Took the plunge, bought a ps3...


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
Well, I hadn't made my mind up to go for either a 360 or a ps3, but then I found a nice 2nd hand deal for £350, a hardly used ps3 in perfect condition with everything still neatly boxed up, including 5 games, 2 six-axis controllers, blu ray remote control and casino royale on bluray. Not bad methinks!

I suppose my main reason for purchasing was the price point for the package and the fact I needed a next-gen console for the forthcoming uberness that shall be Rock Band and Guitar Hero 3. :)

The games i'll be getting are Resistance:FOM, Motorstorm, Call of Duty 3, Ridge Racer 7 and Formula 1. Not too bad a bundle methinks!

I'm not a huge fan of realistic racing sims, prefer the arcadey ones, so I may well trade in Formula 1 for something else, not tried it yet though!

Anyway, other games I have my eye on currently are: R6 Vegas, The Darkness and Virtua Fighter 5. I've heard the 360 versions of R6 and The Darkness are superior, but meh, I don't have a 360! :) Any other recommendations for other games or warnings about the games mentioned?


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Well, I hadn't made my mind up to go for either a 360 or a ps3, but then I found a nice 2nd hand deal for £350, a hardly used ps3 in perfect condition with everything still neatly boxed up, including 5 games, 2 six-axis controllers, blu ray remote control and casino royale on bluray. Not bad methinks!

I suppose my main reason for purchasing was the price point for the package and the fact I needed a next-gen console for the forthcoming uberness that shall be Rock Band and Guitar Hero 3. :)

The games i'll be getting are Resistance:FOM, Motorstorm, Call of Duty 3, Ridge Racer 7 and Formula 1. Not too bad a bundle methinks!

I'm not a huge fan of realistic racing sims, prefer the arcadey ones, so I may well trade in Formula 1 for something else, not tried it yet though!

Anyway, other games I have my eye on currently are: R6 Vegas, The Darkness and Virtua Fighter 5. I've heard the 360 versions of R6 and The Darkness are superior, but meh, I don't have a 360! :) Any other recommendations for other games or warnings about the games mentioned?

MGS4 not out till next year i'm afraid!

Oh dear.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
MGS4 not out till next year i'm afraid!

Oh dear.

And this would concern me why exactly? Don't see any mention of interest in MGS4 in my post...


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 30, 2003
Singstar is still the only thing that would tempt me that way :)

The murmur I hear from the PS3 fans is to look toward LittleBigWorld.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
My fault.. Ninja Gaiden looks good :D

Yeah it looks alright, I think its one i'd try out first by renting rather than purchasing straight off though..

Singstar is still the only thing that would tempt me that way :)

The murmur I hear from the PS3 fans is to look toward LittleBigWorld.

Yeah have my ps2 singstar mics at the ready! :) Hopefully they'll work with Rock Band too... if not, ah well, will probably buy the complete package anyway!

Not heard much about LittleBigWorld, I shall look into it...


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
At the moment my favorite games are NBA07 and Virtua Tennis 4 they are both fun games. Also Armoured Core 4 that was another game a purchased because i like the original.

MGS will be well worth the wait. They always are ;)


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
At the moment my favorite games are NBA07 and Virtua Tennis 4 they are both fun games. Also Armoured Core 4 that was another game a purchased because i like the original.

MGS will be well worth the wait. They always are ;)

Yup i love MGS its written and directed so well its movie quality.

The endings always make your jaw drop to the ground aswell.

It will indeed be a sad day when they announce they won't be doing anymore.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
Yup i love MGS its written and directed so well its movie quality.

The endings always make your jaw drop to the ground aswell.

It will indeed be a sad day when they announce they won't be doing anymore.

Never actually played any of the MGS games, wonder if i'll be able to pick up MGS4 and play it without being totally lost? :D


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Yeah although its the same characters the cut sceens in previous versions have done well to fill in any back story so you should be fine to pick it up at number 4.

I heard this will be the last snake game im hoping thats just the end of the character not the game series


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Never actually played any of the MGS games, wonder if i'll be able to pick up MGS4 and play it without being totally lost? :D

Can't you play MGS 1-2-3 on the PS3?


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
Can't you play MGS 1-2-3 on the PS3?

I could do, whether I'd have the time or the commitment to bother doing so is another question all together, and the likely answer to it is: No! :) Mostly due to the fact that there's gonna be so damn much lovely new stuff out to play, I can't see myself bothering.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
I could do, whether I'd have the time or the commitment to bother doing so is another question all together, and the likely answer to it is: No! :) Mostly due to the fact that there's gonna be so damn much lovely new stuff out to play, I can't see myself bothering.

Have you seen the releases for the PS3? nothing that great coming out this month really.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Can't you play MGS 1-2-3 on the PS3?

