v 1.50I assassin=nerfed



I agree that it is a bit over the top (and I am a mage so that's saying something :) ). However i also think that if I get one shotted my dmg add shield should still hit an assassin (I mean he's reaching thru my shield to kill me), and now if I die on a one-shot that doesn't happen. At the moment you get assassins one shotting casters in a group whilst spamming /laugh <target> and not getting found (though if I get hit, and I have the presence of mind to hit /face whilst I'm dying, i make a good pointer to where the assassin is).

I think assassins should have chance to get away, say after an attack they have to leave the area where enemy troops are within stealth/5 secs. This would mean that they can't run around with impunity, but still have a chance to get away if they're fast.


Something I saw on Catacombs

RE: Patch 1.50I
05/14/02 12:52 AM


I'm glad they took it out...and I'm an Assassin. You show your contempt by calling them "morons", and now the wheel turns. Your entire rants paints you as a griefer. Ooooooo, I can't one shot the "morons" anymore. You know, my heart really bleeds for you.
You should go play a caster and then just fall over dead in the middle of your friends because no one can see the Assassin. See how frustrated your ass gets. This one-shot and stay stealthed has no room in a game like this. It's stupid and it's aggravating.
I don't need any such bullshit. I racked up 15k realm points just tonight snaring and kiting tanks, going after archers, doing hit and runs on the fringe of the zerg, and picking off the lone traveller. So don't tell me about any blanket nerf. Only the griefers got nerfed, not me.

That pretty much sums it up.


"You should go play a caster and then just fall over dead in the middle of your friends because no one can see the Assassin. See how frustrated your ass gets. This one-shot and stay stealthed has no room in a game like this. It's stupid and it's aggravating."

I've been stunned, mezzed, rooted, uncovered by AoEs, split in a half with two tank hits, killed by never seen archers, nuked to death by casters without possibility of retaliation...

Its war, dont you realize it? Frontiers arent safe lands, 2/3 of the ppl there WANT TO KILL YOU.

Know the mecanics of the assassin and you wont get killed by them.


Ill list the Nerfs on assassin in the 1.50 patch

  1. Assassin no longer stay stealthed after a one-hit kill
  2. Assassin can now get hit all Aoe spells
  3. Assassin can no longer use their Perforate Artery skill on Mezmerised targets
  4. Added % chance that PA will fail even if lined up correctly
  5. Assassins Endurance has been reduced

    this is quite alot to change one class in one patch... and it puts the assassin below the usefulness of a cabalist RvR wise

old.Trine Aquavit

I like this change. That an assassin can one-shot green/greys without ever being seen is nonsense, frankly. The way I see it assassins should have the tools to dispose of an equal or slightly better foe (i.e. yellow or orange) in favourable conditions, and also the tools to determine how favourable those conditions are. A well played assassin should be able to take out the right enemy AND get away, but shouldn't want to risk it for anything but the highest rewards.

An assassin should be able to take out pretty much any even-con (mages would be easy, tanks would be tougher, but do-able) in the right circumstances, but the right circumstances should be hard to find. It should be a high risk/high reward situation, whereas at the moment it is low risk/low reward (killing grey-cons with impunity).

In larger battles assassins would become the 'kamikaze killers', attempting to kill off as high level enemy as they can before succombing to the inevitable. The confusion caused would be an extra bonus.

It's all about balance, of course, and I would be happy to see assassins get some extra damage in exchange for this 'nerf'. If anyone's going to be one shot killing it should be the assassins, but they shouldn't ever be able to do it without risk.


Re: Something I saw on Catacombs

Originally posted by Sarnat
That pretty much sums it up.
Yup.... this person had a lot of sense and understanding. Great post he has made.


"whereas at the moment it is low risk/low reward (killing grey-cons with impunity)"

Anyone can kill a grey with impunity. You know the risk of playing with the bigboys. An archer/caster would kill him with one (sometimes two) shots from the safety of his range, and a tank the same but in melee, why I cannot do it?

And grey cons usually are the ones that make more mistakes and become easy targets for any assassin. I see very few 35+ doing stupid things in RvR.


I have a lvl 35 infil on Excalibur and just wanted to add my two pence.....

There is one simple SOoooooooooooooOOo simple solution to all our problems

-To solve the uncovering when one shotting
-To solve not being able to kill in one shot on yellows
-To solve killing people in mobs

Really simple really and surprised no one thought of it and it totally fits into the assassin class as a whole

Speed buff 10min delay, maybe 5min as we have to kill alot

Now that would be perfect lasts say 10-20secs and it enables everyone to be happy because Speed buff takes major skill to use, and as usual getting hit turns it off

My 2p into the cauldron:clap:


OK... you can no longer sneak into groups of 8 people, all looking around themselves, whack one of them, blood spurting everywhere and then disappear out of sight.

Assassins are there to assassinate, yes.

But since when were assassinations all about getting away scot free?
Look up your history - the original Assassins were suicide attackers - they sneaked in using disguise (which I agree needs implementing), wandered up to the target and then butchered them.

If an assassin escaped alive it was a great dishonour.

