US version vs Euro version



With the recent notification of the price increase to the Euro servers, I was thinking: what do we actually get? Is it better value to play the US version or the Euro version? So I thought I'd put a little 'pro/con' thread together, which everyone can of course add to as they see fit, as I may well have missed some out.

US version:

A working, fully functional, but not-very-pretty Camelot Herald.
Ability to play all realms in English with only one account.
Roleplay Servers.
Co-op Server.
Pendragon test server - Ability to try out game changes before they go live. Ability to affect any changes put into the game though feedback to Mythic (although how much attention they actually pay to testers is questionable).
No delay in patching.
In-game Customer suport, 24/7 - immediate resolution of game-stopping issues.
No events.
Approximately £8 per month.

Euro version:

A pretty Chronicles which doesn't work, and hasn't done for well over a month.
Can only play 2 different realms in English if you have only one account.
'All servers are Roleplay Servers' - Kemor. Yeah, right.
No co-op server.
Gorre test server, which we get for about 1 day in English, to try out new things. No ability to change gameplay issues.
Delay in patching (although the delay has decreased).
No ingame support, we get Rightnow (ButInAnotherSpaceTimeContinuoum) which can take several days, and often several tries, to resolve the problem.
Events (which so far have been incredibly bad).
£8 per month.

Have I missed anything out?

It seems to me that the only reason people would stay in the Euro version is because they have made friends here, and have established characters.

But then again, with a bit of time, we could do that on the US version too.


Is that as objective as you can get or do you think you could be even more biased if you tried harder ?


Go if u want, no ones going to miss you :)

x x x


Originally posted by trigali
Is that as objective as you can get or do you think you could be even more biased if you tried harder ?

I could be more biased if I tried, yes. Would you care to add some of your own points in? Or just input some not-very-constructive criticism? At the end of the day, I've stated facts. There isn't really a lot of opinion in there.

And yes, time zones is a valid point. From 7-11pm gmt (when most of us play), there are usually around 2000 players on the busiest US servers, whereas 3000 on Excalibur, and 1000 on Prydwen.

So not really that much difference, is there....

Edit for spelling.


USA: Soon to be bombed to heckville.

Goa: In france. No chance in hell we get rid of the French.


Originally posted by Vell

Have I missed anything out?

Yep, I did.

US: Patches sometimes go horribly wrong.

Euro: The US public get to test the patches before we get them, so major flaws are usually ironed out. However, there have been a few bugs due to incorrect translations etc.


1) I'm not too keen on getting the updates at the same time as the US. Every other patch they make changes stuff BACK TO the way they were. I kind of like the fact we jump a patch here and then, to go to the more definitive - and better working, as tested by the US - version

2) Playing on the US servers would most probably feel like playing on Excalibur. L337 dud3, you can go if you want, but 0v3r my d34d d0dy.

3) I don't care for playing Gorre, even less than I like playing bugged betas. With Gorre, you actually PAY to go LD, crash, and generally not enjoy yourself so much.

4) Events may be a bit of a non-starter in your eyes, and to a large extend I agree with realm wide events. However I don't know of a single marriage ceremony performed in the US with the help of Mythic. Kemor is GREAT at this stuff, always ready to help.

5) Criticize Rightnow and GOA all you like: 99% of my problems have been fixed in 24 hours or less. I take my hat off to them.

6) Time difference

Constructive enough ? I like GOA. I do have issues with that price rise that is not currently substantiated with any promise of improvement of service, but I'm waiting to read the news.

This said, DAoC still is a fairly cheap game compared to the others. If you think SWG will come cheaper, you most probably have an other think coming, particularly when you talk about playing multiple chars on multiple servers when paying only 1 account.


Originally posted by Vell
Gorre test server, which we get for about 1 day in English, to try out new things. No ability to change gameplay issues.

Which Excalibur get to test for 1 day in English and which Prydwen NEVER gets to test with.


Some fair points here.