You can play MSG3 only the last time i looked. But i would think 1 and 2 could show up as psn games when 4 is released


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
Have you seen the releases for the PS3? nothing that great coming out this month really.

I've got a wii, ps2, ps3 and a PC. The 5 games i'm getting with the PS3 should keep me busy for a while, then Bioshock comes out (i'll get it on PC), then there's all other kinds of goodies on the way, like ET:QW, Crysis, HL2Ep2/TF2 etc. etc. etc. and that's all just on the PC!

That's one of the reasons i'm quite happy to get a ps3 instead of a 360, plenty to keep me occupied despite the fact there's more available for the 360. The blu ray player is the icing on the cake. :)


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
I've got a wii, ps2, ps3 and a PC. The 5 games i'm getting with the PS3 should keep me busy for a while, then Bioshock comes out (i'll get it on PC), then there's all other kinds of goodies on the way, like ET:QW, Crysis, HL2Ep2/TF2 etc. etc. etc. and that's all just on the PC!

That's one of the reasons i'm quite happy to get a ps3 instead of a 360, plenty to keep me occupied despite the fact there's more available for the 360. The blu ray player is the icing on the cake. :)

Sounds like you can afford to get both :D


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
Sounds like you can afford to get both :D

I can, but if what I have keeps me happy, it'd be a bit redundant to buy both. I'd rather spend the other cash on a new guitar or summat. Or, well, save for this wedding of mine that's meant to be happening sometime in the next uh year or two. :D


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Madden 08 is out on the 31st that should be bloddy great seeing as tackling and throwing can be done with the 6 axis :)


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
I can, but if what I have keeps me happy, it'd be a bit redundant to buy both. I'd rather spend the other cash on a new guitar or summat. Or, well, save for this wedding of mine that's meant to be happening sometime in the next uh year or two. :D

I'll get a PS3 when something worth getting one for comes out ala MGS4.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
I'll get a PS3 when something worth getting one for comes out ala MGS4.

Rock Band! If you don't already have a 360... :)

If you do, then yeah, wait til more comes out to differentiate the ps3 from the 360. :p


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Rock Band! If you don't already have a 360... :)

If you do, then yeah, wait til more comes out to differentiate the ps3 from the 360. :p

Achievement system is a big thing on the 360 creates alot of replay value on the games you spend alot of money on plus LIVE just sells it for me if Sony made something like LIVE then they would be able to sway me.

Browser on PS3 is nice but we all know its probably only a update or 2 updates away for the 360.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
Achievement system is a big thing on the 360 creates alot of replay value on the games you spend alot of money on plus LIVE just sells it for me if Sony made something like LIVE then they would be able to sway me.

Well if they do it, they better do it well or they're going to be critisized to hell and back tbh!

Hopefully i'll enjoy the ps3, and hell, if I don't i'll be able to sell it on pretty darn easily without losing much, if any money in the process and then go pick up a 360.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Yeah it looks alright, I think its one i'd try out first by renting rather than purchasing straight off though..

Yeah have my ps2 singstar mics at the ready! :) Hopefully they'll work with Rock Band too... if not, ah well, will probably buy the complete package anyway!

Not heard much about LittleBigWorld, I shall look into it...

It's Little Big Planet and it does look like entertaining stuff.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Anyway, other games I have my eye on currently are: R6 Vegas, The Darkness and Virtua Fighter 5. I've heard the 360 versions of R6 and The Darkness are superior, but meh, I don't have a 360! :) Any other recommendations for other games or warnings about the games mentioned?

R6 didn't suffer the multi-platform curse, but I'll warn you against The Darkness. Not because of any version being superior, but because the game is shit :)


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
but I'll warn you against The Darkness. Not because of any version being superior, but because the game is shit :)

Bleh, you are entitled to your opinion I suppose! :p


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Never actually played any of the MGS games, wonder if i'll be able to pick up MGS4 and play it without being totally lost? :D

you should be but youll prolly be better off with the background info, get mgs on GC (works on wii) mgs2 is bit fucky but MGS3 is the best in the series both gameplay wise and story wise its damn good game that shows you why the main bad mofo of the seires whent bad heck the subsistance version has the game on a dvd as 3 hour movie:) if your feeling lazy


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
I dunno, hte darkness demo did nothing for me. I really cannot see what everyone got so excited about.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Well it has a meta score of 82 so obviously in most poeples opinions it ain't shit - you should try and pick it up 2nd hand it is quite short (10-14h) so probably be a few copies about.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
My opinion of it comes from being an experienced PC FPS'er. Most of these console FPS games are shit, just the console guys haven't really experienced anything else.

Also, I think gamers over here are getting like American gamers, where as long as it has guns and things you can kill, it's good.

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