Toa == Greed ?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
A question to all, to see if I am the only one who is noticing this change lately.
It occurs to me that TOA made the little Leewt Whore awake in loads of ppl.

The traditional raid/group rules doesnt seem to apply anymore, ppl being excluded from lottos as when certain ppl seems fit to.

Happened to me a few times now, I join a BG from a different alliance/guild then mine, I run arround killing things and when the raid ends, they just tell me dry to sod off because I may not lotto because I am not part of their alliance/guild/friendclub (pick which applies). This is imo against all DAOC common sense imo, ppl who helped killing a mob should be able to roll for the drops wich dropped when they were their. Ofcourse I can understand you may not drop for Items who dropped before you joined but this is getting ridiculious imo.

Or when you gather some random ppl to farm artifects/scrolls and suddenly some huge scroll drops and the bitching starts in the /g, making you think like "djeezes guys, chill out :p "

Groupleaders who suddenly claim an item the moment it drops

And not only with drops, also camp stealing and mob leeching seems to be the new TOA fotm thingie...

Soon it will be like in the beginning of DAOC that ppl who recieved drops in their group sold it to other players in their own group or clerics asking money for rezzes, sigh :/

Makes me a sad panda tbh :p

Well rant off, just curious if I am the only one experiencing these things...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
not experianced anything like that in mid atm. but i have heard some of the more leet guilds have been cutting ques and camping some of the artifacts for bout a week now


Although there has certainly been a lot of impatience around as people try to get all the artis ticked off inside the first 2 weeks, dont forget that we are basicly all noobs here and I think that a lot of leeching/arti stealing etc is just down to that.

Example - a couple of days ago, we were checking out the sunmoon islands and having got to the top of the ramp were agroed by one of the arti mobs. We killed it not realising that it was the last one and the key dropped to us rather than the person camping the island. We were able to sort it out this time and the rightful person ended up with the arti, but things like this will keep happening until people know their way round a bit better.

As for not being included in the lotto's, sounds like you had a really bad deal there, such action is inexcusable imo.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Well I run alliance raids and sometimes if people seem desperate allow others to join for credit but make it clear that the lotto won' take place right after the raid and will be an alliance lotto.

Most of the people I have met seem more than happy to be allowed to join a closed raid simply for credit.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
aye for things like 2.10 having extra people just jump into your battlegroup can make the whole thing that much harder :p

Of course these things should be made clear "we're doing this our way, you can leech credit if you want but the drops are ours" is fine as long as they say at the start.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Flimgoblin said:
aye for things like 2.10 having extra people just jump into your battlegroup can make the whole thing that much harder :p

Of course these things should be made clear "we're doing this our way, you can leech credit if you want but the drops are ours" is fine as long as they say at the start.

we had some1 running into guards on purpose every time we tried 2.10 because we didn't want more people last time :( shucks


Hey Daddy Altman
Dec 24, 2003
the greed thing has always existed
from the early days in barrows, df, si and now toa

it'll never go away :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
So you ask to join an alliance raid (but from an alliance other then yours), get credit from the encounters... And you also want to lotto in that alliance raid...

Who was greedy again ?



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
every alliance has its policy,but u cant expect from anotehr alliance to givf u drops when its a closed raid......imo u should be gladly that u got accepted for the raid and completed ur ML!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Flimgoblin said:
aye for things like 2.10 having extra people just jump into your battlegroup can make the whole thing that much harder :p

Of course these things should be made clear "we're doing this our way, you can leech credit if you want but the drops are ours" is fine as long as they say at the start.

We did say that at the beginning. of both ML3 raids we did recently.
Congratulations Bo, you will no longer have the option of being invited to participate in any LoD alliance raid for credit aswell as drops. Gratz!


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Take it one of the times was the one you had with our alliance cg.

All small history of our raids in no particular order. None of them so far have been completely closed BG. We have however had raids ruined and slowed way down by adds of non-/as. A classic example is one of 6 2L10 raids been to. We wiped because non-as didnt understand not to move. Then we wiped again because non-as forgot not to move. In the end that night, yeah we killed the 2L10 mob but half the alliance people who were there were forced to log because of the time.

This isn't the only time something has happened. Of course our failures are not purely down to non-/as involvement but to a degree they have been in the past.