Originally posted by trigali
1) I'm not too keen on getting the updates at the same time as the US. Every other patch they make changes stuff BACK TO the way they were. I kind of like the fact we jump a patch here and then, to go to the more definitive - and better working, as tested by the US - version
Acknoweldged, and even beat you to it posting :p

2) Playing on the US servers would most probably feel like playing on Excalibur. L337 dud3, you can go if you want, but 0v3r my d34d d0dy.
Erm, I don't know which Excalibur you've been playing on, but not the same one as me, obviously. Sure, there are some complete twats, and I'm sure there are some complete twats on the US servers also, quite probably more than on the EU servers. However, with US, you can play on a RP server, and people who behave like this are removed from the server.
3) I don't care for playing Gorre, even less than I like playing bugged betas. With Gorre, you actually PAY to go LD, crash, and generally not enjoy yourself so much.
Fair enough, you don't like to play with bugs. Some people do. That's down to personal opinion, and isn't really a pro or con of either version.
4) Events may be a bit of a non-starter in your eyes, and to a large extend I agree with realm wide events. However I don't know of a single marriage ceremony performed in the US with the help of Mythic. Kemor is GREAT at this stuff, always ready to help.
Yes that's true. Kemor is great at doing things like that, Prydwen is a great server to play on because of this. Sadly, I don't think I can say the same of Zargar, who's meant to do these things on Excalibur.
5) Criticize Rightnow and GOA all you like: 99% of my problems have been fixed in 24 hours or less. I take my hat off to them.
A lot of people have had their problems solved quickly. There are also a lot of people who haven't. Whether the same can be said for the US version, I really have no idea, but at least most game stoppage issues are resolved within 15 minutes. The ideal situation would probably be a mix of rightnow, and in-game CRS.
6) Time difference
See above post.
Constructive enough ? I like GOA. I do have issues with that price rise that is not currently substantiated with any promise of improvement of service, but I'm waiting to read the news.

This said, DAoC still is a fairly cheap game compared to the others. If you think SWG will come cheaper, you most probably have an other think coming, particularly when you talk about playing multiple chars on multiple servers when paying only 1 account. [/B]

Yes thankyou. I like having good conversation with sensible people. And believe me, I don't think SWG will be cheaper, and to be honest, I really couldn't care if it was free, I still wouldn't play it. Yes, DAoC is cheap compared to other MMORPG's, but it seems to me that for the same price we could get better service in the US.

If GOA are planning to do something with our extra money, then my opinion could quite easily change, but sadly I think it will just be used to cover up the other shortfalls of Wanadoo.


Can't believe we are not flaming each other, but are actually having a conversation !!!

And sorry for the /taunt at excalibur. It was cheap from me, all the more so since I did not stop and check were you were playing.

And your comment about the RP server is actually probably the most powerful one, for me. May even get me thinking.


Originally posted by trigali
And your comment about the RP server is actually probably the most powerful one, for me. May even get me thinking.

Same for me, plus the co-op server. At the moment, I've not decided. Thinking, yes, but whether I'll actually pluck up the coourage to hit the cancel button I don't know. I did it once before, only to re-activate a few days later :p


Only thing is, there is simply NO WAY I'll can my lvl 50 Shadowblade and my legendary tailor and start from scratch. So I stay here.

Brannor McThife

They're both older than 14 months. They're both in need of something majorly new in "End game" or doomed to a slow and painful death.

On that note. I still have a US CD Key I've never used. :rolleyes:



I wish i would of started my accounts on th US servers. The support for the game over there sounds like top quality.

Not to worried about events, the Euro ones are bad enough.

Its cheaper, wooo.

But ive made alot of online friends through daoc and would be a shame just to move to US now. :mad:


Erm, is there anyone who has taken inflation into consideration? Most things get more expensive over time, so I don't see why an MMORPG subscription should be an exception to that...

Another thing: I have never had to complain about the service I am getting from GOA and I do not mind paying an extra euro if that means GOA can keep up and perhaps even improve on the service they provide. I know that some of you have had reason to complain, but perhaps just that little more money will allow
GOA to improve and make Camelot a better game for all of us.

Stay positive, some of you make it seem like GOA is going to cash in and run off with the money, leaving DAoC to wither and die. I for one refuse to believe this, I simply assume that I'll keep on playing DAoC as long as it's fun.


