US daoc and questionsssss



i'm thinking of getting me copy of us daoc just to try out pvp...
fed up of waiting for goa etc....really fed up

first of many of u in europe play on us servers and r there lag issues?? if bad?

i know theres time difference and all...soooooooo how bad r numbers?

any ideas where i can buy this sucker on the cheap!? :p

thx in advance



I'm based in the UK - got 1MB cable. Ping/lag - np at all, np for my friends on 512K cable too. Servers are always v busy as you can imagine.

Lots of people from all over the world and yes LOTS of euros.



How would a 128k cable hold up? I might have to upgrade.


i played on cable, a mate played on 56k.
No probs at all, less lag than euro.


" "

Did somebody bought from them allready? and is it safe to order there?

Tank Init

hmm Deygos how can you be really fed up of waiting when u only lvl 14? how long you been playing :rolleyes:


Originally posted by old.Balth
" "

Did somebody bought from them allready? and is it safe to order there?

They are based in Toronto - they are one of THE exporters to the UK. I bought 2 copies of US daoc so I could have them for the release day in the US and they did not fail me - ordered on a Sunday evening over the net - they were in my hands Tuesday afternoon :). Since then I've imported craploads from them including US X-Box titles. Ask on the IGN boards or do a search for them there - MANY buyers of US daoc have used them.



ok thx for the info :)
I life in Holland...shouldn't take long I think.

Catnip Lightpaw

erm i got some music cd's from, you could try they are canadian based and are good for free shipping worldwide


lol tank..i'll explain

soz m8 i used to b on albion..have a lvl 37 arms bored of alb and its chars

have been lookin over the garden fence for a while now....where the grass is defffff greener

i did those 3 chars in a week m8. so i am playin all the time..but think ahead to shrouded isles and all long will u euros b prepared to wait for that?...

the u.s will get it like..wot? 3-6months ahead? by then...swars galaxies will b out? how many peeps left then?

general vibe i'm gettin is lots of euros already there..i just dont want to lvl me chars and find myself at lvl50 in an empty rvr wasteland..or worse..find we r still behind the yanks in goddamn patch issues...FFS


Is 29$ alot I am thinking very hard about moving to the US I think the UK DAOC is like flogging a dead horse now.

Gah 14$ shipping too, looks like I am stuck with europe daoc till I get some cash together.


Their converters put it below £19 then its plus £8 p&p not bad for guarunteed.

And if everyone says they are reliable what the heck.

Do any stores in this country sell the US version and Im not talking about your back street alley type shop with shifty passwords that may or may not work.


well i am lookin into this and will post as soon as i find out..currently on they give free shipping...buttt

i emailed them to find out if there daoc on sale is (18 quid!) the u.s version since they r an american based company

not heard nothin yet..but its only been 4 hrs


I bought a used copy of the game for $13 on ebay. (The seller sent me the cd-key, login and password by mail, and I paid him by paypal, was done in an hour and I was online).

Be careful what people tell you about lag, for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it varies enormously with your ISP and their routing to the US. For comparison, my route to GOA's servers takes 16 hops, average latency 20ms, and my route to Mythic's servers takes 27 hops, average latency 180ms - just that many more nodes along the way that can go wrong. Playing on the US servers under optimum conditions was still a shock for me, mobs warping all over the place, and getting in 2 hits on you before you can get your weapons out. On the other hand, for some people in the UK whose ISPs have better connections to the US than to continental europe, the US servers might be better.

Tonight, Andred was completely unplayable. People were popping in Mag Mell at the bind point and quitting in disgust. Things were extremely laggy - possibly because of disruptions in WorldCom's network with their chapter 11 bankruptcy filing. An awful lot of the data traffic that goes between North America and Europe was handled by WorldCom - Mythic's servers may well get horribly laggy for european users for the next few months, but there's no way to predict this. If I were you, I would really wait and see what happens in the next couple of weeks, especially if you were thinking of deleting european characters and closing your account with GOA.


heh well personally - just played on Andred and Mordred tonight. no lag at all.