Last night our /as decided to thus close our raids to the public because of these reasons, but when it came to the crunch, we just couldn't do it :fluffle:

Now, long before ToA came out, it was our decision to also kit out our people as we went through the MLs.

Get these both together and you have us trying to kit ourselves out and helping a few non-as along the way as well. We said about it the day before a number of times and people were cool with it though of course a bit 'god-damnit!' but no1 really got upset and understood.

Then tonight we were going to allow those same people come along to finish it off but as it happened, we got a few more adds which we didn't see joining half way through or close to the end, so didn't say about the lottoing. Whether this post is a result of my forgetting to say or actual 'greed' I don't know but as harsh as it sounds, if peopel don't like it, just don't come along. We were intent on doing people a favour but if it isn't seen like that by allowing our raids to slow down by helping those we don't 'have' (though are morally obliged) to help, then they wont be open.

Anyways, half of our /as are still doing some steps, not helped by tonights not so great raid because of my flawed lottoing so there will still be plenty of us about, just if it's 95% our alliance there, don't be suprised if we ask for people to not take part in the lotto (unless of course we needed their help to do it in which case, yes, the lottos are open, but if we could cope already and are just helping you out, don't have a go.

Think that covers all...let the flaming commence :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 17, 2004
[NO]Magmatic said:
So you ask to join an alliance raid (but from an alliance other then yours), get credit from the encounters... And you also want to lotto in that alliance raid...

Who was greedy again ?


what he said. :eek6:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
u ask/beg to join a non-guild, non-allied ml raid, u get your ML's and then u want our drops too???



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Not talking about the LoD-alliance thingie tbh,

talking about another thing I experienced afterwards (Artifact wining thingie) and things that happened since release of TOA.

Also talking about things I heard from alot of other ppl who share this opinion about above matters

If I was talking about the LoD thingie, I would have said it.

Was just wondering in general what the fuzz was all about...

PS And I didnt finish my ML last night for the record (3X this week) (long live the 3.7 bug encounter) and getting so fed up with the dungeon :/


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 26, 2003
PS And I didnt finish my ML last night for the record (3X this week) (long live the 3.7 bug encounter) and getting so fed up with the dungeon :/

Nerf Konah's bleed stylez, they're too good :(


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
lol it seems Konah, Maramar and Mag all agree on one point here. There is no problem (in my eyes) with random ppl joining (as long as theyr not a wanker) and if they do join they have to abide by the rules, whether they be drops for all or alliance only drops. now theres no problem with raids having either preferance but it seem you three exhibit the growing (for the last 2 years...) eliteness in toa, i used to go on herbal/moo raids but i simply cannot be arsed to anymore because of the same atitude you exhibit.

Someone makes a mistake, herbal tpyes 5 lines in caps on the /bg and a load of ***** pm them calling em a noob. Just lack of tolerance between the elite and the regular players as i see it.

on an entirely difference note, anyone know delphi and wanna do my coursework for me?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
LOL Chilly you lazy tart!!!!

Couple of days ago we had a fg on treasure island, all by ourselves, going around farming the chests trying to get the artifact. We were having great fun, a small group of ppl arrived and took a few chests, we didn't mind that, everything was peaceful and civilised. 2 hours later, we still hadn't got the artifact, then all of a sudden 2fg+ of Cab. Malacitana come along and wipe the island clean of chests, leaving us and the other group nothing. They ruined what was a fun afternoon and wasted alot of ppls time. Common decency is if ppl are hunting an artifact b4 you, then you wait your turn. How would you like it if your guild had been trying to get an artifact for over 2 hours then another guild comes along and takes over the place, meaning that the artifact woulnt spawn again for many hours later. You would be very upset too, just as bad as spoiling a private sidi raid. Everytime RoC go on an artifact hunt and a certain artifact is already camped by another guild/group then we politely and curtiously move on and go for a different artifact. TOA is great fun, but it can bring out the worst in ppl sometimes. I used to think CM were a good guild, however their recent actions have changed my opinion. I did think of going and spoiling one of their raids, but i wouldn't stoop down to their level. One of very few guilds on the RoC blacklist. If they want to get in RoC's good books again then an apology would suffice, in game and on here, rant over :flame: :flame: :flame:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
[NO]Magmatic said:
So you ask to join an alliance raid (but from an alliance other then yours), get credit from the encounters... And you also want to lotto in that alliance raid...

