Tradeskill Respec



From forums.

Back in June, at the Camelot Roundtable during a discussion of the new trade skills, we said there was a possibility that we might allow people to reset an unwanted tradeskill to zero, in order to take advantage of a skill they might like better. Furthermore, in July, I said in a grab bag that we would allow such resets to zero. But a lot of water had gone under the bridge since then, and we've learned that such a reset is very likely a bad idea. And therefore, I am sorry to say that we will not be allowing tradeskill resets. Here's why:

We learned a lot from the respec implementation experience, and one of the biggest lessons was that people try things out, and discover that they liked the old way better. When we tell people "no, no do overs," they become angry and cancel their accounts. We don't want people to cancel their accounts, obviously, so we began evaluating each person's situation on a case by case basis.

Which leads to the next lesson learned - the fact that whenever we deal with something on a case by case basis instead of by policy, the customer service time involved skyrockets. Actually, we already knew this one, which is why we try so hard to set a fair and customer friendly policy for things before a situation comes up. But in this case, we couldn't avoid the time spent and still feel as though we provided good service. And it was a lose-lose situation for us - we still made many people angry, even WHEN we did things case by case, and all the rest of our customers (who needed help with things that had nothing to do with respecs) saw their wait times double or even triple as our customer service team staggered under the load. About the only thing not impacted was our response time to customers stuck in the world - our response time stayed terrific for those, but everything else slowed down to a crawl for a few days.

And then there were the extremely intensive investigations. Many people called, wrote, appealed, all to tell us that THEY did not respec their characters, that a vengeful spouse/significant other/sibling/roommate had done it instead. Others sent in claims of account hacking or theft. Although it would be very easy to become jaded with so many claims, we're of the opinion that it is best to sort through a hundred false claims if it means making one innocent person happy. So again, much time was spent on investigations, very few of which bore fruit.

Finally, in the court of public opinion, the respec was not universally applauded. Despite having been one of the most requested features, and despite much discussion with the community before the fact which had given us the impression that people would be happy with just one chance to undo old mistakes, the feedback since the respec has been very mixed. Most people were thrilled, obviously. But many people are upset that they can't flip back and forth between templates. Others feel we should offer them respecs more often. And still others feel as though they liked their old template better, and would have been happier had there never been a respec. While I believe that the way things are now (with a line respec at 20 and 40) is far better than no respec at all, and in fact all future customers will very much enjoy having the option, it doesn't change the fact that implementing the respecs in the first place caused a great deal of uproar.

So that's where we were as we discussed the tradeskill reset. At first (and this is true of many things, Mythic is NOT a place where everyone always agrees - if you've ever thought a certain thing, I promise you that someone who works here agrees with you!) the mindset was, "we said they could, therefore we must." With that as our starting point, we started trying to work out our policies. What would we do when people decided they liked their old trade better? What if they accidentally reset a trade they didn't WANT to reset? What if someone's so-called friend reset their trade? How would they prove it wasn't them?

That's when it was decided that perhaps we might be better off not doing a reset. Even with multiple confirmation boxes, the impact on customers and our own staff was projected to be extremely high.

I know this will not be a popular choice with some of you, and believe me, I understand. For those of you crafters who have no more character spots left on your account on your favorite server - our intent is that we WILL be adding those four new spots before Shrouded Isles goes live.

In short, I am sorry, but I have to go back on what I said in July, and I hope that this explanation makes sense to you all. Thanks very much for your patience, and I hope you're as excited to try the new trades as we are.

Lucinius Fortis
Rabid Friar & Legendary Grandmaster Tailor
of The Knights of Doomshire


Sigh. I picked up 1 tailoring on my earth wizzie so I could batter Thidranki's doors down.

To be honest, I don't see how on earth they can corrolate a tradeskill respec (1 player in what, 300?) with a skills respec (At least 80% of players).

WTG Mythic :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Roalith
Sigh. I picked up 1 tailoring on my earth wizzie so I could batter Thidranki's doors down.

To be honest, I don't see how on earth they can corrolate a tradeskill respec (1 player in what, 300?) with a skills respec (At least 80% of players).

