Two great quotes from the US - which sounds like Classic Server people may come back


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
I personally think it is only a matter of time, Classic to me is simply the same stuff but worse on a different server. Same fights but no abilities to use. Most people rolling the new OP classes are trying a different realm, but once that novelty wears off, hopefully they will be back.

Anyway, here are the quotes (assassin biased but still interesting).

UltimateDuck said:
I couldnt begin to think about playing on a server where stealthers start off at a huge, distinct disadvantage.

You may hate buffbots, but the fact of the matter is, every grouped person you see will have spec buffs... best you can hope for is CL buffs, and then your giving up on the resists that they will have and you wont.

Don't think that you wont get frustrated by the zergs of rangers/NSs and alb stealth groups with minstrels. The only difference is, you have less ways to defend yourself on classic if you encounter them.

If ToA was your only deterrent, then I wouldnt worry about it to much. There are no arti drops anymore, just credit. Scrolls drop off all mobs in the zone, not just specific ones. Artis level anywhere at any time, classic, SI, ToA, catacombs, DR and frontiers... no more restrictions. Arti raids run constantly, and my guild runs the individually for people who need them about every other day (if you need a guild).

The classic guys like to consider themselves "hardcore". Hardcore isnt an old, watered down version of the game with limited options. Hardcore is taking everything the game has become, good and bad, and successfully playing your class against all obsticles. You started that by choosing a Mid stealther... dont waste it on Dark Age of Atari.

And another:
beung said:
I also play an SB on Classic and the stealther zerg is getting worse and worse in the crowded parts of NF but that also means that other parts of NF is going to be filled with grouped visables. Most low number fights are going to be against other stealthers and if you somehow find a solo visable chances are there are atleast 2 other stealthers there either wanting to kill you or wanting to kill the same target as you. A high RR NS with Remedy up and with Viper3 can go threw 2 SBs with little problem, same goes for a halve decent RR Ranger, they all seem to be MoS4, PD3, IP2, Slash, EM spec now and its even more frustrating when there are 6 of them.

See what happens.....

Oli - Illu


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Well stealthers are not a class u should play on classic really


Dec 22, 2003
Classic is now far better than normal servers, simply because there are hardly any stealthers.
The issue with toa isn't the time it takes, i enjoyed getting toa on my charachters, the issues are how imballanced it made rvr, banelord interupts, zephyr, etc etc, just a whole list of 1wins, tbh I think classic, where you get DR stuff, and your class abilities makes it far more "skillful" if indeed playing a game can be called skillful, than a toa server where you can fire 3 zephyrs, spam banelord and walk away without a scratch (yes i'm exadurating here!)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Tilda said:
Classic is now far better than normal servers, simply because there are hardly any stealthers.

thats really a matter of opinion. i much prefer fighting stealthers to other classes on my reaver tbh


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
Sucks so hard that you cant have a BB, Classic server can burn in hell thats my opinion. :puke:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
Classic is now far better than normal servers, simply because there are hardly any stealthers.
The issue with toa isn't the time it takes, i enjoyed getting toa on my charachters, the issues are how imballanced it made rvr, banelord interupts, zephyr, etc etc, just a whole list of 1wins, tbh I think classic, where you get DR stuff, and your class abilities makes it far more "skillful" if indeed playing a game can be called skillful, than a toa server where you can fire 3 zephyrs, spam banelord and walk away without a scratch (yes i'm exadurating here!)

if you like that shit though just go play freeshard imo.

no way im taking a step backwards because the game designers are acknowledging some of the more OP recent implementations are bad for the game...

if all the effort put into classic went into restoring balance then we would be fine...


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
I am happy with classic. No brittle guards, no FZ, no banespike etc etc


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2006
ppl will miss their toa stuff eventually, most. That was just the expirience...


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
Profion said:
Sucks so hard that you cant have a BB, Classic server can burn in hell thats my opinion. :puke:

Thought that was partially the point of "classic"


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 22, 2005
Played mid Lamorak until 1.81 went Live, the day it went live me and my friends moved to Hib/Merlin, from the release day of 1.81 live (approximately 1 month) 5 out 8 of us are lv50 with lv10 artifacts and ml9. We didn't play much over xmas either, the new system of artifacts/scrolls and the NPC's that sell ML items is such a huge improvment for the game.

Our cluster have gained around 1k more people on average per night since 1.81 which is very nice now.

Overall i did enjoy Lamorak, but the new ToA system is very good, much more player friendly.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 17, 2004
actually i think that the classic servers show us exactly how unbalanced the classes really are, a rr5 NS tearing up 2 SB's with no problem and a good one can take 3 for example.

the regular servers contain so many abilities that you have to study to remember half of them, the fact that already very strong classes can choose the absolutely most powerfull ML lines while weaker classes get to choose from weaker lines making the gap even bigger.

i think it's sad really, i loved daoc, i still do love parts of it but the charm has gone.
the charm went away when midgard got "flying wee guitar swords" and "star wars space-ship swords" in SI ^^

classic server will satisfy some while others will go back, some will never be happy with daoc again (like me) and keep playing (not sure yet), and some will leave due to the fact that mythic doesent get that changes isnt allways improvement.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
After playing classic, my next character of choice was on a live toa server over on US. Simply because they've made toa so much easier. Wouldn't go back to pre 1.81 toa if i was paid, or classic.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 7, 2004
Same thing here, toa has just been made soo easy. Decided to gear up my rm, went on a arti raid, lasted 3hours and now i have every artifact i need on my rm..
i simply love the changes to toa and my rm champ staff looks sweet aswell :p


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
really enjoying the classic server atm, the community seems so much more friendly. Its still new so i will have to see how it turns out.


