United States Corrupt Twattery


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I can only really comment on the video.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
The rest was suicide by cop.
It should not be possible to suicide by cop unless you present a danger to the cop's life.

What he achieved was "provoking a cop into murder" whilst posing no threat to life.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Even Bame 'leaders' are calling it bullshit.

Funnily enough, media is one of the few areas where I'd guess black people already have work representation inline or better with their demographics; I worked with more black people than I've ever worked with before or since when I worked at the BBC, and that was over 20 years ago (that is Afro-Caribbean people. Asians are very well represented in digital, finance and online). But you know who else was more than represented at the BBC? Posh people. Working in the media isn't about colour, its about class and it always has been, and is getting worse. So basically its black people and posh white people. Working class white people need not apply, even if they are qualified.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Sky Arts is doing a posh version reality show with art critics and some young kid with reasonable talent who is drawing the kind of populist stuff you would find in a seaside art gallery, but they are pretending its groundbreaking by getting him to draw famous black people and rappers, while inside the judges are screaming.
'Hes not urban posh enough...wheres his pain!'

Anyway the intro ad is a hipster mixed race male gay couple.
Which Im sure exists, but it does have a tendency to come across as.
'Like this or else'.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
The Mail has got the bodycam footage.
He failed the breathalyser and was talking and joking, though drunk till they tried to arrest him.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
hearing that some rapper has now taken charge and has an armed militia, threatening businesses in the area to pay up for protection. You literally could not make this shit up!

Thing is, this has happened there... and silly mayors are talking about defunding police now, have they fucking seen Escape From New York? because that's the reality of it lol.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
The Mail has got the bodycam footage.
He failed the breathalyser and was talking and joking, though drunk till they tried to arrest him.
Found any evidence of a criminal record yet? We all know you're scouring the internet as we speak.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Holy fuck Im watching a documentary on the vietnam war, the riot and protests in America against the war.
People were a lot more organised then and students were just as hated.
A few hundred construction workers and others turned up in hardhats and beat the shit out of peace and beatnik protesters and the police just watched till it was over.
It was called the hard hat riot.

View: https://youtu.be/gvb2e7fjoVM


FH is my second home
Jan 4, 2004
List of things I wouldnt do.

Fight with US armed police, steal a disabling weapon point it them..fire..miss then run.
I would be right up with ....
Arrested for intoxicated driving by armed police.
Oh well just shut up and accept punishment, you have no argument, you are not being unfairly treated or interrogated...its not about your race.
They have the full legal and moral authority to arrest you.

The rest was suicide by cop.
Yet again you fail to grasp the situation. A cop should NOT be firing a weapon unless faced with life threatening imminent danger. Even if the situation did warrant use of firearms, surely a shot to the leg to disable a fleeing suspect would be better? Still not right, but not AS bad.
And remember, it's not about what the person did, or what they're like, or how they're profiled. It's about the fact the police are trying to act as executioners for what would be considered petty crime. If they're trained in firearms (which they should be, if they carry them) they should also be trained in how to aim them, and the difference between vital and disabling target areas. The truth is that American cops are just trigger happy. They're allowed guns, and they just go to them as their first response to anything sudden or unexpected. If you think what the cops did was fine considering the circumstances, you really need to get your head checked out.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Watch him ignore you @Syri - and maybe post something from the daily fail to continue on.

I've made that very point to him and he, predictably, didn't address it.

Come on @Job. They sacked the cop and the head of police resigned. You'll probably say it was 'public messaging' and ignore the actual point - but should cops be shooting to kill when they're not in danger?

Yes or no.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Yet again you fail to grasp the situation. A cop should NOT be firing a weapon unless faced with life threatening imminent danger. Even if the situation did warrant use of firearms, surely a shot to the leg to disable a fleeing suspect would be better? Still not right, but not AS bad.
And remember, it's not about what the person did, or what they're like, or how they're profiled. It's about the fact the police are trying to act as executioners for what would be considered petty crime. If they're trained in firearms (which they should be, if they carry them) they should also be trained in how to aim them, and the difference between vital and disabling target areas. The truth is that American cops are just trigger happy. They're allowed guns, and they just go to them as their first response to anything sudden or unexpected. If you think what the cops did was fine considering the circumstances, you really need to get your head checked out.
And don't let him take the taser off you in the first place. Or don't go from friendly chat to HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK in a split second with a guy who is obviously tipsy. The whole thing was dealt with so badly.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Watch him ignore you @Syri - and maybe post something from the daily fail to continue on.