Now I'm not saying everyone needs to die every time they kill someone as an infiltrator or whatever - but they should expect a good chance of dying if they're in a group of people - strength in numbers etc.

You'll find it easy picking off the lone stragglers... but not necessarily some prime juicy target with bodyguards. (you get your one shot then they're all over you)

What you were saying about providing a distraction... try putting that the other way around - get these people you've been distracting for to get the attention of the bodyguards, then whilst their tanks are busy you attack from the rear, butcher the casters.

For SFXMan - I'm afraid the way Scouts (and other archers) work in RvR will have changed a lot in 1.50.

Up till then you can stand in the middle of emain in an open field, and be very hard to find. You can snipe all day and not be caught.

in 1.50 you can stand in the middle of emain and be spotted from miles away by a sharp-eyed infiltrator
(note the sharp-eyed - you know how you see your stealthed realm-mates as a translucent type... thats what the See Hidden does)
If you stick to the trees etc then you're harder to see... if you get a group (be they tanks or mages or just other scouts or infiltrators/minstrels even) then you'll be in a lot less danger.

The days of a Scout being king in RvR are over... they're still better than the RP cows however :)


Originally posted by Laico
"whereas at the moment it is low risk/low reward (killing grey-cons with impunity)"

Anyone can kill a grey with impunity. You know the risk of playing with the bigboys. An archer/caster would kill him with one (sometimes two) shots from the safety of his range, and a tank the same but in melee, why I cannot do it?

And grey cons usually are the ones that make more mistakes and become easy targets for any assassin. I see very few 35+ doing stupid things in RvR.

I'd like to see a tank charge into a group of 5 and kill the low leveller and make it out alive.....

Or could it be they'd never get close? The low leveller would live :)

Needless to say, tanks shouldn't be able to...
however an infiltrator still can take out the target... just they aren't going to make it out alive if the target has a decent group.


But since when were assassinations all about getting away scot free?

Are you mental or something? Honour in dying? Ur blabbing on about the Hashish now to do with Islam, that is nothing to do with contemporary view of assassins

It is clear and simple, get in kill and get out unseen if possible and with the littlest amount of disruption as possible

I think its right we lose the stealth ability when first hitting but to take that away and provide no alternative!?!?

Assassin-more like kamikaze now!


A tank cant do it because of speed. But Im sure a lone skald can kill 5 greys and a lot more.


hidden: you still can use vanish every 30 mins,
i believe that was inf only, and if i remember right they took it off them aswell


i still havent seen any briton caster, i doubt theres any caster that care about +hp +con or slashresist gear, i havent seen any caster twitching, i havent seen them randomly moving, i havent seen them run in anything but a straight line from point a to point b, i have never seen 2 casters staying close together and firing a pbaoe when one of them dies, i have seen 2 casters facing objects while resting, i have seen 1 caster have a tank with guard on him. i know i can one-shot any blue and below, i know i can one-shot people with low health. to kill someone in a group you have to first identify all the classess, then you have to wait for the right moment, then youd better pray that they dont move or your PA consider you moving. i could never oneshot orange cons with any liability, i could in my early 30:s and when i was 24 i oneshotted a yellow druid :). i have 3 targets, casters,archers and low hp people. when this goes live the archers will be grouped a one shot will trigger true sight and i will die. that i found to be a cure against any one trying to oneshot you. now all you need is to have one class with you and you are safe. if your happy with destroying a class (assuming LA will stay nerfed here)
then fine, but dont complain about oneshots until you actually try to do something about them. we havent been given any tools for whatever or new trade is, our role in keep swapping is now to take out archers (if theres only npc defense). i dont know if there is some sort of magic way to escape when you unstealth it seems many say its easy, if i was any class after 1.50i id just hit f8 and do my stuff=dead assassin. maybe alot of people are playing without sound and think its very hard to notice a mage in the group is dying/dead but as it stands now we will not be assassinating anything except the ones with augmented stupidity. and dont forget we cant stand around waiting for long now, a truesight means death for us. maybe we should use the terrain to hide us better? shame we have to run at shitty stealth speed for 2h when we wanna kill, guess if id ask a caster he whould say that i only need to hit my insta kill button. the reason i believe that many rouges are upset is that we no longer fullfill any function, they didnt just "balance" us or did a "minor-tweak". they took away any ability we had to solo, fine let us run full speed in stealth and get boosted by runsong then so we can group with other people. from what our TL says disquise isnt near finnished yet, nor are our 44 CS style, i really really hope that this will give us something usefull something strong enough to still be a class. ive still havent found any posts of any assassin that have found a way to overcome this, i know most of the higher in the us quit or rerolled a caster/skald. and how the heck does griefing justify this? yea i forgot 8 greycons have a really really big chance against a 50 theurg at the gates.
thats my 167s


In my opion all this does is that you have to wait to sneak in the middle of the fight and use the confusion of battle to kill them and try to escape unhurt.

I got a lvl 32.9 shadowblade so I am a little disappointed over the change but after been playing my eldritch I can really see how overpowered the staying stealthed thing is.

