Tony Hawks:Underground



Got this game a few days ago, finished it in less then 10 hours :rolleyes: But, vast improvements over the other tony hawks game, even if the 'story' mode is a bit contrived. Felt motivated enough to unlock everything this time and I wasn't dissapointed. The levels are vast, you'll always keep finding new bits that you never thought were there before, and the goals range from bloody easy to 12-time retrys. However, far too easy to rack up points this time around, just do a lip trick + manual combo, instant 300,000 if you've got the knack of balancing. You can design your own board, custom skaters have a tonload of new items, you can 'work' for different companies (which i found quite neat) and, as always, theres the obligatory "secret tapes" around each map.

Anyone else played it? Thoughts?

quick edit: I'm still undecided if the producers are changing into EA, i.e. release a new one every year with improvements that make it better but no actual overall changes.


Its a pretty good game (xbox here) but feels a little tacky and cheap, trying to get a reaction from the player for the high-jinx related tomfoolery involved.

As long as they keep the same engine and keep reworking it they cant really go wrong, i mean, they could fill the game full of disney characters and itd still be good.

Oh hang on, they done that too.....

I dont mind franchises at all, as long as the product is the best of the genre, so Tony Hawks licence is forgiven in this case

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