I've made that very point to him and he, predictably, didn't address it.

Come on @Job. They sacked the cop and the head of police resigned. You'll probably say it was 'public messaging' and ignore the actual point - but should cops be shooting to kill when they're not in danger?

Yes or no.
Police in the US are trained to shoot to kill.
The reason being the long list of dead cops and the vast majority of lethal situations the perp (badboyz) is armed and will return fire if merely wounded.
Blame Americas gun culture..blame its crazy gun toting criminal class, its the wild west for cops out there and Im not going to sit in armchair land and criticise someone on the front line.
If this carries on the police are going to refuse to turn up if its a black guy....yes..guy.

Sack and resign ..well obviously, its a media driven mob shitshow.
Id resign on the spot, whod want to do a press conference after that, if you didnt kneel and kiss Jesse Jacksons ass while blaming slavery and promising to hand back America to the Natives, youd be public enemy number1.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
So outraging public decency.

Outraging public decency is an indictable common law offence which is punishable by unlimited imprisonment and/or an unlimited fine.
So peeing near a memorial gets you arrested.
Spraying them in graffiti, pulling them down and smashing them up.
Carry on lads.

Obviously public decency is decided by the court of kangaroo.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
When in danger is an entirely subjective statement.
Are you suggesting they pull out a flow chart, ask the guy to pause while they break down the scenario.

Shoot to kill if you feel either you or the public are in danger.

Obviously the cop thought in that split second there was, your obviously inferring he shot him because he was angry he had stolen his taser.
I guess its up to the investigation to decide, but strangely ground zero for all things anti police reactive..Reddit.. are leaning on the police's side.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
When in danger is an entirely subjective statement.
Are you suggesting they pull out a flow chart, ask the guy to pause while they break down the scenario.

Shoot to kill if you feel either you or the public are in danger.

Obviously the cop thought in that split second there was, your obviously inferring he shot him because he was angry he had stolen his taser.
I guess its up to the investigation to decide, but strangely ground zero for all things anti police reactive..Reddit.. are leaning on the police's side.



The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
So anyway Scouse are you happy with the guy being charged with 'outraging public decency' an offence with no limit on fine or sentence.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Yes well..Im actually giving redditors an ounce of credibility above street mobs.
Did you even fucking read it? A medical examiner said it was homicide due to two bullet wounds in his back.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Did you even fucking read it? A medical examiner said it was homicide due to two bullet wounds in his back.
@Job knows this. He doesn't care - which is why I'm asking about the principle - and he's such an intellectual coward he won't even simply concede the legal position:

Officers can only shoot to kill when there is a threat to life. Period @Job.

It's not a "how you feel" thing at all - they are trained to assess that situation.

It shouldn't come as a surprise that @Job can't hold an adult conversation where long-established and obvious facts are taken for granted - he plays fast-and-loose with the law as it suits him anyway (car insurance, ebike chipping, fraud) - so he sees laws and due process as an inconvenience.

It explains his hatred of lawyers - they deal in rules and people like him whine "fucking lawyers" when they prosecute people for failing to properly insure their cars (for example) just prior to "unfairly" getting fined ("bloody databases") rather than simply obeying the law.

It's part of the reason he won't condemn cops for murder despite clear laws on the subject - he thinks "if a nigger runs it's fair game to shoot him - he shouldn't be running anyway" and "fucking liberals would all shoot niggers if it was their daughter/property/drive-through that was looked at wrong with their black eyes" (or somethimg...


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I see youve slipped into anger yourself, he did assess the situation..it was his call.
Its up to the authorities to decide...Im confident they will wait till this blows over and acquit him.

I dont hate individual lawyers, I despise a system that favours the rich and powerful while maintaining idiotic levels of pay for rather simple knowledge turned into stories.
There are plenty of lawyers who just grind through boring contract law and they obviously will be the first to go.

Your descent into attatching me to ni88er hating sums up the entire protest movement, a simmering stereotype thats every bit the same as racism in its damage to race relations, his race is irrelevent, anyone would be at a very high risk of getting shot in that scenario.



FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
You despise a system but vehemently support the very people propping up said system?


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
2 weeks for peeing through a fence.
Just the single most gobsmacking abuse of law and sentencing.
The public decency act as usual used for political purposes, dividing the nation even more...not a single person arrested for smashing public property in full view if the police.

More division..more lack of faith in politics....a complete shitshow thats leading the country to decades of racial and class strife.


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel www.lhw.photography
Dec 11, 2003
Panorama is very hard hitting this week :/

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