Originally posted by Alrindel
Tonight, Andred was completely unplayable. People were popping in Mag Mell at the bind point and quitting in disgust. Things were extremely laggy - possibly because of disruptions in WorldCom's network with their chapter 11 bankruptcy filing. An awful lot of the data traffic that goes between North America and Europe was handled by WorldCom - Mythic's servers may well get horribly laggy for european users for the next few months, but there's no way to predict this.

I work for WorldCom and manage the European network.
There are NO disruptions in the network due to the Chapter 11 filing - indeed why would there be? Do you think that we just flip a switch and turn everything off, last one out lock the door?
The FCC does not allow a Telco to simply switch off without giving 31 days notice so that the customers can be migrated to other carriers - like KPNQuest had to earlier this month.
If there were any problems between Europe and N.America then it had nothing to do with the current financial problems of one carrier.
Dont forget, there is over 5 times too much capacity between Europe and the USA, losing WorldCom won't even dent that capacity glut.


I get atracted more and more to the US version of DAOC. I know I would have to buy a version of it and pay subscription but they have so much more to offer... The problem is I have a nice group of friends now and that's probably the only thing that is in my way :(


Don't forget... we get events they don't :)

Apart from the lag I'm quite happy at the moment... and the lag ain't GOAs fault...

Mythic's ISP will probably be as likely to go naff as Wanadoo (though that's debatable :))


Well, my take on being behind the US servers in patches is, you don't miss what you never had, so it doesn't bother me.

But it DOES bother me that we can't order the US versions through direct channels (ie. from Mythic itself, or via Amazon). Yes, I know they will have agreements with their licensees not to tread on their toes, but I'm not in favour of anything that limits the choice of the consumer. The current system surely does this, even though the odd exporter is prepared to go around it.

[Edited to change that really horrible run-on sentence I had. It offended me :)]


I played EU DAoC then moved to US DAoC for the patchs and better service and mainly the PvP server. Someone said to me If you dont like the EU verson you wont like the US one because its the same game which is so true!. Only time I ever had real fun on US was DF prince/legion raid, I only went on one raid becuase they normal take place at 2am/4am. I work early mornings and get back around 11am and the server had around 600/700 players on them. The PvP are solid 24/7 so you'll have no problems their.

PvP server to me was a complete joke for one it killed almost 50% of the US normal DAoC server with players flooding the PvP server then not liking it and canceling there Accounts. You can't solo you need a guild and you need a good guild only problem is you dont know anyone so the only choice for you is a zerg guild. Pet class's on PvP server are well annoying because there is no LOS check for them. I rolled a thurgist got it to Lvl 10 and was killing level 20+ with ease I went from Lvl 10 to 12 from killing high lvl players and on the PvP server when you kill someone they have to send you a tell and trash talk to you, this happens almost all the time.

So if you have no job or life you and can put in 10/15hours aday leveling on the PvP server well its the place for you but the only problem is there is already lvl 50s which took 1 week 5 days to get ( :p ) and on the normal US server I had about 1 LD ever and the PvP I had lots and lots of LD using BY 1mbit cable.

Only things I'll miss from US is Darknessfalls and /appel nothing else


Have to agree with above poster, the only thing that makes my euro account still running (I had a US account prior to the EU account mind) is the fact that allmost all of the important stuff/events on USA servers happen in the middle of the night. Now I have a life outside of DAoC so I can't stay up till the next morning simply for a dragon or relic raid.

Moreover since the release of the PvP servers the population on normal servers took a serious knock. This will probably normalise again after a while but currently most US servers have on euro hours very few ppl on, even the "bigger" servers have suffered considerably.


Originally posted by old.Prof
stuff/events on USA servers happen in the middle of the night.

Events? What events? There ain't no events on US.


He means relic raids, DF raids etc etc

But you are quite correct, I have yet to see an organised event on Guinevere (don't know about the other US servers though)


There are player-organized and player-run events on Mythic's servers, but never GM events and nothing like the campaigns that GOA's events team is starting to run here.

Mythic used to have a calendar on their website where anybody who wanted to organize an event could post, so if you wanted to see if any events on your server were coming up you could check there. But it looks like it is no longer maintained. I wonder why they stopped.


ok all thx for ur advice. hopefully i'll b on mordred/guin or somewhere by mate has ordered 3 copies ;-)

i'll let u know how it goes over there....if it works out...maybe we should all move in protest at GOA's slackness...

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