Who was greedy again ?


Eh? Dude he helped afaik on the raid,as everyone else did, its nothing wrong in asking for a chance in the lotto as everybody else!
If that alliance took him in during the raid they should have said that condition BEFORE he joined not after.
Are you for real??
That comment you made there piss me of tbh.
....and every other similar reply like that one..........
common guys! Its one thing if they set the rules before the raid, but if what the threadstarter (cant be arsed to scroll up) say is true he got aware of "no drop for you" rule after the raid.....and you support this??
right....yay you guys rock!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Maoni said:
Eh? Dude he helped afaik on the raid,as everyone else did, its nothing wrong in asking for a chance in the lotto as everybody else!
If that alliance took him in during the raid they should have said that condition BEFORE he joined not after.
Are you for real??
That comment you made there piss me of tbh.
....and every other similar reply like that one..........
common guys! Its one thing if they set the rules before the raid, but if what the threadstarter (cant be arsed to scroll up) say is true he got aware of "no drop for you" rule after the raid.....and you support this??
right....yay you guys rock!

Way to go jumping to conclusions. FYI all non as people who joined the bg were told straight away that they couldn't lotto


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 7, 2004
Maoni said:
Eh? Dude he helped afaik on the raid,as everyone else did, its nothing wrong in asking for a chance in the lotto as everybody else!
If that alliance took him in during the raid they should have said that condition BEFORE he joined not after.
Are you for real??
That comment you made there piss me of tbh.
....and every other similar reply like that one..........
common guys! Its one thing if they set the rules before the raid, but if what the threadstarter (cant be arsed to scroll up) say is true he got aware of "no drop for you" rule after the raid.....and you support this??
right....yay you guys rock!

fact is was said countless times that non /as culdnt lotto despite ur continued annoying begging, then even when its confirmed as a no u still rolled...... what were u gonna do if u won, keep it quiet that u werent as.
i think the as was doing u the favour of letting u on the raid, and the trend seems that whenever non as get into bg that they beg for us to do another ml which we alrdy done, which isnt fair.

if u join a ml raid expect to abide by their rules or just dont go, u know the score.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Maoni said:
Eh? Dude he helped afaik on the raid,as everyone else did, its nothing wrong in asking for a chance in the lotto as everybody else!
If that alliance took him in during the raid they should have said that condition BEFORE he joined not after.
Are you for real??
That comment you made there piss me of tbh.
....and every other similar reply like that one..........
common guys! Its one thing if they set the rules before the raid, but if what the threadstarter (cant be arsed to scroll up) say is true he got aware of "no drop for you" rule after the raid.....and you support this??
right....yay you guys rock!
He can ask for a chance in the lotto, and (I'm not sure if he did) he would have gotten 'no' back... The raid was set as alliance only, if someone joins that raid but isnt part of that alliance, he is lucky to be on it at all...

You can perfectly well see this as greed from an alliance, but I can very well turn it around and turn it into greed from that person... He not only wanted to join, but also wanted to get drops...

When the raid started, it was said non-alliance people would not get drops, I'm not sure if he's talking about the LoD alliance raid or not, but if he joined half-way, he could have missed that but afaik it would be his responsebility to ask what lotto rules where...

And saying 'he helped' is stretching it a bit, 1 person out of 30 is not going to make the raid succeed, it could however make it fail very easely... He contributed in one way or another, sure, in return he got credit for some or all of the ML-quests...

If he didnt know about the lotto rules when he joined an alliance raid (which wasnt his alliance), then he should have asked and not just continued and then whine afterwards... A quick PM towards the raid leader solves those issues rather fast...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
[NO]Magmatic said:
So you ask to join an alliance raid (but from an alliance other then yours), get credit from the encounters... And you also want to lotto in that alliance raid...

Who was greedy again ?


You for sure, for printing this :kissit:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 6, 2004
I think Bome's problem here isn't the fact he couldnt roll on the lod-raids, as that has been said repeatedly when joining or becoz someone was begging in the bg.
The problem with toa is the greed for money and artifacts. Some people want as many as possible, as soon as possible, without concern for others.