Originally posted by Vell
In-game Customer suport, 24/7 - immediate resolution of game-stopping issues.


rofl.. gimp :/

oh yeah for the twats saying time difference, doesnt matter there are always enough people playing

normally gets to 1am and a /who on uk servers brings 250 or less in your realm :/
on usa i get 1000 or so.. hm


Lorthania where the hell do you live? 30% inflation?...Oh do come on :D


As far as i see it we realy just pay for servers and a translation service. The servers as a whole are laggier than US ones (having played both i can stae this opinion)

I CAN request Immediate help via INGAME on US/Mythic run servers and if the guy above cant then it is HE that is the gimp im afraid. On GOA run servers we have to take a note of the guys name that might be say,racially harrasing you what ever , and log off go to a web wiste and report it via RightNow. :/ In my past exp with Right Now its more like Maybe Sometime. Eventually they get round to helping or answering but its not the most effient method really is it no matter what fanbois say.

Events are a joke really and just cause more lag and seem to be mainly for high lvls so far.(and very thin on ground too) So no loss there.

Getting patches *tested* by US can be helpful BUT we are at 1.57 and we now have to wait STILL another couple of weeks to get 1.60. On Mythic servers they were about 3 weeks between .57 and .58 etc. Having GOA translation patches in lumps is great BUT we also go longer between patches for fixes ala LOS etc. So there I'd rather have regular patches than groups of them.

Price wise not a lot in it really tbh.

More *dudes* on US servers is tosh to be frank as there are so many servers to choose from you can find a place where you fit in. Guinevere aint that bad really (not even as dudey as Exc which is ok as far as i can see)

If its down to friends etc then fair enough and I certainly wouldnt tell anyone where to play.I personally play euro to be with friends and play US for up to the minute patches and better ping.

Horse for courses init :)


US vs EU version

Well I jumped from the EU version last year. No regrets whatsoever.

Plonker factor is a non issue, as I have found there to be far less plonkers on the US servers. People are much more friendly and helpful all in all.

Connection is definitely far superior. Just how much better really shook me. I went on a relic defence at quite low level, and it was wall to wall attackers. No freeze up, no lock up, no game crash. I could actually join in.

In game support, is simply outstanding. To give an example:
Someone tried to hack into a friends game account. It was shut down. Instantly. When he tried to log in, he was given a freephone number to call. He called it, they verified who he was immediately, changed his log in details and told him to log in and change his new password to something only he knew, as a first priority.

It has turned out, that level of service is normal. You can report bugs in game. Any report you give, you get an immediate e-mail acknowledgement. Ok, it is automated, but things get followed up. I reported an issue with a quest, well within an hour I had a CSR chatting to me in game about it. Even though I had followed up the bug report with another informing them that the bug had cleared.

I like that. That level of support is worth paying for.

Time zones really are not an issue at all. In fact they are a positive advantage most of the time. It means I can farm camp bonuses in quiet periods. I can also join in with small groups for RvR, Relic Defence, and so on. That is more fun for me than zerging.

I find the playerbase outstandingly helpful. I started characters on a new server recently. I made an Armsman, got him to lvl 15, went to DF. A lvl 50 Cleric buffed me with top buffs, within minutes of me arriving. Offered me some cash to get going with once we started chatting. I told him I was ok, and was used to levelling and making good use of cash/items/seals to get along with. So, thanks for the kind offer, but really no need, etc. He ended up forcing 200g on me, which I took so I didn't upset him. He also gave me a shed load of seals. That sort of attitude is not uncommon. Far from it.

When we have DF, there are rezz patrols by high lvl players, cruising round the low level areas, rezzing. you never have to wait long for a rezz. There are also damage add patrols, etc.

I love the attitude to the game there. People from all over the World play, and they play well.

Yes, you get the odd idiot, but you get that anywhere.

There is no way I would come back to the EU game. I didn't when it was cheaper, I certainly won't now it is the same price. For sheer value for money, I know what wins. Hands down it wins.
PS. There may not be Mythic run events (yet), but there are loads of player run events. They have even added a town square feature on the Herald, for people to post their in game events on. The Herald also loads in a very short time, and is easy to navigate. The GOA site is a total dogs breakfast in comparison.


