To The Mids 04/01/04 0030 gmt



I begged, I asked, I pleaded with the Albs to move from MPK. Sorry guys. They would not.


mids took ck.. was very funny to see all the trolls.. merc dinged 1L3 on them


not for long :(
zerglingz took CK back 4campMPK forever


Mids took CK and it was alot of fun and killing the albs trying to get to ck and port in was also alot of fun, but after that and after the fact every one moans and hates PK campers, Middies went straight there and did exactly that.

I apologise to albions its behaviour we abuse you about and is not the way to enjoy thidranki. I tried to point this out and get them to move off but no luck.

At least Miniet and findi had fun near MB and ck after that killing stealthers :D :D :D

btw to the elf NS out there do something about your strength or stop using your training dirk, you were hitting my hunter for 20 - 30 damage a pop no wonder you died :D


was having fun til everyone just camped mpk, stop camping mpk pls noob bg albs (yes im an alb) but i hate the alb mpk campers. teh gayness



Aye, fun night but a bit boring at the end.

I know this crops up quite oftem about the MPK camping, but when the Albs have a ring of Necros all around the exit routes backed up by Scouts then you cant really break out. As soon as our group tried to push through by going left we were set upon by re-inforcements. Good tactics maybe in the 1200s, but your not exactly trying to starve us out of our Keep.

Another thing that seemed apparant last night was the lack of Mid Healers. No one wanted to stray too far from MPK as I think there were a total of 3 Healers (after I'd logged mine in). Come on BG Mids ... lets get some Seer classes rolled for USE (not botting) in BG.


u wont get mid seer's in use while theres alb stelth grp's + pk camping, i wont say ill never pk camp, cos lets face it, if everyone else is then what chance of gettin rp's do u have if u dont? ive tried to tell mids to stop pk camping when we have ck.. but if one person goes everyone seems to follow.. and we all know what BG discipline is like.. no one listens to anyone else.... it sux...


not enough healers? i had 2 healers in group and a shammie xD (i'm Laurelei the skald)


I think that elf NS was me Jurikii and the dirks im using are drops,all yellow/orange con my crit is 21+3,pierce17+4,stealth19+4,env10.
I noticed you were doing 109 dmg to my 20-30 but if u looked i was doing 3 rounds of attacks to your 1 so sorta even and i died cause you never left the side of that kobbie hunter who followed ya ass everywhere so when im being hit for 109 then 112 every few seconds im gonna die.I did fine against the albs once most the mids went PA a healer type for 316 and a caster for 294.
I am unbuffed with no sc armour so may kinda explain why my hits were so much lower cause no doubt you were buffed to ya tits and sc weapons/armour?
im nearly capped but i hope we can meet again and ill use PA instead of bs2 and it may be a different fight if u solo? ;)


Originally posted by xplo
not enough healers? i had 2 healers in group and a shammie xD (i'm Laurelei the skald)

ah ur the one who made /rude to everyone wich u ran for .. nice to know


Originally posted by svendoc
btw to the elf NS out there do something about your strength or stop using your training dirk, you were hitting my hunter for 20 - 30 damage a pop no wonder you died :D

Svenbot - BG Buff Whore
As the NS said, he was unbuffed....
I have mostly 99%-100% drops/crafted stuff(far from capped stats though :p ), but can still be slaughtered by some SBs and NSs even if i'm the one that got PA in.
That happens when they are buffed and i'm not, but i refuse to use a bot in BG. ;)



I am fully Sc'd and Buffed all day everyday. so yes I do have that luxury.

I have just moved and dont have broadband for another 3 weeks so you want to hold off your capping those last few rps until i get back I would love to meet up to have a rematch, will drop all but hunter self buffs if we meet solo.

BTW I virtually solo all the time with hunter, skald solos alot too :D to his misfortune

To the next monkey that points out ooh RP farming one fight to test each others ability/chars is not going to break the bank, so sod off


Ill meet u unbuffed as well if you want :) name a loc - 50 rp to cap - will hold off till your back


Would very much like to arrange a time and place where honourable ppl can meet and test there skill and against each other and not get run over by a zerg of unwanted others.

I will PM you both nearer the time I am close to getting back online to arrange a time and place that is suitable to us.

Look forward to testing my ability against you.



who ever said it had to be in BG? we have 3 frontiers... k emain is pretty much not gonna happen :p nor is hadrian's / odins... so probs best in mid jamt / ygg... (ygg is nearly allways empty so.. ) jus my thoughts :p


Capped out tonight and took a fully buffed hunter out 1v1 when i was unbuffed an no sc gear on me,boy did i enjoy that,Aileen or summat similar was name,a valk hunter.

Jurikii,ns out cya in next set of bgs


Haroat Yggdra may be empty but odins is always camped by someone and a lvl 24 anything is going to last about 2 seconds trying to get to yggdra :D

Good bye Balthus shame we couldnt meet up :D btw I do not intend to take any of these chars to 50 atm just rerolling 24's for BG fun.

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