Updated Ingame maps for 1.71


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
It's true that in general we don't like people coming along here and advertising. That said, I do think the maps in question take a considerable time to produce and DO serve as a very useful aid for DAOC, and also are not in any way against the game's CoC. $6 is really a very insignificant sum (yes, I know, blah blah multiply by thousands blah blah) particularly when you consider how much time it would take each person to make the maps for themselves.

We these factors in mind we'll let it pass, this time.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
Well, original post doesn't even mention that he requires a fee in order for the maps to be downloaded/used. It's one thing encouraging people to donate and it's one thing to simply *demand* a donation in order for them to take part of the "goods" which makes it a required monetary transaction which last I looked isn't a "donation".

It's a price. What's next? Will we see random spam posts about www.randomplingofyourmmorpgchar.com for the excellent price of £xxx?

It's nice trying to look like you are making people something they should be grateful for but in reality the only thing you have done is to broaden your own potential customerbase.

6$ isn't really a large sum, but trying to sound like you are doing us a favor by offering us a service we have to pay for recieving is probably the worst advertisment trick I saw this century. (And believe me I have seen quite a few) :l

Could you elaborate on this subject Jupitus if advertisment is to be allowed and/or this is a special case then where goes the actual borderline for what's advertising and what's not? :)


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
i 100% agree with tomtefan.
i'll trust in you mods to deal with this but i personally didnt like this advertising at all as the post gave the impression that this guy just did something for the community and wanted to share it with us.
its not the 6$, but the way he tries to get attention.
and about the argument that its a lot of work and worth it:

1. the preview-maps i ve seen on the site arent THAT much better then most of the others which float around in the net (just my opinion).

2. this argument would be even valid when looking at other stuff like SC-calculators, VoS etc. it all takes a lot of time and hard work, i know and apprechiate it, really. and i gladly pay a donation, but not when it was made public in this way and in the end not even a donation but a buy-to-get-it...

the internet is full of people who try to make money and work with methods like this, pal. im sure you dont have any bad intentions but it doesnt show you in a good light i think. when you would have mentioned the so called "donation" (and its true nature revealed) in the original post, it would have been ok. but as it is now i would prefer to see this thread vanish.


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
I knew it may be a contentious decision, but sometimes that's the way things are. As you rightly point out, there ARE plenty of other places to get maps, and you have a choice to go and do so, of course.

With regards advertising here in general, as I said before in general it won't be allowed. It's worth noting the fact that this example is not against the CoC for DAOC, whereas the PL type ads generally are.


Dec 22, 2003
I agree with Jup.
The CoC note, was mainly about people who would create an account post a link saying "go here it rocks".
This is different for a number of reasons:
Kallisti has been a member for quite a while, since well before she/he started selling maps.
All other maps she/he has made, have been free, indeed there are still many free maps on her/his site.



One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
Payment Details Secure Transaction

PayPal is the secure payment processor for your seller, Mardona Enterprises. To continue, please enter the required information below. Learn more about PayPal.

Pay To:
Mardona Enterprises
Payment For:
Kallisti's DAoC In-game maps
U.S. Dollars Help
$6.00 USD

You still claim it's some random DAoC players who ain't just trying to take advantage over others, despite the name on the reciever?

Not to mention... How hard can it really be, to throw in a couple of names on locations/mobs on some map you've (likely) derrived from the game data itself, as there's plenty of tools which allows you to do exactly that (or are you merely naive and think ALL these different people actually wanders around and draws out each and every map on their own?)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
It's also $6 for the in game maps. The pdf versions seem to be free downloads.



Dec 22, 2003


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Shrye said:
Not to mention... How hard can it really be, to throw in a couple of names on locations/mobs on some map you've (likely) derrived from the game data itself, as there's plenty of tools which allows you to do exactly that (or are you merely naive and think ALL these different people actually wanders around and draws out each and every map on their own?)

feel free to do your own ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 30, 2004
Damn guys sorry to have stirred up such a controversy, that wasn't my intention :(

Mardona Enterprises is a psydonym for me, I run my own web design and promotion company which is basically a 1 man business, and that is the name registered in PayPal, no big conspiracy.

