UT2004 demo released


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
At first i loved the deathmatch, makes me think of QW days.

My opinion so far on giving it a quick spin is that it's quite good. Yet to play it online. However, i don't find it good enough to distract me from BF1942.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
SilverHood said:
Not *that* impressed tbh

The guns don't feel like they have enough punch, and there's a delay on the shock rifle and lightning gun (sniper), which ruins them.

With the gameplay being so fast paced, it's a bitch to hit anything anyway, the delay just goes over the top.

Will give it a closer look tommorow tho
they kept that lightning gun? that was like the worst gun ever :/


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
236kb/sec :( heh

damn I missed my broadband :)

just been off streaming movies from Quicktime.com - 2mbps is definatley the sweet spot to stream high quality video :D

Anyhow, UT2k4 - visually with everything cranked up it's lovely to look at, though the offline AI completely owned meh.

We going to get all the freddies together to play?



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
I love the robot voice thingie :D

btw, the lightning thingie isn't the only sniper. There's also a normal one


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Hi guys

Just thought I'd mention the audio in UT2004, since audio features usually get overlooked in FPSs. Basically, UT2004 will support surround sound and all the usual environmental technologies.

More interestingly, in-games voice comms. will be present and will also be accurately simulated in the 3D environment. Thus, if your teammate is crying for help to your left in a ravine, then his voice (with the right audio hardware) will be manipulated so as to come from the left with, in this case, a slight echo to represent his position.

As if that wasn't enough, UT2004 should also support voice recognition, so you'll be able to scream "Bot Alpha, defend the base" and bot Alpha will trot off to do your bidding. Naturally such things will require a fair amount of processing power, but if it works half as well as it sounds on paper, then the days of fumbling through menus or binding keys may be coming to an end :)

Finally, if you don't already own a suitable headset, the word is that the special 2 disk DVD of UT2004 will include a Logitech headset to sweeten the deal.

Kind Regards


P.S. For those wondering, the final game will be around 5.5Gb in size and ship on 6 CDs or 2 DVDs.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 27, 2003
piccy of UT2004 DVD case


Taken from this GameSpy Article

Why do a DVD version of UT 2004, you might ask? The rationale becomes obvious once you find out that the CD version of the game is shipping on 6 discs. (The minimum installation reportedly takes up a whopping 5.5 GB of hard-drive space.) All 6 CD's fit nicely on disc 1 of the DVD set, which (if nothing else) should make the installation easier and reduce the risk of misplacing or scratching various CD's.

This frees up disc 2 of the DVD set for a variety of special features not included with the CD set, including a number of behind-the-scenes interviews at Epic showing the making of UT 2004. Perhaps the most interesting use of the second DVD, however, is the use of VTM's -- "Video Training Modules" created by the staff at 3DBuzz.com. These countless hours of .avi tutorials ("a few hundred hours," as CliffyB puts it) will teach aspiring Unreal mod authors the ins and outs of creating levels, creating and importing characters, bot navigation, and anything else they'll need to build their own games within UT 2004. A special version of Maya Personal Learning Edition is also being bundled with UT 2004, that will allow modelers to create fully functioning models for the game.

The DVD packaging should be unique in itself, as it consists of 2 individual DVD boxes wrapped with a shiny silver metal case, similar to the recently released hi-def DVD of Terminator 2. The first DVD (the game) will contain cover art similar to the CD version of the game, while the second DVD will be feature a cleaner white design with the single Unreal "U" on the cover.

apparently Atari are also planning to package a Logitech Headset with the DVD edition of the game for the Voice Recognition & VoIP functions, although this might be in the US only.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
Played it a bit more today, and I'd agree that the weapons don't have the right punch neither when you shoot nor when they hit. The sound is all dull and muffly too; I had to turn up the volume (as if I were listening to a DVD) to hear anything.
I like the "onslaught" gametype A LOT. The vehicles, despite their feeling a bit 'numb', grow on me the more I play. It is still a beta, so let's hope they give the game a better feel.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Just read that the Painkiller demo will be availiable Feb 16 2pm EST so we'll get a chance to kick a few demons...whoo hoo


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
SilverHood said:
The guns don't feel like they have enough punch, and there's a delay on the shock rifle and lightning gun (sniper), which ruins them.

With the gameplay being so fast paced, it's a bitch to hit anything anyway, the delay just goes over the top.

Actually - I'm of the total opposite opinion on this. I think the fact that the sniper rifle's slightly nerfed will make the proper game more free flowing.

I'm totally fucked off with most FPS's at the moment because every skill-less monkey who dies in most firefights grabs a sniper rifle, starts camping and you end up getting shot from t'other side of the map.

Result? No-one goes out and has full-on firefights in exposed areas because you can guarentee that there's 8 wankers on the opposing team covering it - and even if they're all shit one of them is BOUND to get lucky and hit you.

The whole game's about movement - which is what makes games like this and Quake fun. :)


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Really want to like this game. Just for the memories of the original UT. But, at the moment, I'm disappointed.

Everything said before this is bang on. Weapons are ineffective and thus not rewarding or thrilling in their use. I remember the rocket launcher being a bit of a treat in original UT. In this, just seems like a variation on the other guns generic explosion. Each weapon in the original had its own character and for that, each player had their own favourite and tricks with it. I can't see that here.

I've played a couple of games of it and I find it quite repetitive and boring. Novelty, as someone said is already wearing.

Lets hope something significant changes before final release.

Panda On Smack

Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Never really played UT much but i do remember the 1st one and to be honest this dosnt seem much different

You've got your sniper gun thing that shoots blue stuff, your green blob thing and a rocket launcher

I do actually like the demo and it seems like a good game but whats new about it?


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah, I agree with Panda. I'm just thinking of past sequels / new versions. With Quake, the game essentially stayed the same but the graphics changed a fair bit as did the guns creating new and challenging multiplayer scenarios (jump pads in quake3 and the frustration of being railed springs to mind ;)).

UT2004 (to me) is just the same as the past ones, with just different maps.



Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
To my surprise, I'm beginning to change my mind. Playing online a bit more, I'm starting to really enjoy the pace of the game. Still have problems with the weapons, the poor textures on vehicles etc. It's chaotic mentality can also near on cancel out any team play, especially on publics.

I'm beginning to think, for £17.99 it's worth getting regardless.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
one of my old cs buddies got me to download it again my will tonight, and i just spend 4 hrs playing it ^_^

Onslaught seems VERY similar to tribes C&H, in terms of pace, and balance.

the ball thingy seems pap.

DM and TDM good fun and i'm getting used to fps again after 3 months away on FFXI.


Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003
Just played onslaught and it really does rock. Never ever been a fan of UT, but I think onslaught and assault have made this worthy of a purchase.

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