One thing i cant understand is when people want to roll for a scroll when they are a class that cant use the artifact ... who is greedy then? Those peeps are only rolling to get money from selling the scroll to someone who really needs/wants the artifact activated.
Why are lottos class specific, except for scrolls? Making scrolls class specific on lottos will make life on the server much more friendly ...



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 27, 2004
I 've been lucky to join several of Kirennia's raids as a non-alliance member and I agree with Mag etc - I'm there to get ML credit cos I happened to be needing to do those MLs on a different night to my own alliance and the LoD Alliance has allowed me to come along. If I'm not to be included in the item lotto then so be it I dont have any right to complain - if im there from the start then maybe I might consider asking if a class specific item dropped or if there were dozens of scrolls up for lotto - but if im turned down then so be it.

I'd kinda hope though that both sides would conduct the asking and answering with a degree of decorum and civility - and that the goalposts would nt be moved along the way.

Anyway, can i come on another raid please Kir :worthy: :worthy:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Epervier said:
I think Bome's problem here isn't the fact he couldnt roll on the lod-raids, as that has been said repeatedly when joining or becoz someone was begging in the bg.
The problem with toa is the greed for money and artifacts. Some people want as many as possible, as soon as possible, without concern for others.

One thing i cant understand is when people want to roll for a scroll when they are a class that cant use the artifact ... who is greedy then? Those peeps are only rolling to get money from selling the scroll to someone who really needs/wants the artifact activated.
Why are lottos class specific, except for scrolls? Making scrolls class specific on lottos will make life on the server much more friendly ...


Aye Epervier, that is what I meant, I am not talking at all about the LoD thingie, else I would have said that in the beginning (and off the record, I didnt lottoed at all, I just legged it to a certain death :p )

I am just talking about the change of attitude generally, ppl are really getting verry touchy/bitching/whining these days (about artifacts/drops/what so ever)

There is simple explanaition for this I think:

You take

*PVE Grinding
*Lack Of Sleep
*No variation (10 hours in the same enviromnent)

and mix em all together to a deadly combination called "TOA".

And about this matter I started this thread, It aint nothing to do with the LoD raid from last nite laid by Kirennia which was superb.

It was just a résume from things happening in my eyes the past few weeks in TOA and wich is a bad evolution imo...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Bometal said:
Aye Epervier, that is what I meant, I am not talking at all about the LoD thingie, else I would have said that in the beginning (and off the record, I didnt lottoed at all, I just legged it to a certain death :p )

I am just talking about the change of attitude generally, ppl are really getting verry touchy/bitching/whining these days (about artifacts/drops/what so ever)

There is simple explanaition for this I think:

You take

*PVE Grinding
*Lack Of Sleep
*No variation (10 hours in the same enviromnent)

and mix em all together to a deadly combination called "TOA".

And about this matter I started this thread, It aint nothing to do with the LoD raid from last nite laid by Kirennia which was superb.

It was just a résume from things happening in my eyes the past few weeks in TOA and wich is a bad evolution imo...

Aye seems TOA is testing everyone's patience at times. Great graphics, some cool mobs but gotta be the biggest pain in the ass in the history of daoc :( And that aint about people's pixel envy (though a few cases of that too), it just seems that some of the encounters have so little room for error that it only takes one little mistake for hours of hard work to be undone :mad:


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
Bracken said:
Aye seems TOA is testing everyone's patience at times. Great graphics, some cool mobs but gotta be the biggest pain in the ass in the history of daoc :( And that aint about people's pixel envy (though a few cases of that too), it just seems that some of the encounters have so little room for error that it only takes one little mistake for hours of hard work to be undone :mad:
Whats pissing me off (ok maybe im jealous) is the fact that already some ppl have hard to get artifacts on there cm's. OK, I can understand ppl wanting to pay for them instead of doing the quest - but if they're that rare why the hell do the quest unless you need the artifact for yourself/alt? Can't you leave it for someone else so they can do the encounter without waiting 12+ hours for it to repop?:twak:


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 11, 2004
Danish "normal" people would never do eny of those unforgivable things :clap: We share loot rightfully and fair. Greed? Whats that? :worthy:

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