


we will have nice and good figths again!
no LoS etc!

Mids vs albs
Albs Vs hibs
and hibs vs mids!

Hibs and mids are now able to take a good defended keep again. Cause today in bg3 we had 2FG mids trying to get a ram onthe door. but everytime a necro sended his pet in the keep or in the wall, later there were at least 5 necro's in bg3. so it was hopeless to take a keep. but with the new patch we all can get good fights again.
LoS will be fixed for Bonedancer mages, necro-pets and enchanter pets.

I hope they will fix the ram-spot in BG3. ppl waste many rams to put it good! its kinda bugged.

Hoping to meet you all tomorrow in the BG's albs/hibs/mids

Kind regards: Bloodsnot BG3caveshaman

PS. when the LoS is good fixed. i might /laugh spam to necro's cause we are finnaly free again :)


Right...normally I don't reply to any post that has any usual Nerf Necro Whine in it, but as I was yesterday present in Caledonia (think I missed the biggest of the Mids' keeptake part though) and defended the keep for some time, let me explain some things for you about how it is to engage the enemy as a necro.

- The so-called LoS bug. Get a grip please, all pet classes reap the benefits of this bug and equally suffer from this bug - this last part mostly pve related, but still... Anyways, one big difference is that the pet indeed keeps its target, quite ideal for flushing out the lousy sb's that try to make a run/swim for it at the bridge. Same applies for enchanter pets, sm pets, etc.

You cry about wall exploits - please realise how easy it is to accidentally nuke through walls. When you stand on the ramparts, and summon your pet to you when it is still downstairs (the pet tends to make some very weird deviations before coming upstairs: most of the time left through the wall, the door and only then up the stairs, sometimes falling through the stairs) a necro can't just automatically nuke through the wall . Yesterday, for example, my pet fell from the ramparts when it was nuking some valkyn and it kept on doing that. Is that an exploit?
I want my pet near me - hell, I need it near - not on some place where I can't control what it is doing.

I agree that necro's that park their pets into the bridge on purpose are to be reported -never seen it in Caledonia, but I can understand that when you get nuked to oblivion and you don't know where it is coming from there is for some players always this tendency to blame it on False Play... :rolleyes:

You make it sound as if necro's are unkillable, especially in keeps. As I remember right the Mids were doing pretty well by first killing the bowmen on the ramparts and after that trying to kill me and a cleric with sb's. For some reason I escaped 2 of them, but anyways: good tactics that and if they had hit chances are good I would have died.

So a big shrug to you and your pet dog called Whine :)

Oh and before I forget: please bring Cuidadin out to play... that is one sb that knows how to combine bravery and stupidity. Nearly added him to my friend list :clap:


Originally posted by old.CorpseWhisperer
- The so-called LoS bug. Get a grip please, all pet classes reap the benefits of this bug and equally suffer from this bug - this last part mostly pve related, but still... Anyways, one big difference is that the pet indeed keeps its target, quite ideal for flushing out the lousy sb's that try to make a run/swim for it at the bridge. Same applies for enchanter pets, sm pets, etc.

I agree that necro's that park their pets into the bridge on purpose are to be reported -never seen it in Caledonia, but I can understand that when you get nuked to oblivion and you don't know where it is coming from there is for some players always this tendency to blame it on False Play... :rolleyes:

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Totally agree.

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