like the inv stations around the flag, or hossie climbing in CS, and so on - should be classed as a bug and prevented.



Played a clan game where the other team put a tank on flag on slapdash.

I went on a flag run and ended up sitting in the drivers seat, I then tried to ram as many LD as i could until it blew up.

They didn't try it again afterwards.



Good definition Grom, I like that. Can we have CS bunny-hopping disabled by the same logic? (I'm serious :) )



Ok cuba, so when dynamics were balancing the gameplay out, they took into the effect of 4 inv's being placed around the flag?. I think not:p. It's no more than an exploit that will be fixed, thank fck. Btw i know this is lame, but what about an mpv being placed over the flag? nme can't jump in, and soon as a flyer comes in, your history 9 times out of 10 because of the lagg delay in hearing the lock on sound:(

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