WTG Mythic :rolleyes:

Ask on RightNow if they can reset it, and tell them why it happened. Just because Mythic wont put it in as an automatic command doesn't mean you can't ask GOA (and I am sure I remember someone telling me they had done this very thing.)


And if everyone with 1 tradeskill point does this because they want SC or Alchemy? Or everyone with say 400 points or less? For some reason, I can see GOA taking up Mythics standpoint heh.


doh lol at lowish lvl i got wep crafting up to 50 then decided when i heard bout trade skill respec id ditch it and work alchemy.. so on an alt i got wep crafting as well only to 200 tho lol.... now what? argh :(

Old Nicodemus

I for one am not impressed.

I only started to do tailoring because there was nothing else I could do. When I heard that Spellcrafting was coming I stopped. That's what I want. Spellcrafting.

Now they are saying that we won't be able to respecc to do the tradeskill WE want to do. That sucks imho. If I had actually known that spellcrafting was going to be coming along at the time I started this game I would not have started tailoring.

I hope Kemor gets to read this thread, there will be some pissed off peeps if they won't allow those of us who want to do spellcrafting with our current characters the ability to do so.

I, like a lot of other people, have been looking forward to this tradeskill for some time. To deny us the oportunity to do so would be infuriating to a large number of us.



do the new crafts on an alt, for god's sake. You're getting extra player slots....
Sure they are going back on what they said, but they admit it freely and apologise. And it really is not that much of a god-damn big deal.....


If you pick alchemy or spellcrafting any tradeskill you have is wiped so you can do them :)


Originally posted by old.LandShark
do the new crafts on an alt, for god's sake. You're getting extra player slots....
Sure they are going back on what they said, but they admit it freely and apologise. And it really is not that much of a god-damn big deal.....

no no no no no no no no no no no OK

it is NOT the same making a frickin alt to do this, some of us want to the role play aspect of hunting for the vital indgredients with our main charactrers

Old Nicodemus


Maybe those of us that want to do spellcrafting wish to do it with the characters that we have spent a long time playing. I spent a long time leveling my Spiritmaster, I have no interest in making another mage type char again for a long time on this server.

Why should I waste time making an alt just for the purposes of being a crafter? Your post seems to be too narrow minded. I play my Char because I have fun with it. This ability is part of the reason why I wish to do it with my present Char. So that I can continue to have fun.

You hit 50. You RvR. You get bored. Repeat the process 2 times more with different char types. At the end you might end up leaving the game. This ability allows people to continue to have fun and play the game they enjoy in the way they want.

I would like to have this ability for the char I love playing. I do not wish to have to go through all the hassle of playing a mage char again. If I play an alt it will be a completely different type of char. New challenges and experiences.



I asked on RightNow ages ago and was told you could wipe any previous tradeskill and choose alchemy or spellcraft. So before you get too angry about it all, either use RightNow to check details or look through patch notes on the Camelot Herald (which I'm too lazy to go and find for you) but it says the same thing.


Jiggs has a point there.. you build a relationship with you're main char.....

Perhaps if mythic or goa allowed some sort of application to reset trade skill through rightnow, therefore there's no real excuse saying such and such did it or I changed my mind. Im sure they would consider cases where people plead and state the reasons why......if you abuse it and ask for tonnes of reset's then they should tell you where to go but one reset should be allowed.


Originally posted by old.Nim
If you pick alchemy or spellcrafting any tradeskill you have is wiped so you can do them :)

read the announcement from Sanya a couple of times before you post again ;)

altho I'can understand all your worries about not being able to respec. I think I can understand Mythics problems with allowing them more. they had to make a decision, and imo they chose the best of the 2 bad options

Levin the Blue

Seriously, this sucks.

I got 450 tailoring, but stopped practicing it a long time ago, since i knew i would want to take up spellcrafting instead. It's been one of the few things that has kept me playing my character. I've been trying to save up money to fund this new craft, and it's brought in a lot of fun to the game even before it's been implemented (simply from the anticipation). I have no intention of playing up another character and get spellcrafting with him. Like has been said here, i think most people want to play their main characters, and have some kind of meaning with them. The new crafts would have helped with that.

