To the Mids outside svasud



Originally posted by Grandpeck
Anyway a sb asked me if i could come act as bait and as i walked out and u were just attacking him,i had no buffs on as i said i dont have a personal buffbot but i do have a lot of passive mom and wp ras and i killed u both,was very lucky with crits but thats what i got the ras for

Kelan 50 bonedancer
Kio Oneofthree 50 shamen (happy to not be a buffbot)

Ok a few comments here,
1st. Tell that SB that using a BD as bait is the stupidest idea ever, as no sane stealther will ever but ever attack one, no not even the most overpowered stealther trio ingame, if they do they might be overpowered but at least they are stupid.

2nd You don't need no buffs, you don't need any RA's and you don't need any luck, in fact think the most horrible and worst situation you can be in......ok? now be sure that even in this horibble situation you can still kill practically anyone that comes for you. Repeat after me "I play a class that can't be killed in small battles....I play a class that can't be killed in small battles"

3rd It is a very big misfortune groups haven't found a way to include BD's in their setups because then the Savage would pale in comparison, and they would get nerfed, oh well i hope the fact they get ignored whenever possible is sufficient reason for a player to shelf them.

4th If you dont believe me try it out, go outside and stick your fingure on your one button you need on the keyboard, close your eyes, tie your free hand with your feet in a very painfull way and wait, the minute you hear someone attacking you start spemming that button, you will soon realize you earned some RP's, and surprise you dint have to do anything, now try it again but this time don't press your button, but be prepared for a long wait because no matter what the other person does he can't kill you.

There are two classes in game i will never ever spare the worst kind of death, Bonedancers and Necro's, they are unkillable and if i wanted to get owned by a mob i would go PvE.

Now all i need to do is remind myself...
It's only a game...
Its' only a game...
It's only a game...


Originally posted by Sichama
Ok a few comments here,
1st. Tell that SB that using a BD as bait is the stupidest idea ever, as no sane stealther will ever but ever attack one, no not even the most overpowered stealther trio ingame, if they do they might be overpowered but at least they are stupid.

2nd You don't need no buffs, you don't need any RA's and you don't need any luck, in fact think the most horrible and worst situation you can be in......ok? now be sure that even in this horibble situation you can still kill practically anyone that comes for you. Repeat after me "I play a class that can't be killed in small battles....I play a class that can't be killed in small battles"

3rd It is a very big misfortune groups haven't found a way to include BD's in their setups because then the Savage would pale in comparison, and they would get nerfed, oh well i hope the fact they get ignored whenever possible is sufficient reason for a player to shelf them.

4th If you dont believe me try it out, go outside and stick your fingure on your one button you need on the keyboard, close your eyes, tie your free hand with your feet in a very painfull way and wait, the minute you hear someone attacking you start spemming that button, you will soon realize you earned some RP's, and surprise you dint have to do anything, now try it again but this time don't press your button, but be prepared for a long wait because no matter what the other person does he can't kill you.

There are two classes in game i will never ever spare the worst kind of death, Bonedancers and Necro's, they are unkillable and if i wanted to get owned by a mob i would go PvE.

Now all i need to do is remind myself...
It's only a game...
Its' only a game...
It's only a game...

actually its 2 buttons if you spec for the instadebuff as well :p


Erm Sichama ? are u gonna cry cus 2 couldnt kill a solo unbuffed bd 2 vs 1 well they did it be4 very easily at crabs and i even said well done for killing me,no bitterness from me at all my bd got 940 hps unbuffed big fecking deal.

The fact is if it was asar and u ? that attacked the sb and left yourselves open for me to attack u easily then its your fault, i set pets on kenid to stop him shooting me with bow and attacked the other infil if that was u ,if u hadnt started swinging at my commander at one time u would have killed me,little tip f8 isnt always your best friend when fighting any class with pets u know,use that thing called a mouse and actually use some hand-eye screen co-ordination.

Dont even bitch to me about bd being overpowered, 90% of the time i win my fights ONLY due to the fact that ppl run around attacking my pets.U got boned well and truely dont whine at me when u get killed.

And fyi i respecced my bd to use dark and what a fecking joke that was, i soon respecced back to supp as dark is just a total farce.

Not every1 wants to spec supp but when the only things u can use for fighting in rvr is supp based wtf are we suppost to do ?

Lifetap is the ONLY thing that a bd can use in a situation like that,im sure as hell aint gonna stand still and attack u with my staff unless im oop jesus some ppl,get a damn grip.

Oh and this little beauty u posted just made me fecking laugh

1st. Tell that SB that using a BD as bait is the stupidest idea ever, as no sane stealther will ever but ever attack one, no not even the most overpowered stealther trio ingame, if they do they might be overpowered but at least they are stupid.

Soooo u telling me that 3 infils/with/without mincer cant take down a solo unbuffed bd ROFL u must be ebay for the win or some sort of muppet show reject.

Oh wait theres more....

2nd You don't need no buffs, you don't need any RA's and you don't need any luck, in fact think the most horrible and worst situation you can be in......ok? now be sure that even in this horibble situation you can still kill practically anyone that comes for you. Repeat after me "I play a class that can't be killed in small battles....I play a class that can't be killed in small battles"

You do need "luck" in this game every damn class does and my ras are for maxing out the weak damage that the lifetap does compared to any other caster with a castable lifetap the damage it does is a joke.

Ive been killed by 1 person many many times so dont tell me that a bd is unbeatable its just u need to use your brain a bit instead of replying on your buffbots to win every fight just by sheer buffage power.The fact that i was killed soo easy by 1 scout and infil is a tesament to how easy a bd can be taken down.

If my lifetap is resisted then i die simple just so u know lifetap is on body resist ok ;) ,healer pets are bugged and even dont heal u from time to time,useless in rvr as half the time they are mezzed etc and they get no bonus resists apart from the bugged class specific ra that like so many mid ras isnt worth the points u spend on it.

Oh wait one more then im done

4th If you dont believe me try it out, go outside and stick your fingure on your one button you need on the keyboard, close your eyes, tie your free hand with your feet in a very painfull way and wait, the minute you hear someone attacking you start spemming that button, you will soon realize you earned some RP's, and surprise you dint have to do anything, now try it again but this time don't press your button, but be prepared for a long wait because no matter what the other person does he can't kill you.

Erm are u stupid or is this your pitiful idea of a joke and oh btw what class do u play ?

Go out get some fresh air read a book or summit just dont whine at me if u get killed by a bd that is designed by mythic to stand a chance versus a stealther.Sorry for long post but just riles me up with these ppl moaning when they get killed fully buffed and coem here to whine like a dog about it,so what u got killed release and come back and fight again.



lol Bonedancers arent overpowerd.... u can have em down after PA and creeping death.
Although ur Creeping death has to be afster then the pet heal :)

I mean Kenid shot the BD twice (barrier 1st shot) then 2nd shot he had i dont know 80% hp left orso? then my PA killed him so don't whine BD's are overpowerd it 's only many ppl attack the pets :)


Re: sigh

Originally posted by asar
sigh.... ok my E-N-G-L-I-S-H TEACHER maar kan je dit ook lezen? nee dat dacht ik al... dus zeik maar lekker en ga fietsen ofzo of ga maar lekker je nieuwe spelletje spelen...

Skulle det där vara nåt försök att säga att du behöver inte vara bra på engelska för ditt modersmål är flamländska (eller vafan ni amfetaminrökare snackar)?

Guess what, being dutch IS a handicap, but even can't blame all your faults on that, can u? Blame your genes instead, we do.



Oe I know 2 words from that language: (i think)

Pengenge (moeny :))
and Kosebamse (teddybear:))

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