Tonights Galla hunt



The thing i dont liek about galla is unlike DF ppl seem to think u can only have 1 set of ppl in there at a time which is wrong cus being the epic dungeon its designed for all of hib but i suppose a bit of asking around before a raid will solve that problem :)


Originally posted by Dinfar
*cough* BS *cough*

My raid was a pre-claim raid yes. I said from the start, that _IF_ Verdant Sword (LW) dropped, i would pre-claim it. This sword dropping, on my raid, with all the other drops.... very unlikely! This is one of the reasons i cba to organize a raid. Ofc i also do it for the fun of it. At the end of the raid, nope, the Verdant Sword havent dropped, so i lottoed with 3 others for a black dye, and won. Fair if you ask me.
And being a leader of the raid isnt the same as just being on a raid. You gotta answer all the questions, decide what to do when there is 50 other ppl with different opionions there. Not to talk about a lotto, which can get very hectic with with 15+ drops.
So dont come here and say i only organize galla raids for my selfish reasons, cuz thats just pure BS.

Wow so hard to type on /as Galla raid :p

I dont mind going on pre-claim raids,, but I do hate it when the Uber drops are already gone the moment they drop..

Dinf this is just My opinion,, so less of the "BS" pls.


Raid leaders rules, so long as they are well stated in advance then you should have no complaints.

I'm sure we remember raids here and there where preclaims changed on an whim according to god knows what, consistencey is important to everyone IMO

As for a whole dungeon somehow being off limits I'm with tal on that, a little communication and a little less selfrighteous indignation (and threats IIRC) and things can be happily split, after all with the sheer number of raids people will get what they seek in the end, not like you have to wait for galla to be opened either, it's open all the time for all, even if the mobs haven't spawned yet :p


Originally posted by Cloak_
Wow so hard to type on /as Galla raid :p

I dont mind going on pre-claim raids,, but I do hate it when the Uber drops are already gone the moment they drop..

Dinf this is just My opinion,, so less of the "BS" pls.

1. I had to type on /as as the 3 guilds i've talked to, never showed up.
2. Its not just your opinion, when you say that i only do it cuz of my selfish reasons. Imo, thats just BS


din where did i moan about not getting the weapon ? no where, and the raid i went on, it was a preclaim i didnt mind that much, it was the fact that he didnt know what item he wanted to preclaim, or at least he wouldnt tell us until it dropped,

oh and din about cloak, he didnt say it to you personally. so wind in your neck


Originally posted by Exiled
din where did i moan about not getting the weapon ? no where, and the raid i went on, it was a preclaim i didnt mind that much, it was the fact that he didnt know what item he wanted to preclaim, or at least he wouldnt tell us until it dropped,

oh and din about cloak, he didnt say it to you personally. so wind in your neck

But he did say it in general, that include me, as i've made such a raid, dosnt it ?


Originally posted by Exiled
and your the voice of all of them are you ?

OMG, you just dont get it. Saying that preclaim raids only are done cuz of selfish reason is BS imo. As i have made such a raid, i can clearly say that. Some may do it cuz of there selfish reasons, but thats their buisness.
Perhaps say that "some pre-claim raids are only made cuz of selfish reasons". That would for sure not mean me.
Get it ? I hope you do!


so say you preclaim a LW, would you be ok if no champs or heros came ?


Originally posted by Exiled
so say you preclaim a LW, would you be ok if no champs or heros came ?

switch of subject, n1 ;)
and yes, i would. I doubt it though, as not all heros or champs are LW. But im not gonna force any to join my raids.

EDIT: And im not gonna claim the mace btw, im only after Verdant Sword, not Verdant Mace. So there is still reasons for LW users to join, if not for LW, then for smth else.


Originally posted by Dinfar
switch of subject, n1 ;)
and yes, i would. I doubt it though, as not all heros or champs are LW. But im not gonna force any to join my raids.