Thanks for fixing the link in the first post Jupitus :)

As for collecting the data, yes I do run around the zones exploring and locating the mobs, I have a skald and a bard specficially for that job in Mid and Hib...


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Maps for Frontiers

Firstly I do like and use Kalista's maps. Great job on those and I appreciate that it must take many hours to do. You are fully entitled to be recompensed for that time spent.

For those that don't like paying a cent try the following:


The maps can be modified (resized and coloured text) on screen and printed to show anything for Arti's to named mobs. You can even add your own items to these maps and create your very own personalised versions. I luv it.

edited due to having fingers like pigs tits!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
The maps aren't really that nessesary, due to the /realmwar map and the normal mapwindows in each zone. What is in real demand is location detailed maps. In each zone is now many named locations, wich is almost impossible to remember. When you get the deathspam that say "name#" was killed in "location#" by "name#", youre a bit lost :)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 30, 2004
Redfern said:
The maps aren't really that nessesary, due to the /realmwar map and the normal mapwindows in each zone. What is in real demand is location detailed maps. In each zone is now many named locations, wich is almost impossible to remember. When you get the deathspam that say "name#" was killed in "location#" by "name#", youre a bit lost :)

The large scale PDF maps I originally produced and are in the Prima guide have all these locations listed, but there are far too many to fit them into the ingame maps.

When the exclusive contract runs out with Prima on 25th December, the PDF maps will reappear for free download on my site.

I don't know if Prima has sorted out the publishing problems that prevented them from selling their downloadable guide in Europe, but I know they were only allowing US people to buy it. I told them they need to sort that out as there is a significant population of DAOC players who are NOT American...

Hmm just checked their FAQ at https://estore.primagames.com/faq.aspx and it says:

I am not a resident of the US or Canada; can I purchase Eguides?
Unfortunately no. Our eguides are currently only available to residents of the US and Canada.

So they obviously can't get their act together and sort it out. MY advice is send them some polite email pointing out that there is a potentially LARGE market for their guide in Europe if only they'd get themselves sorted out. Apparently its somethign to do with them being owned by Random House publishing company...


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Kallisti said:
Damn guys sorry to have stirred up such a controversy, that wasn't my intention :(

No controversy bud, just some people on this board can't help going with the flow and whining for the hell of it. Regardless, I will be buying your maps. They are worth alot more than £4 to me :) Keep up the good work, you are doing the DAoC community a great service.


Dec 22, 2003
Kallisti said:
The large scale PDF maps I originally produced and are in the Prima guide have all these locations listed, but there are far too many to fit them into the ingame maps.

When the exclusive contract runs out with Prima on 25th December, the PDF maps will reappear for free download on my site.

I don't know if Prima has sorted out the publishing problems that prevented them from selling their downloadable guide in Europe, but I know they were only allowing US people to buy it. I told them they need to sort that out as there is a significant population of DAOC players who are NOT American...

Hmm just checked their FAQ at https://estore.primagames.com/faq.aspx and it says:

I am not a resident of the US or Canada; can I purchase Eguides?
Unfortunately no. Our eguides are currently only available to residents of the US and Canada.

So they obviously can't get their act together and sort it out. MY advice is send them some polite email pointing out that there is a potentially LARGE market for their guide in Europe if only they'd get themselves sorted out. Apparently its somethign to do with them being owned by Random House publishing company...
does that mean you can contractually host the maps for people with an EU IP or something? Couldnt you say to them, basicly, either allow EU people to buy my maps, or i'll open an IP restricted (like the fileplanet WoW beta signup) page allowing EU people to see my maps?


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 30, 2004
This is an interesting thought - I have the faciltiy now to filter out all US and Canadian IPs which is where Prima is able to publish the guide.

I'll make some enquiries about it with my contacts in Prima...

Watch this space...


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 30, 2004
Heard back from the people at Prima and they said :

If we had our
way we'd be selling these to anyone willing to pay (as long as we have the
rights to do so of course)! It is a Random House digital rights policy that
is very hard to revise although we are working hard to do so. I'll let you
know if anything changes, I know the European market for MOGs is ever-growing
and represents a good percentage of the game's player-base.


I'm going to now propose that I filter out US & Canadian visitors to my NF map page to let you guys download the maps...

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