Can't get enough of FH
Sep 14, 2004
Profion said:
Sucks so hard that you cant have a BB, Classic server can burn in hell thats my opinion. :puke:

such a great attitude


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
tbh then, post 1.81, toa on a normal server is probably gonna be easier than Darkspire (/catacombs) on classic servers...


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
Raven said:
really enjoying the classic server atm, the community seems so much more friendly. Its still new so i will have to see how it turns out.

With 90% of it being french :| tbh if they left there would be 100 people on Glast :| lol


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 1, 2005
Edlina said:
tbh then, post 1.81, toa on a normal server is probably gonna be easier than Darkspire (/catacombs) on classic servers...

it is, just depends on what kind of gameplay you want i guess really, some prefer toa, some prefer classic..

after trying both, id never go back to classic again :)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
true there are a lot of french people but mostly they are in thier own guilds/alliances and 99% of the time are very friendly and do try to speak english.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
pjuppe said:
although he's right, lvl:ing without a BB is ZzZz :)

Who said u cant? The BB needs to start from lvl1 aswell so just grp him and level them both at the same time?

Not that hard


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
If you think that buffbots are a part of the game you are wrong. They are an artificial way to increase your characters power through means that are outside of the game's universe. Think of it as using a second deck of cards to choose cards from while playing a card game against someone.

If you think stealthers are "inappropriate" or too weak without buffbots, well that's your personal problem, because that is how they are supposed to be played.


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Mavl said:
If you think that buffbots are a part of the game you are wrong. They are an artificial way to increase your characters power through means outside of the game's universe. Think of it as using a second deck of cards to choose cards from while playing a card game against someone. If you think stealthers are "inappropriate" or too weak without buffbots, well that's how they are supposed to be played.

Not really, I dont see how an unbuffed assassin in the current game can stand up and have a decent chance of killing someone in a group who's buffed.

Buffed assassin has hard enough time, unbuffed its just a complete waste of time. Unbuffed, as Shadowblade for example, you're happy to break 250-300 perf on a buffed caster with specAF. GL killing anything !


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Puppet said:
Not really, I dont see how an unbuffed assassin in the current game can stand up and have a decent chance of killing someone in a group who's buffed.

Buffed assassin has hard enough time, unbuffed its just a complete waste of time. Unbuffed, as Shadowblade for example, you're happy to break 250-300 perf on a buffed caster with specAF. GL killing anything !

Maybe that is because he isn't supposed to appear out of the blue and kill someone supported by a whole group, what do you think ? :p

Someone in the group who is buffed requires a whole specline of an appropriate class with a ton of specpoints put into it to function like that. Basically, that means that this one stealther is engaging more than one person at a time, and this should put him at an appropriate disadvantage, of course.

Also, buffbots destroy the game's balance as they significantly weaken classes and speclines that have own self buffs.


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Puppet said:
Not really, I dont see how an unbuffed assassin in the current game can stand up and have a decent chance of killing someone in a group who's buffed.

Buffed assassin has hard enough time, unbuffed its just a complete waste of time. Unbuffed, as Shadowblade for example, you're happy to break 250-300 perf on a buffed caster with specAF. GL killing anything !

Even buffed - that's the sort of figure you get :> Assassins are cannon fodder in classic. In fact the only thing classic promotes is that you have to make a buffbot and bring it along with you, or you team up with a healer type, or you use zillions of charges. Or you play a catacombs class.

And people in groups should be killable :>

Oli - Illu


Part of the furniture
Jun 27, 2004
Tilda said:
Classic is now far better than normal servers, simply because there are hardly any stealthers.
The issue with toa isn't the time it takes, i enjoyed getting toa on my charachters, the issues are how imballanced it made rvr, banelord interupts, zephyr, etc etc, just a whole list of 1wins, tbh I think classic, where you get DR stuff, and your class abilities makes it far more "skillful" if indeed playing a game can be called skillful, than a toa server where you can fire 3 zephyrs, spam banelord and walk away without a scratch (yes i'm exadurating here!)

I dont think classic rvr is balanced or more balanced than toa server.. perhaps hib - mid are almost onthe same level but alb is far behind.. let me guess you play hib or mid? :puke:

vamps/bd/mid support/hib support > alb :(


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
people have been using buff bots pretty much since the game went live, they are part of the game, i cant remember fighting anyone un-buffed in a very long time, personally i would rather have buffbots on classic, however you take the rough with the smooth, being able to get a new toon rady for rvr in a week with very little effort > doing the toa grind.

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