EDIT: And im not gonna claim the mace btw, im only after Verdant Sword, not Verdant Mace. So there is still reasons for LW users to join, if not for LW, then for smth else.

switch the subject ? what the hell, its about preclaims i.e same subject, so you wouldnt mind none of the tanks coming ? imo thats selfish, shows ya only doing the raid to benifit yourself,


Originally posted by Exiled
switch the subject ? what the hell, its about preclaims i.e same subject, so you wouldnt mind none of the tanks coming ? imo thats selfish, shows ya only doing the raid to benifit yourself,

OMG - Your just dont wanna get it. :wall:
I dont care if no hero's or champs join, im (as i said) not gonna force anyone to join my raid if they dont want to.
Anyway, im not gonna reply to your BS in this thread anymore, as you clearly dont wanna "get it".

This thread is about a nice raid (cant say as i wasnt on it, but by the looks of it, it was)
Enuff is enuff


..........remembers when DAoC was just a game......


Originally posted by Dinfar
OMG - Your just dont wanna get it. :wall:
I dont care if no hero's or champs join, im (as i said) not gonna force anyone to join my raid if they dont want to.
Anyway, im not gonna reply to your BS in this thread anymore, as you clearly dont wanna "get it".

This thread is about a nice raid (cant say as i wasnt on it, but by the looks of it, it was)
Enuff is enuff

excatly so why did vng pop up and start moaning at me ? when i simply stated that this raid as better than the last one i went on, i also said vgn + cf i dont see any cf people bitching n moaning, anyway. great raid kama

Tank Init

Originally posted by Freppe^^
and no i cant remember dinfar claimed anything since it wasnt any items that could be in use for him if i remember right

i love this line

so if there was something he wanted it would of been a preclaim?


Originally posted by Tank Init
i love this line

so if there was something he wanted it would of been a preclaim?

Originally posted by Dinfar
My raid was a pre-claim raid yes. I said from the start, that _IF_ Verdant Sword (LW) dropped, i would pre-claim it. This sword dropping, on my raid, with all the other drops.... very unlikely! This is one of the reasons i cba to organize a raid. Ofc i also do it for the fun of it. At the end of the raid, nope, the Verdant Sword havent dropped, so i lottoed with 3 others for a black dye, and won. Fair if you ask me.

Think it says it all, plz read the whole thread next time, before you write such stuff.


Very nice raid. no pre-claims :p relaxed atmosphere. gratz to Kama and ofc Talivar :]


was a lovely raid - shame i cant make tommorws :(


ok i got nothing better 2 do so ill give my 2pence

anyone who organises something of this size should have the option to either PREclaim 1 item >>BEFORE THE RAID BEGINS<< or lotto the normal way (possible for more then 1 item if you do it this way, i der know sorta sounds like a good thing to do, either way you get some sorta bonus for organising)

by doing this if there is anyone on the raid who is after 1 set item. they know if they have the chance to get it or not before the raid begins.
claiming items for alts should be declaired b 4 the raid begins (if the raid leader agrees)

there is nothing worse then going on a raid for over 2hours only to find out the only item you was after has now been preclaimed and your time has been wasted, thats not to say people who do that are wrong, its their raid and there rules. but everyone who goes on that set raid should know that it is a possibility. if you dont like it dont join!

just giv rules at the start




Was indeed relax raid, love it! =)

Don't like preclaimes in any form. I step
out of the raid whenever there is preclaim,
even for the leader.
I think there is no greater joy for true leader
when there is a thread with possitive
reactions :)

That's my stand on this. So if I leave a
group from a raid when I find out there
is preclaime: don't give me the 'you have
a bad attitude'-crap.

Tank Init

Originally posted by Dinfar
Think it says it all, plz read the whole thread next time, before you write such stuff.

did i quote u?

if it getting to you that bad i think you should quit the game, as it seem its more important to you than real life


was meant to say: exiled please go back to alb, nerf my typing


nerf your parents for spawning you :D and um, no i like it in hib, if you dont like it pish off

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