Why do the main core of Mythic's customers have to suffer just because a few have idiot spouses/neighbours/dogs/kids/friends/aliens with access to their accounts and who reset their tradeskills against their will??? How many more people won't be seriously pissed off because they can't do what had been promised to them? I know i'm one. Levin is my first character in this game, and he has been played since March. He was supposed to get spellcrafting, as a way of keeping me playing this game. He was going to pair up with his wife (well they're not married yet, but will be soon) and they would sit together and craft and talk into the long hours.

I'm going to apply to GOA to get my tailoring reset to zero. I hope they won't let some idiots ruin the game for, what i perceive is, a LOT of people.

Sorry for the ranting.. i just had to let out some steam.


Originally posted by old.Nim
I asked on RightNow ages ago and was told you could wipe any previous tradeskill and choose alchemy or spellcraft. So before you get too angry about it all, either use RightNow to check details or look through patch notes on the Camelot Herald (which I'm too lazy to go and find for you) but it says the same thing.

Not quite Nim... that quote is actually from The Camelot Herald somewhere (Took it off DAOC tradeskill boards, myself). Mythic will NOT be implementing a one-time tradeskill wipe so you can start alchemy/SC from scratch, because of all of the CSR issues they had over specialisation skill respsecs.

How, exactly, they can justify corrolating those two completely different issues, I do not know.

If, however, GOA via Rightnow will be allowing everyone with 1 point tailoring so they can build rams (etc etc and so forth) to wipe their tradeskill, then I for one will be a happy man.


Well this sucks very very badly. I took up tailoring to 300+ something just because there were no other crafts to choose, just to try out some crafting, no real use for it.

At this time we had been told that you would be able to wipe your tradeskills to choose either alchemy or spellcraft.

I can understand the problem with respecs, respecs are stupid in daoc in the first place and have casued them alot of problems. What I can't understand is how a wipe of craft skills could hurt. It's not a respec, it's a wipe, you will have to craft up all those points again.

Sure someone could moan about accidentaly wiping out the trade, or how someone else did it with their character. But Mythic could just make it very hard to do by mistake, like an npc tutorial or quest, and take a policy not to bother with people moaning about accidental resets and etc.


There is a magic line "respec" quest in EQ. Or more accurately because you can only raise specialisation over 50 points in one magic line, if you raise the wrong one you can do this quest to reset all lines to 49 and try again. I don't think I have ever heard of someone maliciously respeccing a character to the wrong line in EQ because you have to quest it :) Seems a good idea to me and is rather more fitting with the type of game than just a /respec command. I'm sure most people wouldn't mind doing this quest and it provides a much better safety buffer than one or more "are you sure?" buttons.

In EQ it works as follows :

Talk to Ostorm and he will offer to change your specialization if you give him a ruby and 50 gp. This resets all of your specializations back to 49. Make sure the one that hits 50 next is the one you realy want.


Ok, Zargar (Excalibur GM) has replied to the questions asked in this thread as to the position of GOA in all this.

He gave us permission to quote him from the E&E boards, to save him posting separately here, so here goes....

I will say that we have the same experiences as Mythic in this field, although on a much smaller scale as skill repec didnt go in yet. And we definetly have the same experiences regarding case by case handling vs policies.

I should also add that we will try to avoid the huge trouble Mythic had regarding the skill respec, and take the path they eventually were forced to chose: You only have the number of respecs given to you by the game. If you regret respeccing, if your cat steps on your keyboard while you chose skills, if <insert reason here> then there is nothing we can do. Be careful with respeccing, don't do it if youre in doubt, because it may change your character in a way that you didn't intend.

No, you can quote me. The "wont" make a separate case by case... should be a "can't" though, as this is really the case.


Sermon ....

Can't help putting my 2c's worth in here:

Personally, I think the crafting respecc issue differs from the char skill respecc in that nobody was forced to take up crafting in the first place, ie. everyone had the choice to wait for the craft he REALLY wanted to learn. Obviously this can not be said for the character skilling which has been significantly affected by the continuous rebalancing and cannot be avoided (provided you want to play ;) ); that's why I find the char respecc there necessary and appropriate.

