Stazbumpan why is it that when people mention N.I. it is always the IRA who get singled out?
There were more than a few Loyalists who were released early from the Maze as well.
And what about the 'murderers' in the British Army and the RUC who will never see justice?
Dont think im taking the republican side here, just people single the IRA out all the time when the Loyalist side is just as bad.
Paramilitaries were released from the Maze early as part of the Good Friday Agreement. Is that not a small price to pay for peace in Northern Ireland?
I agree however that Tony Blair is being more than a bit hypocritical on his stance here, but thats a typical politicial heh.
One thing thats always amused me is how he comdemned Saddam Hussain for testing chemical weapons on his own people yet the British Army tested CR Gas on the internees at Long Kesh during the 80's.
Then there is the 'flu vaccinations' that were tested out on British servicemen at Porton Down during the second world war.
These men believed the government was giving them experiemntal flu vaccines when in fact they were testing chemical weapons on them.
And the moral of the story? Never trust the government
I mentioned the IRA because the Loyalists don't target english civilians as a rule.
Besides, a point I think should be made is that people say "Islamic" terrorists, making a point of naming the religion the terrorists say they carry their attacks out in the name of, but always refer to the 2 sides in N.I as Rebublican and Loyalist when in fact they should be referred to as what they are:
Catholic Terrorists and Protestant Terrorists.
Hope this clears it up slighty.
PS: I trust the Government about as far as I can throw them. Also I think that releasing the terrorists, from either camp, early from prison is bang out of order, no matter what peace deal is on the table and especially when the IRA has not agreed to hand over any weapons at all.
Releasing convicted murderers back to the fully armed gang they came from is taking the piss just a little bit.
Yep. The fact they haven't handed over a single bullet yet is also making the yanks realise they they ain't all charming blarney freedom fighters.
I once saw a documetary about US fund raising for the IRA and when one of the women was asked why she was helping raise funds she replied, "Well, the Catholics don't even have the vote over there !"
Jesus, I really hate that sort of arrogant short-sightedness. My girlfriend's friend is living in New York atm, and he says that many people he's spoken to genuinely believe that this was the first time civilians had been killed in a terrorist attack.
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