I'm whats known as a casual gamer... Took me over a year to level a Thane to 50, if I had it in me to do it over again then yeah I'd be straight over to the US servers :-(

but guess untill something better come along (I don't like the look of SB or SWG) I'll be around.


american servers are not that great and u really suffer in the timezone, it might seem like its ok, but tbh everything starts to happen at like 2amGMT :(


Originally posted by trigali
2) Playing on the US servers would most probably feel like playing on Excalibur. L337 dud3, you can go if you want, but 0v3r my d34d d0dy.

Bah forget it, quick to flame, but im so pissed at all those who behave to excal players like they are from a 3rd world country.


Originally posted by Tasans
Bah forget it, quick to flame, but im so pissed at all those who behave to excal players like they are from a 3rd world country.

I'm with you on this one Tasans.

I'm a journalist of 14 years experience, I hold all the professional qualifications available to my profession and I play on Excalibur and I never, ever, ever use l33t speak or frigging mobile txt abbreviations when I speak.

Nor do I run round Midgard being a tosser, insulting random people, power levelling my characters with a shaman or healer buffbot, ignoring requests for help or just not even responding to a polite hello near a crowded bindstone, nor do I choose to stand at the milegates in Emain farming rps off people.

I have, however, met people who have done some or all of the above on occasion on Prydwen - having played both Albion and Hibernia at different times (so they ain't shamen or healers but you get my drift ) - and so I wish people would stop with the frigging shite that Prydwen is the land of all that's golden and mature and that Excalibur is full of 12-year-old testosterone driven morons.

There are idiots on each server and in every realm. Just get over it already ;)

As for the actual debate topic. I play on the EU servers because that's what they are - servers for the European playing base and geared towards them. My friends are here and we all xp or RvR at the same time as the majority of everybody else.
And I still think its an amazingly cheap form of entertainment when compared with equivalent recreational activity.


Well to me time zone doesnt make slightest bit of diffrence really. ON Exc/Pryd I use LFG button..find no groups using that function OR find one or two groups using it who dont want any more people because they are full (!) or they just ignore ya. So in end you end up solo or bumping into the odd one or two players soloing and form a group that way. If its quiet on US server then i do same thing but with ingame support yada yada yada :)

So playing late at night on US servers doesnt mean im alone as theres always someone online and usually the lowest never goes below lowest euro count.

Although saying that i have account here and there so i play where ever theres folk around. I just dont like playing a Multiplayer solo game so go looking for others :)

BTW Excal players i have found a lot more mature in their general attitude compared to the "give gold" "bufz" *stare**stare**shift**stare**goldplz**stare* morons who can speak fluent english when a drop goes their way and dont speak a word of english when a drop they want for their alt drops etc . Asshole count is higher on prydwen ive found tbh.


The few people i encountered on excal asking gold, were so well mannered, that i felt inclined to give them a few g. Especially i remember when i was "mugged" by a kobold and troll on my way to gna :)
My shammie is anon permanently because of single player i meet, asks for buffs, heals etc.


thats coz weve had alot more excal refugees last few months.


Well i come from the US servers. Mid-MLF and i gotta say this. Timezones makes A LOT of difference. im sick and tired of coming online after school, around 3-4pm and the only one rvr'ing r damn asians who there is no chance to get into. when they begin to log off a few europeans and americans begin to come online but still no good rvr groups around for some serious gvg. u have to wait till around 2-3am before u can join a good rvr group and thats just too late for me.
and patching. u say u got patch 1.60 now right?
we got 1.61 and that is a bunch of crap. i havent seen such a bad patch for a LONG time. so IMO patching is not a problem.
for me the choice is obvious. im coming to the EU servers next week, im sick and tired of not getting the full potential of my chars in rvr and i hope that it will change once i get here.

i have a few questions tho.
1. u talk about ingame events, what r those?
2. how is the rvr on the different servers, lots of GvG guilds or pure zerging?
3. which server is the most balanced and the one with the most GvG guilds?


Ingame events are story lines built up by a live NPC so say Kemor behind it. With certain tasks to complete. Like a quest but live.

Imo Prydwen is the most balanced server, each realm puts up a good fight and its more skill based than zerg based tho we have had our problems.

Excaliber is the Zerg server, with Albion/Mid dominating (tho used to be Albion alot).

But if I were you I wouldnt bother with DAoC again. Save for the next mmorpg and wait for you're subs to run out on the US. Unless you speak fleunt french or german that is, they have high pop's and many a server to choose from.

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