got same with the radeon 9800 XT (aldi one)Indiana said:Since i'm using toa instead of SI, everytime i quit the game and return to desktop, everything remains black.
I can see my mouse cursor, but thats about it
I'm using radeon 9700 with cat 4.2 drivers
Joxer said:aye..happened to me three out of four times so far. Only thing thats working is to alt-tab out of the game, strg-alt-entf and end the task manually.
Have the same, but only after I added custom skin.. Will try the alt+tab from char screen and ctrl+alt+del close next time...Indiana said:Since i'm using toa instead of SI, everytime i quit the game and return to desktop, everything remains black.
I can see my mouse cursor, but thats about it
I'm using radeon 9700 with cat 4.2 drivers