Trdeskill & Material.



Well you have smiths in every town. They make weapons/armors etc. We have chars doin tradeskills buying material from merchants. But where do all the material comming from????

Would be nice if you could go out at chop wood. Mine for material.
Remember a old mud i played long ago where you could mine, the futher down you got the more riches you uncovered. But if you got too greedy and mined to much. Deamons and other monsters, bandits. Claimed the mine. And the futher you got away from civilization the better kind of wood you could find.

So i would be cool if you could set up lumber/miningcamps say in the frontier so i would be a dangerous and perhaps rewarding endevour.

Roo Stercogburn

You examine the [tree]. It is shady to you.

You hit the tree for 1 damage.
You hit the tree for 1 damage.
You hit the tree for 1 damage.
You hit the tree for 1 damage.
You hit the tree for 1 damage.
You cast Mjollneir.

The forest of trees hits you for 12,000 damage.

You have died. Your reputation is greatly reduced.



at the end of the day daoc lacks alot of good content, which should be put in, but I dont see it happening.


Err anyone that played LoM will tell you the same thing...

mining sux. plain and simple.

and besides, we all know where the supplies come from, someone else worked hard so we could be bored stiff while crafting. hehe

also I'm a bit scared...I can see hoardes of people running to the trees singing the Lumberjack Song. (Mind you, I love MP but after a few days it WILL get annoying).

maybe they could add it so if you want to go mining/lumbering/etc for items you can, but if you rather run down to the store for supplies, you can do that too.

Just a thought.

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