I really don't like GOA saying it was a bug though, can't they just admit they decided to change it?

So far I have seen 3 assassins from albion (while stealthed) one has been Hidden. And Hidden you tried to jump up on the same pillar as me, then go into my front then try to get a PA off, I got a PBAE off first; This is referring to one of your easy to spot comments with AoE.
If that is how you think easy to spot is then welcome to the normal world.

As I said this only takes away the assassins solo ability and makes them need to use groups more. Think a speed buff or something though might be good as they are indeed archers with nifty styles.


BTW when the Battlegrounds come in patch 1.48 you'll only meet mostly ppl in their 40s in the frontier, all ppl under 35 will be in the BGs and those between 35-40 won't RvR that much cause they get owned all the time by highlvls.

In short : not much targets to one-shot (blues at best) ...

Many ppl don't seem to realise it yet, but on the USA servers the battlegrounds changed the typical Emain RP farming a lot (and it will be mostly gone when Darkness Falls get's released).


Originally posted by hidden

when you think assassin, you think small creature/human sneaking in to a group of people/keep taking out one person and stealthing away.

Actually, when I think assassin, I think of some bloke with a sniper rifle, hidden a mile away from his target, taking them out without getting caught.
Or what someone previously posted, suicide bombers.

In DAoC, the archer classes seem to be assassins, sb/ns/inf take up the role of scouts : lightly armoured, but (almost) as good as the other melee chars, and the ability to get behind enemy lines unspotted.

Just because they have been 'nerfed' doesnt mean they still arent one of the best rvr classes.


In medieval ages assassinations are done by sneaky individuals, they kill their targets using confusion or an error of their victims, and they are not seen never (if done by a professional).

Sniping is more a thing of the present, you can do the same very silently, but with a long range weapon. And bows arent discret nor precise weapons...


Originally posted by Laico
A tank cant do it because of speed. But Im sure a lone skald can kill 5 greys and a lot more.

It's not 5 greys I'm talking about - I'm sure an infiltrator could kill one of 5 greys and live to tell the tale...

Its one grey/green/blue amongst 6 orange/red/purples. Nothing other than an infiltrator could take out that person without getting splattered.. (well mibbe an archer)

with 1.50 if you have 6 oranges/reds/purples near you you're not going to be immune but it's almost certain you'll be avenged if you die. The archers might still be able to take out the little fella but it's risky for them now as assassins can hunt them down.

assuming youre not more than 10 feet from your friends... if you're too far then the infil is gone - got eaten by a nightshade last night in emain doing this - not sure if he got splattered afterwards... was a fair few chasing after him.... but he might have had enough of a head start.

Wasn't a one shot either- saw him stealthed and attacked him, he tore me up in about 3 or 4 hits :) (oh well he was purple)

So if you wan't to kill people and survive - don't go for the ones in the middle of big groups, go for the ones at the edge/the latecomers behind enemy lines.

If you can cause a part of the enemy army to charge back from the fight to try and hunt down the guy killing their recuperating folks then you've done your job.


Originally posted by SFXman
There is some sense in Meaties post alright. If you assassins can take out yellow con casters np at all... then a chance of one-shotting them and staying stealthed is just way over the top tbh.

hmm.. I actually fully agree with you after thinking about it.

I just thought to myself, why SHOULD an assassin be able to take out blues and greens from the middle of a group in one shot with no risk to themselves.. I can't do it with my armsman, the only other classes that MIGHT be able to do it is archers, but they are still at risk due to the fact theycome unstealthed.. Maybe if archers were nerfed aswell this assassin nerf would be a good think.

Also, you can still take out them lone archers and soloists in yggdra, so quit whining :)


Its one grey/green/blue amongst 6 orange/red/purples. Nothing other than an infiltrator could take out that person without getting splattered.. (well mibbe an archer)

good luck :p high orange and above normally see you fairly easily when in that situation, so the assasain would most likely die :p

fingoniel, was that me that stabbed you? i think i pulled off 2 kills of sat injured people (an excercise in reducing the mana of ressers), and i went for a yellow meleer (i think) that was sat and injured but was a few hp off a 1-shot :) i got ganked that time, the other times i got away though ;)


Well, I am a lvl 49 inf with just over 235k RP's so I have some experience with this class. My base CS is 44 (50 with items a RR) so I am built for primarly one shotting mages. Yellow mages are next to impossible for me to one shot (even sitting ones), blues go down 80% of the time and greens or below 100%. As for tanks and other hybrids, I cannot one shot even some greys so I don't usually go for anyone other then a mage, or sometimes low con archers. There are so many ways to combat assasins but people have never played the class themselves so they have no clue. If there is an assasin killing people in my group I can guarantee you he won't be around for long. Assasins did not need a nerf (well maybe SB's ;) ) and tbh I don't think I will continue playing this char after 1.50I. I built my character to go into the middle of a group and kill some poor caster undetected. That's what I love about the class and taking this away from us will take away what fun I had. Anyway, since reading the patch notes about this I have started a mentalist which will prob become my main char. I love my inf but destroying our class defining skill is just plain stupid and wrong IMO.

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