Turamber is Leaving the Building

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To cut to the quick -- I tried to respec Turamber's realm abilities to make him a ram carrier. Bad move - even with Lifter 3 and Aug Strength 3 (read one HELL of a lot of realm skill points) he is still encumbered when carrying a whole ram.

Briton Paladins are not ram carriers.

Asked GOA if they would correct my cock-up/misunderstanding of how the calculation is worked out ... they say they are unwilling (or unable) to do so.

9 months play down the drain.

Although I have a couple of alts that I enjoy playing - they are a distraction to the real issue for me, RvR with my level 50. In trying to do something to help the realm of Albion I buggered up my character, with no 'get out of jail free' card available.

So, nice to play with you chaps... but that's it for me. Have fun without me, and if you can't be good at least be careful :)


Think that sucks big time m8 , they can give you chars back that have been deleted in a drunken frenzy but you try for the good of your realm and cannot be helped :( , I know that if they do it for you they think it will open the floodgates for everyone to say ooops I tried this but it did'nt work please put it back . Also there are others who will say you should have checked every single bit of encumberance before you specced to that too . Take care , you never know , they might just change it for you .


Dont go Turamber :( Im sure something can be done and dont you have two respec realms? (Hopes you havent used them both already).


Turamber.... don't tanks get a full RA respect again when cheap purge and ignore pain are available? Forgive me if I'm wrong, haven't played for a bit.

edit: Doh, hybrid tanks don't get cheap IP and purge.... damn :/


Turamber when ip and purge points cost gets reduced i think they are giving another respec.


No there is no additional respec - pure tanks just get the extra points back from the RAs being cheapened. And the Pally doesn't get them anyway.

Tafaya Anathas

I respecced my scout 3 times, Turamber go to your trainer and type /respec realm, and maybe you 'll get an extra respec like me.

Aurelius LH

Originally posted by Turamber
Asked GOA if they would correct my cock-up/misunderstanding of how the calculation is worked out ... they say they are unwilling (or unable) to do so.

There is a very big difference between unable and unwilling - if it's unwilling it means they CAN be persuaded... don't give up on this just yet, keep asking.


Re: Re: Turamber is Leaving the Building

Originally posted by Aurelius LH
There is a very big difference between unable and unwilling - if it's unwilling it means they CAN be persuaded... don't give up on this just yet, keep asking.

BUT, if goa makes an exception for one person how could they then resist the horde of people screaming "but HE got an extra respec!!" ? don't get me wrong. i dont want Turamber to quit or anything but i think it will be quite hard to get them to make an exception.

but hey Turamber, i bet you can still carry almast o whole ram, maybe you can with a lil bufs? and you can still do those chants and rez and block like hell can't you? plus ip can't be more than a couple hundred k rps away. dont give up so easilly! :)

Aurelius LH

Re: Re: Re: Turamber is Leaving the Building

Originally posted by Freia

BUT, if goa makes an exception for one person how could they then resist the horde of people screaming "but HE got an extra respec!!" ?

I appreciate that Freia - it all depends on the reasons they could be given whether they would make an exception for this case.

Personally, I'd argue that if it was not practically possible to calculate whether a paladin could actually carry the whole ram at once from what information was available to us, and Turamber's plan appeared perfectly sound - and also I'd take it as reasonable that a Paladin, as one of the main 'tanks' of Albion, would be a good candidate for acting as a ram carrier.

Whether GOA agree or not I've no idea - but I sympathize with Turamber a great deal, he tried to respec so he could actually be more useful to Albion, and ended up with severe limitations on his character instead. He'd said he would be content with a simple revert to his character template 'as it was', so he's not even asking for the right to an extra respec per se - just for a hand sorting out a perfectly understandable mistake.

It's one thing for the warnings to pop up asking you to be sure you are going to respec properly before you do it, but it certainly was not clear from anything I've seen from GOA (or Mythic) that the effects of the respec Turamber chose would prove to be such a dramatic failure.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Turamber is Leaving the Building

Originally posted by Aurelius LH
It's one thing for the warnings to pop up asking you to be sure you are going to respec properly before you do it, but it certainly was not clear from anything I've seen from GOA (or Mythic) that the effects of the respec Turamber chose would prove to be such a dramatic failure.

Just for the sake of argument, how does one prove that one did everything possible to try to calculate the weight of the ram and how much carrying points one would get?

Aurelius LH

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Turamber is Leaving the Building

Originally posted by Freia

Just for the sake of argument, how does one prove that one did everything possible to try to calculate the weight of the ram and how much carrying points one would get?

You can't 'prove' anything, although you can certainly say it's not clear from the Mythic website, any official DAOC source, or anything GOA have published.

Surely though, in a world with reasonable people, you don't need to.... nobody sane would be respeccing an RvR character to have Lifter and Augmented Strength to such a high level with a view to fighting enemies, now would they - unless they planned to combat Midgard by dwarf tossing, perhaps... ;)


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Turamber is Leaving the Building

Originally posted by Aurelius LH

You can't 'prove' anything, although you can certainly say it's not clear from the Mythic website, any official DAOC source, or anything GOA have published.

Actually, if i'm not mistaken (please correct me if i am) the encumberment points go up exactly one per point you have in str.

Soooo.. I would buy a full ram, see how many enc points i have now, then see what my capacity is, add 18 (for 3 pts in aug str) to that, then take that number and multiply it with 1.6 (+60% for 3 pts in lifter). Then check if that final number is equal to or higher than the enc points with a full ram. If there are any flaws in this please corretc me. I havnt doublechecked everything.


I have to agree with Jadow here, I got three respecs too


Turamber don't go:(

I suggest we do a partition to get GOA to change it if Turamber did his sums right and GOA can't count then he should get that repsec IMO.

Loads of people took advantage of that respec bug ( I didn't myself but now wish I had) and GOA didn't care and 9 months work should be respected and respecced by GOA I reckon.

I hope you are reading this Kemor!

Don't delete yet Turamber ok cos maybe Kemor will do something about this.


Well.. in total I've used 4 realm respecs on Loch.. 2 pre patch, and then 2 after patch. You don't get 3, you just got 2 either side of the patch. If this is wrong and someones managed to get 3 realm respecs in either patch, please correct me, but both times for me, after I'd used 2, it said I had no more left.


I have a log someplace of an IRC chat with Kemor. If you didn't use your /respec realms prepatch (last patch) then you get 1 additional respec realm. If you used them then for some reason you get 2 /respec realms.

Maybe they fixed it, but that's what I was told by kemor himself. You definately have cause for appeal if it transpires that you are unable to respec again tur.



Just wanna tell my story here: After experiementing with a few RAs and spending my 2 /respec realm I acciedently mixed up 2 RAs and ended up gimped. I asked GOA by RightNow if they could reset only 1 RA and give me the points back since I had mistaken it for another (dont specc 4am). They said they wont do it BUT when some days or even a week later I tried another /respec realm it worked!!! I dunno if GOA did it or if the /respec all bug was working with /respec realm aswell (I dont think it did.) but anyway I am ungimped.


Tura, dear, you're not even RR5 yet according to Duskwave.

Even if you don't get another /realm respec, another level of lifter, or another aug strength will see you able to do what you wanted.

Don't quit now, there's plenty more for you to do yet :)


i thought it was common knowledge paladins had gimp str?


Sorry to hear this, I really wish GOA would take better care of their subscribers, humans make mistakes, hell GOA make more damn mistakes than anyone, but they get the chance to fix it!
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