Ok i went to yggdra out of boredom, and stumble across 6 grey con middies to me fighting a mob. I stand there waiting for them to finish as you should, when a red con minstrel by the name of Saen unstealths and exp kills every one of them who must have been ultra mega grey to him. This really pissed me off as i dont like exp killing people, they probably spent hours getting that exp for an arsehole like you to go wipe it all away.
Luckily i seen that the mob had aggro'd Saen too
so started shooting at him knowing that he couldnt speed buff away or stealth. 4 shots Saen was down to a 5th hp and got a mez on me, but 1 swipe of the sword and Saen hit the deck.
What made me the happiest man in the world, was that when Saen released, a lovely grave with his name on was sitting there where he died because of the mob aggroing him too. 1 whole bub lost to a lvl 40+ player.....boy did i smile and laugh. Maybe now you might know what them poor middies felt like, only 20 times worse to you because of how long it will take you to get it back.
Point - why exp kill? its a game, and you are making people unhappy and wasting a lot of their real life time doing it. I hope you learned your lesson by that Saen. At least have the BALLS to wait until they aint fighting a mob.
Luckily i seen that the mob had aggro'd Saen too
What made me the happiest man in the world, was that when Saen released, a lovely grave with his name on was sitting there where he died because of the mob aggroing him too. 1 whole bub lost to a lvl 40+ player.....boy did i smile and laugh. Maybe now you might know what them poor middies felt like, only 20 times worse to you because of how long it will take you to get it back.
Point - why exp kill? its a game, and you are making people unhappy and wasting a lot of their real life time doing it. I hope you learned your lesson by that Saen. At least have the BALLS to wait until they aint fighting a mob.