UT2003 Preview server!



Game.net have announced they will have preview servers for each game!

Preview server? This is what most of you will be asking yourselves now.

This enables you to "preview" our servers.

What does it mean?
Even if you don't subscribe to game.net, you are still able to play on this
server. You will be joined by other subscribers and non-subscribers - to
give you a taste of what subscribing has to offer with the sub-only servers.

Most of you are thinking "why subscribe if we can play on this free

Well infact, that's not 100% true. Infact, if the server is full, and a
subscriber tries to join it, he (or she!) will get higher priority than
someone that isnt a subscriber to play on it. Someone who hasn't subscribed
will be automatically removed from the server to free-up space for he or she
who was trying to join.

What mod is the server running?
At the minute it's running a FFA DM server, with a map rotation currently
being sorted out to remove those maps not played as much, and not liked as
much. This is also subject due to change in the future, if CTF or TDM will
be more popular. This matter is still under questioning.

Ok, I want to play, what's the IP? I can't wait any longer to frag you

The ut2k3 preview server can be found here:
GAME.NET Preview - Unreal Tournament 2003 (1) -

Hope to see some of you on it in the near future!

Neil aka Guffrie


hi there i been on the server for a bit now buts it looks like you have change it i think thats a very bad move you made

you got mutators on the server now ( not good )


its nto working out because you have to download them all +
no one is going to use it :(

plz i beg you put it back to the was it was

no mutators

time 20 mins

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