I am with this game since beta times and I experimented with crafting during beta and later with alts - with retail release I decided, not to take up any craft for my mains, but to wait for "future developments" and will now go for SC with my theurg. :)

So, frankly, I am with Landshark - and Mythic - on this; I agree that it's been misleading by them to state they would allow respeccing craft and I sympathise with those who felt safe in picking up a craft - but at least in this DAoC is like RL: sometimes you have to stick with the consequences of you decision ... I, myself, find the Mythic case reasonable enough. So, guys (& gals), vent your frustration, you are entitled to be pissed off, but don't forget, the grass is always greener .... ;) ;) ;)

And as for the roleplay aspect: why not make your main the supplier to a low lvl char full time crafter?! Just a suggestion ...

/em sermon off /bows

Vardalimaae, lvl 43 theurgist (Carnificis Ministerium / Prydwen)
Caine Lacroix, lvl 37 armswoman (dto)
Thys Grieven, lvl 14 sorcerer (dto)


Although it's probably more convenient to have an alt as a crafter (log main in keep deep in enemy territory, can still log in crafter :)) I know what you mean about wanting your main character to be doing the tradeskill.

That said I can imagine the headaches they've gone through with the respec and the amount of hassle that would ensue from people respeccing their brother's Legendary Grand Master Armorer etc.

bummer :(


"When we tell people "no, no do overs," they become angry and cancel their accounts. We don't want people to cancel their accounts"

Ah and they think ppl won't become angry because they won't able to respecc...

Killerbee lvl 50 Cleric
7XX Armorcrafter
Carnificis Ministerium

"[Party] Hitokiri "but if u come here ill ave to pass down my medal of crazyness to u"

I'm still waiting Hito...


Agree on the " make it a quest or something idea " Just so your lil bro cant type /respecc whatever , when u on the bathroom, cause u beat him up earlier


Originally posted by Damon Doombring
Agree on the " make it a quest or something idea " Just so your lil bro cant type /respecc whatever , when u on the bathroom, cause u beat him up earlier

Oiii he started it by hitting back!


thing thats annoyed me most is the fact they said you could first THEN said you couldnt i now have 2 wep crafters both with crap skill cos i decided i didnt want it on my main.. and respecing trade skill is less serious that respecing your specs... riiigght :eek: :(


if the issue is that respecs were done by accident or maliciously by another person with access to the account there a couple of things that could be done to avoid it

1) Implement a /respec <tradeskill/skill line/realm> OFF
so you can make a decision to abandon the respec if you are happy with your character as is or

2)Respec by request via support, you send in a request for respec it will be performed 7 days later, an email will be sent to your contact email address telling you when it will happen and giving you an option to change your mind.

first option of course means someone could maliciously prevent you from respeccing :)

a blanket 'no respec' does not make me a happy camper


get over it and move on people..

in the time untill we get spellcrafting in europe, you can pretty easily level a new char to 40, or even 50 if you are serious.


Scary as this is, Mythic are making a very fair point here.

The respec thing was a mess, people used it thinking it was the way to become powerful, due to grass-is-greener syndrome. When they found they'd fouled up people in US used all sorts of BS excuses to get it changed back.

More people messed up their spec due to poor planning than due to Mythic changing spec-features around, so people are just as likely to plan a poor spec after they /respec it. If you take the time to plan out a well-working spec, you should get the benefits. If you don't put any thought into it, why should you get free respecs to fix it, and then still end up sending false /appeals and congesting the Customer Service.

Same thing will happen in Europe I think. Clerics respeccing into buffbots out of anger at a patch they havn't yet seen, then deciding they might actually want to try 'healing' a bit and appealing on RIGHTNOW! that their malicious pet hamster did the /respec for them.

That said, I don't actually see as many people fouling up a tradeskill /reset as would foul up a respec. It deals with a smaller volume of players and the choice is a lot more clearcut. Do you want to /reset the 1100 Armourcraft on your main to spellcraft, or would you rather just make an alt?

Perhaps solution would be to only allow a /reset if you have less than 500 tradeskill points, and then do a strict policy of not undoing it.

WAR! Slayn Out!

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