Unique names ?



Fair enough.. nn and thanks for posting a sensible reply (I'll ignore that last one :p). I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this one.


Damn stupid game. I hate getting frustrated at pixels on a screen. So someone tell me why I'm in the software industry :(


Hmm read this in the first post on the forum. Dunno what it says excactly, but sounds interesting:

Discussion & Personal Attacks
Forums exist to exchange information and discuss topics of interest, we encourage this and of course a healthy exchange of opinions and disagreements is natural to any place of public discussion. If you disagree with someone's point of view or their conduct on the forums it is fine to tell them that, however do so in a respectful manner and not by resorting to insults - calling people names or "flaming" them repeatedly in an abusive manner will not be tolerated as this creates an unfriendly atmosphere on the forums.


Heh, nah but I'm never one from backing down from a good argument :) It's just a shame people have to get personal :(

Just out of curiosity, who was your post aimed at?


Not meaning to flame either of you but who cares about fins the exp is terrible. Fomor >>> fins, pm people of your own level and go there. /em puts on rose tinted glasses, when I was exping raven late last year if I couldn't get a group I would make one and go EZ or even some of the other spots in cursed forest.
If you are a fan of the zero camp bonus after 4 pulls you could even try out the back of AF, towards that big mushroom thingy, a whole corridor of red/purp to 50 mobs, about 5 camps.


Originally posted by Crashtje
lol tyka the fag, you have the same view on things as hestethun , u two should marry ^^ , u seem stuck on teh fact i was *kicked* from your band of retards , even tho it was quite obvious i left, AND ebay solved your problems eh ;)

Well fag u see its a diffrent btw SELLING one account and not buy or trade to a new one , then trade every week, couse ur bored and a noob and cant kill a mudman at lvl 20 and nerf u never got it u just bought a new account and WORKED HARD TO GET from rr2l2 to rr3l8 OMG UR LEET U !! U OWN ALL !!!

fucking twat. I bet not more then 10 years old, and again plz stay to the fact plz , couse u got a bad habit to go on other things , like a bad debater :< u suck really hard tbh. And most of what u say is pure lies. After talking with the LA member u called trader i wish I never meet u couse ur just full of shit.

Cya mong :)


for someone who is a regular in the channel, and regularly trades for *a friend* u sure are against this trading malarky ^^ like i said - get a life!


Originally posted by Crashtje
for someone who is a regular in the channel, and regularly trades for *a friend* u sure are against this trading malarky ^^ like i said - get a life!

why cant u just say its u, couse its u , stop spreading lies about guilds having shit loads of traded chars. Grow up u child


Originally posted by Hestetun
why cant u just say its u, couse its u , stop spreading lies about guilds having shit loads of traded chars. Grow up u child

never known someone to own himself in these retarded posts, if you cant spell, dont post! xDDDDDDDDDDDd


Originally posted by Crashtje
never known someone to own himself in these retarded posts, if you cant spell, dont post! xDDDDDDDDDDDd

oh sorry I tried to speak a language u could speak , since ur just 10 years old and stuff :) im really sorry. Will try to speak abit B_T_T_E_R next time

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